Tuesday, January 24, 2017

America, its Albatross and the World

What do American patriots want for America? A fierce debate on this subject has been raging for several years, and the matter is no clearer today than the muddied waters which the Jewish commentators call “moral clarity”.

That term was injected into everyday parlance when the Jews exploited the tragedy of 9/11 and established a new principle that turned out to be a killer albatross around America's neck. The Jews put it there by slapping the atrocious Jewish logic on W. Bush as they argued this principle: “When al-Qaeda hit America, the W. called it a terrorist organization and hit back. By the same token, Palestinian kids under military occupation must be named terrorists – not freedom fighters – when they fight for their freedom.” And the W. uttered a brainless amen to that.

From that beginning, the Jews kept on adding to the principle, weaving a whole network of principles around America like a spider weaves a cocoon around a fly before sucking its juices.

They fused the 'name-a-terrorist' principle to an earlier one, and made it so that they and Israel could now have it both ways. The earlier principle was to the effect that Israel was so much apart from everyone else; it could not be compared to anyone. But now that Israel was compared to America's response to al-Qaeda, it was necessary to make a modification.

The fusion of the two principles produced this logic: when someone is given an endowment, Israel must – in the name of fairness – be given a comparable endowment. But when Israel is given and endowment, no one should be given a comparable endowment because that would encourage jealousy. The result of this fusion of principles has been that America was mobilized in its entirety to serve Israel, only Israel and no one but Israel.

That is how – from this point on – having it both ways became the double-standard governing America's handling of all matters concerning Israel and the Jews. In addition, because it is as hard in America to criticize Israel or the Jews as it is to criticize the dear leader in North Korea, the American people are made to drink a daily dose of poisoned double-standard in total silence. Also, because it is as easy everywhere in the world to criticize Israel and the Jews as it is to criticize the Nazis, the peoples of the world breathe the fresh air of freedom at a time when the Americans – who used to enjoy the same privilege but no more – can only yearn for days long gone when they too could breathe freedom as they listened to bells ring the joys of liberty.

The consequence of the new American realities is that the peoples of the world witnessed that evolution, and the nations of the world have adapted to it. You can see how all that is working in an article which came under the title: “Trump's First Foreign Policy Win Could Be in Syria,” written by David Pollock and published on January 19, 2017 on the website of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Look at the deep sense of reversal of fortunes that's encapsulated in Pollock's opening paragraph: “If this sounds like a Borat joke, it isn't. Russia is convening a round of Syrian peace talks to which it invited the incoming administration.” That's the sad story, told in two simple sentences. It's about an America that used to be the conductor of the orchestra, now invited to play second fiddle in Russia's orchestra.

America was reduced to that position because Jewish moral clarity decreed that America must consider the world to be made of two sides: The good ones who are on our side, and the evil ones who are not. The Jewish logic further established that the good ones must be supported; the bad ones attacked. Because Israel is the best of the good ones, it must be singled out to receive all that America has to offer. Because Assad of Syria is the worst of the bad ones, he must be toppled and his regime changed.

At this point, the Jews saw the need for one more principle to be fused with the earlier ones. They appealed to the patriots of America by telling them that to be patriotic was to talk tough to everyone in the world so that “we be feared by our enemies, and trusted by our friends”.

That mentality being of the nineteenth century gunboat diplomacy, it failed pathetically in the twenty first century. In fact, it had the opposite effect in that Russia became the beneficiary of the failure. And so will benefit every rival that will challenge America in the future.

Jewish moral clarity brought America to this point, and may take it deeper still into the quicksand of Jewish nonsense.