Sunday, January 22, 2023

It is more than ‘once bitten, twice shy’

 If as acknowledge, “once bitten, twice shy” is normal human behavior, imagine being continually bitten for the duration of 20,000 days. How responsive or shy would you be when asked to repeat the experience that got you stung? And yet, this is what the Government of Canada seems to be asking me to do.


To wrap your head around what was happening during those days of horror, imagine the analogous situation of a gang of rapists that finished raping their victim. They now debate the possibility she may tell the world what they did to her. To prevent this from happening, they threaten to keep her captive for the rest of her life unless she does what they tell her to do, which is to commit suicide by another name.


This is the kind of choice that the Government of Canada is offering me, being gripped and paralyzed by the Jewish hypnotic trap telling it how to handle this case. In addition to that, and to make their proposal sound reasonable, the Jews came up with several excuses they say will shift the failure to resolve the dispute onto me. They advise that my refusal to follow the course established by the democracies for resolving cases between a citizen and his government, will serve as a good excuse.


But resolving the dispute in that manner is what I tried to do for decades, only to be punished by the RCMP for trying. It is what caused me to suffer a living hell for 20,000 days which I do not wish to live again. Here is how I described – in an earlier missive published on this page – the method I used to communicate with the government, and what happened in the aftermath of each attempt:


[The method consisted of speaking to my member of Federal Parliament. I did so on several occasions, meeting with a member of one political party or another over the decades. Each time, I was promised that I’ll be getting the awaited notification but instead of this happening, I was visited by the RCMP who interrogated me as if I had committed a crime complaining about them. Worse, the RCMP and their surrogates approached my landlords, my employers and my acquaintances pretending to ask harmless questions, but in so doing introduced themselves as being members of things like the “contraband” squad, the “narcotics” squad and what have you, suggesting I was engaged in illegal activities].


This is the excuse which the Jews are telling the current Trudeau Government it can use to repeat the cowardly stonewalling of an earlier Trudeau Government; the excuse that can drag this Human Rights horror for another half century to when I’ll be dead, and would have taken my case to the grave with me.


Like the rapists who wish to hide their crime from the eyes of the world, the Jews have developed a system by which they draw into their omerta-style conspiracy of silence, such rickety governments as that of Canada. They tell these governments that in the way a single man named Hitler rose and destroyed the world in the mid-twentieth century, one of their citizens could rise and destroy the world in the current century. That’s why they insist it is imperative for these governments to take the Jewish warnings seriously, and do all they can to destroy the citizen the Jews name before he destroys the world.


In fact, it was this kind of argument that got the Trudeau Government of an earlier era to panic and hand the RCMP to the Canadian Jewish Congress for use in any way shape or form they deem necessary to vanish me from the face of the Earth before I grow to be a massive colossus, and erase the world if not wipe out the Earth from the Universe.


In addition to the dozens of Jewish tricks used to make me invisible and extremely perilous at the same time, so intense was the Jewish lobbying that the heat they generated while turning me into some kind of strange phenomenon, reached out and touched other jurisdictions in the Anglosphere. As intended, the trick tickled such institutions as the London Metropolitan Police, causing it to stand up and dance to the tune of the Canadian Jewish Congress.


Sillier even than that, is what happened to an American Attorney General (I believe that’s what they call them) who was in Moscow when he received a message to the effect that I was close to committing a massive kind of mischief. I am told that he immediately contacted the police in all the jurisdictions along the Canadian border, ordered them to go on maximum alert, watch out for what I may do, and blunt it using all means at their disposal. Who was that man, you ask? I don’t remember his name but I remember that he ran for Congress and lost to someone that had died opposing him.


With that kind of setup already in place, the current Trudeau Government has nothing to fear, not even the shame that comes with running around the world telling others that the river of Human Rights garbage they see flow across the Canadian landscape, is not considered garbage by its practitioners. But what is it that these people are missing? It is that they don’t know any better.


The world must understand that this is real and happening now because the protection racket that the so-called democracies have become, see excellence in the work that a government does when destroying its own citizens to make itself loved by the domestic and foreign Jews.