Monday, May 8, 2017

Here is how and why they mutilate History

When authors write history anywhere in the world, they describe their own people in positive terms while ignoring their opponents or describing them in negative terms.

The Jews do that too, especially when it comes to the history that involves Israel. But there is one thing about the Jews you'll find nowhere else. It is that they pile the distortions to a point where history gets so mutilated, it becomes absolutely unrecognizable.

You'll see this phenomenon in the article that was written by David Makovsky under the title: “When International Guarantees Utterly Failed,” originally printed in the Jerusalem Post and reprinted on May 4, 2017 on the website of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

As you read the piece, it gradually dawns on you that Makovsky started with the notion of making a case he had already preconceived, and then searched for a historical event upon which to build that case. When he could not find one, he looked for an event he could tweak to suit his purpose. He found the description of a fake event in a book that was written by Michael Oren; the guy who fancies himself as historian. And that's how you get the sense that Makovsky piled a distortion on top of a distortion like the layers of an onion pile on top of each other. To understand how the original fake event came to be in the first place, we need to bring into focus something peculiar about the Jewish character.

In the same way that Jews always look for weaknesses in others they can exploit and monetize, they think that everyone is looking for weaknesses in them to attack and exterminate them. This is what motivated Netanyahu to tell the United Nations, Iran was a hair away from having the bomb with which to annihilate Israel. It is why – after the American abstention from vetoing a Security Council resolution to condemn Israel – the mob of Jewish pundits falsely accused former President Obama of colluding with the Arabs and the French to hurt Israel one more time at the conference that took place in Paris a couple of weeks later.

This kind of examples – common to Holocaust psychos – is repeated almost on a daily basis today as they have been since the establishment of Israel in 1948. In fact, an occasion presented itself in 1956 when one day, out of the blue and without warning, French and British warplanes appeared in the sky over the Suez Canal region where they bombed the Egyptian positions below. This done, an invading force parachuted down and “retook” the Canal which had been nationalized by Egypt a few months earlier.

The immediate Egyptian reaction was to sink a derelict ship in the middle of the canal to deny its use by the invaders. This is a historical fact. But until recently, there was no suggestion or even a hint that Egypt had closed the Straits of Tiran in 1956. The fact is that at the time, the Egyptian military did not have a long range cannon or a frigate or a single underwater mine with which to close a watercourse as far away as the Gulf of Aqaba when all it had was a meager base on the other side of the Sinai.

Enter the Jewish psychotic character of anticipating that Egypt will someday want to do just that. What triggered the Jewish fear is that in 1956, Israel was invited by the colonial powers to come and see how Egypt can be attacked successfully. Because President Eisenhower had ordered the three invaders to get out of Egypt, the Israelis asked for guarantees that Egypt will not close the Straits of Tiran in a future confrontation with Israel. The Jewish nagging was so intense that to get them out of his hair, Eisenhower gave them a letter as worthless as the one that George W. Bush gave them with regard to the Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Already in a state of war with its neighbors, Israel kept provoking Egypt and its friends, Syria and Lebanon, with armed incursions during the following eleven years. It went as far as to steal the waters of Syria and Lebanon by diverting their streams to flow into Israel. Neither had the means to defend itself, but Egypt whose elite force was in Yemen helping to calm a civil war there, could at least close the Straits of Tiran to show it was taking the matter seriously. It did so in the year 1967.

Thus, the closing of the Straits of Tiran happened in 1967 but not in 1956. Why then did David Makovsky say it happened both times? He said it because he wanted to create a theory but could not find a basis for it in history. In a typical Jewish fashion, he created a fake history by mutilating what had been distorted already by another Jew. And that's how these people operate.