Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Has the Outlaw no special Privileges?

If you want to be astounded and then galled by what lawyers can do when they use the two sides of the mouth to  articulate a cause, read “The Outlaw Vladimir Putin,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Moscow's flouting of treaties, international law and the Geneva Conventions is raising world-wide dangers.” It was written by David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey, and was published in the Wall Street Journal on April 9, 2014.

These are two lawyers who put together a strong case showing that Vladimir Putin is breaking the law in his handling of the Ukrainian situation. But in the case of at least Mr. Rivkin who is a senior adviser to the outfit that calls itself Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the reading of the article will go from astounding you to galling you given that the arguments used are the same as those being said about Israel with regard to its handling of the Palestinian situation – things that the Foundation of clowns has always rejected while defending Israel's actions and promoting its aspirations.

Go over the article and apply the ideas you encounter in it to the Palestinian situation, and you will have a piece that looks like one written by a lawyer promoting the cause of the Palestinian people. So you ask yourself: How could Rivkin and Casey have written an article like this, knowing full well that the readers will see through it, and determine it is something they could not possible believe in … Or do they actually believe in what they say but that there is something else going on in here?

In fact, there is something else going on in here, something I would have amply illustrated if twenty or thirty years ago I had the opportunity to write as much as I do now. I would have been deciphering the hundreds upon hundreds of articles that were written by Jewish pundits, and I would have been interpreting the activities of Jewish lobbyists whose task at the time was to disseminate and to firmly establish one bewildering concept in the heads, hearts and souls of the American elite and the American public.

That concept was to the effect that the Americans have in the name of all humanity, accepted the principle that nature and God have decreed that the Jews are a special breed of people endowed with privileges to which no one else is entitled. In fact, more than the return to Mount Zion, the Jews desired that humanity embrace the idea that Jews are a special people. This was the core and the essence of the Zionist Project as it stood then.

To wit, the Jewish leaders would just as well have settled on a “Jewish Homeland” in Uganda as first proposed, or one that would be established anywhere else in the world for that matter. This was an idea they felt comfortable with because their “Jerusalem” was not the physical Jerusalem that is situated in Palestine but the ethereal one in the sky; the portable Jerusalem they imagined in their heads and surrounded with an elaborate mythology, all of which they carried with them everywhere they went, anywhere they lived.

The recorded history of the Jews being that they were a nomadic people not associated with a piece of real estate, and having to live off the charity of those more powerful than they, as well as the spoils they looted from those weaker than they, the Jews developed the idea that they are a chosen people with rights that superseded those of everyone else. Thus, in their mind, they deserve to be fed by those who would feed them voluntarily, and fed by those who would agree to feed them under coercion.

The argument of being a chosen people became such a strong part of their religious belief, they used it to justify their stealing of Palestine when – by some freak combination of historical events – they found themselves swarming that country instead of Uganda or some other place as originally planned. And things were never easy for the Jews as they encountered a host of problems for choosing to settle in the wrong country to begin with, and because the idea of grabbing someone else's country was dying off in a world that was beginning to realize that colonialism was no longer acceptable.

This is when the Jews invented new excuses not only to stay in Palestine but also expand. And this is where the quack foundation pretending to defend the democracies got to work articulating the special privileges it believes the Jews have to flout international laws and treaties – without saying so openly. But to do this and get away with it, the lawyers had to use both sides of the mouth.

Too bad for Putin who is not a Jew, therefore must abide by the laws meant for lesser mortals.