Wednesday, January 11, 2017

They say the Occupied love the Occupation

It looks like the period of hallucination for Zionist megalomania has started. You'll come to this conclusion when you see that those who wish to maintain the occupation of Palestine glorify the thing, claiming that the Palestinians love it because it makes them and makes the Israelis freer peoples. What do you expect? These are diehard fanatics who will never change.

What happens to diehard fanatics is that they die hard. When things start going badly for them, individuals such as Hitler, Mussolini and other primitive warriors fight to the last of their foot soldiers while fantasizing that victory can still be attained if everyone stayed with them. And the closer they come to the end of the fight, the bigger the fantasies tend to grow. That's what happened to the Nazi and Fascist regimes.

There is little doubt that a similar kind of phenomenon must have unfolded in Japan, or they would not have continued to fight after Hiroshima. But the reason why there was never a single Japanese individual on whose chest we could pin the megalomaniac badge, is that the Japanese are a collective kind of society. We must therefore think in terms of a societal megalomania rather than an individual one.

Aside from the small variations which may exist between the Japanese and Judeo-Yiddish cultures, the same can be said about the Zionist megalomania. It is that Zionism is not erected on the idea of a superior race rallying around a God-like Japanese Emperor. It is not erected on the idea of a superior Aryan race rallying around the Nazi ideology. It is not erected on the idea of a glorious Roman Empire that's coming back to life. Rather, it is erected on the idea of a superior group of believers who are rallying around the Zionist aspirations.

Whereas a number of Israeli and American pundits have tried to acclaim Netanyahu as being a larger than life embodiment of the Zionist movement, he failed to rise to that level because Israel does not have the might of Germany or the history of Italy or the industry of Japan. It is more like a Third World country distinguished only by its parasitic qualities, and the ability to siphon off aid from those generous enough to donate. Right now, the chief host that the Jewish parasite is exploiting is the United States of America. And this happens to be the place where the megalomania of Zionism is articulated more forcefully than anywhere else.

How the phenomenon expresses itself can be seen in the article that came under the title “Protecting Palestine” and the subtitle: “Israel's unacknowledged role on the West Bank,” written by Reuel Marc Gerecht and published on January 10, 2017 in the Weekly Standard. The word “unacknowledged” in the subtitle already signals that the author is about to unveil a fantasy more grandiose than anything we've seen before.

The reason why this is happening at this time is that the Zionist hallucination has started in earnest. It started because the foot soldiers in America – who thought they were supporting an enclave named Israel, created to take in and care for mistreated Jews from anywhere in the world – discovered that Israel is being populated not by Jews who need help but savage thugs from America and elsewhere. They go to Palestine not to live a quiet life but to enjoy the adventure of pushing helpless people out of their homes and looting their properties.

Thus, the foot soldiers behind the Zionist movement started to abandon the movement, causing the political sponsors who operate in high places, and the financial backers who sit in all sorts of places to follow suit. Now realizing that the old arguments are no longer as effective as they used to be when it comes to bringing in new recruits, the leaders of the Zionist movement began to formulate new arguments. They crafted a narrative by which they try to convince the troops still in the fold to stay in the fold; and try to recruit new ones.

To that end, the Zionist leaders are telling “their people” as well as their political sponsors and financial backers that the Palestinians would not survive without Israel occupying their land. They are also telling them that Jordan would collapse without Israel being nearby to protect it.

Also, mindful that Jewish Americans tilt more to the Left than the Right, Gerecht is telling the rank and file that despite the rise of the Right in Israel, “the country has become much more liberal, prosperous, democratic, and free as it has 'ruled' over the West Bank”.

Yes indeed, the state of Zionist megalomania has reached a level that makes its adherents see themselves doing a favor to the Palestinians by ruling over them. The end must be very near for that movement.