Friday, April 18, 2014

A Three pronged boneheaded Illusion

Seeing each of his illusions shot down in flames one after the other, John R. Bolton is reviving an old illusion which, to my knowledge, was not his. The illusion is to do away with the idea of Palestine altogether (originally a vague Golda Meier notion) by giving the 20 percent that is left of the land to both Jordan and Egypt following the Jewish looting of the 80 percent.

Bolton discusses the idea in an article that came under the title: “A 'three-state-solution' for Middle East peace” and the subtitle: “Reality calls for attaching Gaza to Egypt and the West Bank to Jordan.” It was published in the Washington Times on April 16, 2014. The problem with this piece of writing is that you realize at the outset it is a dishonest piece like dishonesty can ever get. Look how he begins: “Obama's efforts to force a 'negotiated' settlement.” Hey, John, many of us became almost deaf having to hear the Jewish cry: Only negotiation will ... only negotiation will ... only negotiation will...

After accusing Obama of delivering on what the Jews have been demanding, he does the very Jewish thing of denigrating the delivery man, then sets the rules for a new game which he wants to see replace the old one. He predicts that the new one will also fail, and leaves it up to the reader to surmise that he will blame future failures on someone he picks randomly. It is logical horror of the most demonic kind.

Moreover, he now says he wants to play the game that the Jews always denied they were playing. Look how he does that: “U.S. policymakers have acceded to Palestinian insistence that a new state be created for them … These territories have no history of national identity or economic interdependence.” In other words, he now says that the Jews never wanted to see the establishment of a Palestinian state.

And yet, every time someone reached that conclusion, they vehemently attacked them, even called them antisemitic. But why the denial then and the admission now? Because the only excuse they could give then is the one they are giving now. It is the following: “These territories have no history of national identity or economic interdependence.” But if that was true for the Palestinians who lived on the land since the beginning of time, it was more so for the Jews who never lived there. Well, that's what the world was saying ... but the world is not saying it now because it got tired. And this is why John Bolton is taking the chance of admitting it at this time.

Still, he raises the logic of a case that is in his imagination, and here is how he does that: “The logic underlying the demand for a Palestinian state is the imperative of Israel's opponents to encircle the Jewish state, thereby minimizing its potential to establish defensible borders … using the Palestinian people as the tip of the spear against Israel.” When he says Israel's opponents, he means to say the Arab front-line states. However, he does not specify what exactly he accuses them of, or how they use the Palestinians like a spear.

Hoping to see him shed light on those questions, you keep reading the article, and discover something. It is not what you hoped for but something that is very much in the Jewish style. It is that to make more points than he could possible handle, he blows his entire thesis to kingdom come. And depending on your mental disposition at the time of reading the pertinent passage, you consider the discovery to be a good thing or a bad one. Look what that's all about: “After 1940, Jordan successfully governed the West Bank until 1967. Today … Jordan could resume sovereignty over the West Bank … Gaza is a harder problem, but incorporating it into Egypt is clearly a better solution.”

What was that again? Is he saying he wants to go back to the status quo ante which, a few moments ago, he was saying was but the tip of an Arab spear pointed at Israel? Wow! There is enough here to make you dizzy, my friend, but is there anymore surprises? Oh yes, oh yes; there is at least one more surprise to blow your mind. Guess what it is. Believe it or not, his gut feeling tells him that no Arab state would want to shoulder that burden, and so he has a suggestion. Look at the following and marvel: “Egypt and Jordan will be understandably reluctant to take control of the troubled territories...” So then what to do? Here is what to do: “...which therefore warrants significant international assistance for their efforts.” In other words bribe them.

Bribe them? Did you say bribe them? Who is going to bribe Egypt and Jordan to adopt the status quo ante, and go back to pointing the Palestinian spear at Israel?

Or maybe, John Bolton my friend, you're just full of it, and you don't even know it.