Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Watch Alan Dershowitz justify the Holocaust

If you're old enough to remember the day when Alan Dershowitz popped in front of the television cameras and told the world about his philosophy of life, you will not be surprised to see what he is saying now.

That day was the day when Dershowitz proudly cogitated something to the effect that “you cannot blame Israel for doing what others have done,” which was understood to mean that Israel had the right to do to the Palestinians what anyone had done to someone anywhere in the world, at any time since the beginning of time. And ever since that time, people everywhere have amused themselves trying to decipher what you might call the Dershowellian language of the modern era.

But what is he saying now that is so funky? Well, look it up yourself. It is in the article he wrote under the title: “Obama's Mid-East Legacy Is Tragic Failure,” published on January 13, 2017 on the Algemeiner website. Here is the most hair-raising passage in that infamous text: “These actions have disincentivized the Palestinian leadership from accepting the Netanyahu offer.” The invented word here, that is key to understanding the Orwellian principle underlying the Dershowitz philosophy, is “disincentivize.” Okay, so we have a new word: disincentivize. But what does it mean in this context or any context?

Well, here is an explanation that should be exhaustive enough to clarify the point: To give someone an incentive for accepting an offer is to “sweeten the pot” so to speak. That is, an incentive is a positive addition to what is already on the table. It is meant to respond to the needs and/or concerns of the party with whom you're negotiating ... expecting that he'll respond in kind and do the same for you. It may only be a partial response and not a full one, but that is how compromises are made, and how final deals that both sides can live with, are ultimately forged. It all boils down to what we call a win-win situation.

If now you turn that principle on its head and say that sweetening the pot means removing the incentive which forces the other party to negotiate on your terms, you automatically admit that what's on the table is not a pot to be sweetened or not be sweetened. Rather, it is a situation that is meant to force the other party to capitulate even before the negotiations begin. That is, the setting you're describing is not one of commercial negotiation or any kind of freely adopted negotiations; it is at best a coercive setting if not one of criminal blackmail and the threat of military assault.

In fact, that situation looks and feels like the setting that's created by terrorists holding your children hostage in your house and asking for a ransom to release them. If and when the police manage to free the children, the terrorists complain that you have been disincentivized from negotiating. That's because from the position of helplessness in which the terrorists put you, the police made it possible for you to rise to a position of rough equality with them. This being the case, you now find yourself able to negotiate the modality of the terrorists vacating the house, perhaps in return for a getaway car or another incentive that may appeal to them.

Look at it this way, my friend: When thugs create a hostage situation, we call this condition hostage-taking or call it an act of terrorism. When an entity that wants to be thought of as a nation engages in this kind of behavior, we call the behavior state terrorism. When the entity does it to an entire people and not just an individual or a handful of them, we call this situation a holocaust.

That is what Israel has been inflicting on the Palestinians for decades. It pretended to negotiate peace while killing Palestinian children, and committing regular armed robberies on Palestinian properties. The intent from the start has been to ethnic cleanse what is left of Palestine so as to annex it and make it Jewish property.

What Alan Dershowitz has done therefore, is justify in his own mind, the idea behind the holocaust that Israel continues to inflict on the Palestinians. But in so doing, he also legitimized the Holocaust that the Nazis have inflicted on the Jews decades ago. And while setting this precedent – if only on paper – he legitimized every holocaust that future madmen will want to unleash on those who cannot defend themselves.

And would you believe it that in the process of doing all this damage, Alan Dershowitz has also managed to delegitimize Israel's right to call itself a country. What a genius this moron!