Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Legalizing the illicit and crying foul

The editors of the Washington Post dished out yet another attack on Egypt. This was expected because it is known that instructions to do so come to them – steady stream – from occupied Tel Aviv. They published the piece in the Post under the title: “Stop U.S. support for the repressive regime in Egypt” on October 28, 2014. It is poor in content but it stinks mightily anyway. Analyzing it requires the reviewer to treat it like mental poop from the intellectually anorexic. It is not a nice thing to work on but it is a job that must be done.

Because the editorial will have no effect on the positions it is discussing, it will be better not to waste time or energy analyzing it from this angle. In fact, you encounter something more important that is crying out for attention when you get to the end of the article … and this is where time and energy must be spent. The point that the editors make is this: “the administration should be defending what remains of Egypt's democratic opposition and civil society from Mr. Sissi.”

And this prompts you to ask: Do these people have the mental capacity to see that when they do something to someone, this someone and everyone else will be tempted to do the same thing to them? Could they not see that in doing so, they would be legalizing the illicit? Can they not understand that when they teamed up with Israel to try and sabotage the Iranian nuclear facilities, they ushered the new age of open season for the practice of cyber warfare? Are they so enamored with every Jewish peculiarity, they will advocate the destruction of Civilization to please the Jews?

Have these people not come to grips with the reality that a group of nobodies in the Third World equipped with a device of social media can establish contact with what “remains” of America's democratic or undemocratic opposition, as well as with its civil or uncivil society, and “defend” them? And what would it mean to defend characters such as these? Think of the possibilities, editors of the Washington post, and don't you dare come cry foul on my shoulder because my reaction will not be to comfort you.

When America scored big victories during the Second World War, it thought of itself as being the policeman of the world, and played the role militarily. Not once – yes, not once – did it do a job good enough to merit a thank you note from the rest of humanity. For example, it made such a mess on the Korean Peninsula, it created a nuclear monster in North Korea. It made a mess in Vietnam and suffered a humiliating defeat from which it has not recovered. It made the kind of mess in Iraq that demonstrated once and for all you can get kicked in the butt by the backward despite your technological superiority. The same goes for America's defeat in the even more backward Afghanistan.

After trying and failing to get America involved in more military adventures in the Arab and Muslim worlds, the Jewish leaders of America cooperated with Israel, and they put down a strategy for using the superpower to establish themselves as the morality policeman of the world. To this end, they turned the Congress and a good part of the State Department into what you might call a Jewish Bench for the World. From that vantage point, they started passing judgment on such things as the human rights situation in the places where they have designs, and where they wish to make their presence felt.

And no one in the world is spared because nothing is sacred except Israel. It is allowed to maintain the criminal occupation of Palestine, practice a virulent form of criminal apartheid, and allowed to mass murder civilians that cannot defend themselves nor have someone defending them. Israel and the Jews are able to do all that precisely because America stands as a sentinel protecting Israel from criticism and from any military action by a foreign power that might clip its wings.

And in the same way that America has become the military has-been of the world despite what it is able to field in terms of weaponry, the Jews are slowly but surely turning it into the moral, cultural and humanitarian has-been of the world despite its past accomplishments in these fields.

What a shame! What a pity!