Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Israeli double-Stabbing of America's Heart

When you give America actionable intelligence, you know that America will act on it. This is what happened when the Israelis told America about an ISIS plan to fill laptops with explosives and use them on airplanes. America responded by banning laptops on flights originating from the Middle East, and then expanded the ban to include some European countries too.

This means that if the intelligence were real and ISIS was doing out of Syria what it did previously out of Yemen when it brought down one airliner, it would have known that its new scheme had been uncovered. It would have taken the necessary steps to protect itself, its people and its scheme. Thus, when the President of the United States later revealed the information to the Russians, he added nothing to what ISIS knew from the moment that America had instituted the ban.

And then something happened in America that looked like the Jewish politico-journalistic toilet had bubbled over, and everyone in journalism and politics rushed to eat from the stuff and regurgitate it like dogs that were not trained to avoid eating the stuff. What happened is that the discussion which Donald Trump had with the Russians in the Oval Office was leaked, and everyone from the Left and from the Right, be they friends or foes of the current White House, expressed their utter dismay that the information was leaked – not to them in the open where ISIS could make use of it – but to the Russians in secret.

What's that about? It's about President Trump's upcoming visit to the Middle East with a stopover in Israel where they had hopes he will announce moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in violation of international law. When the White House made clear this was not going to happen, the Israelis and their Jewish cohorts in America, concocted the story about ISIS doing what it had done previously.

But when you look closely at what happened you'll find it was Israel that did what it had done previously … and did it not once but time after time after time. The fact is that Israel is a high speed factory for the fabrication of fake news, misinformation and disinformation, producing the stuff like no one can begin to imagine. In fact, the Jews were the ones who concocted the story of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ... and look what the result has been, to America, to its allies and to the world. And who benefits from all that horror? You guessed it; it is Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel.

What they are trying to achieve this time in addition to extorting a payment in the form of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem for the fake information they gave, is to cement in the mind of the public the idea that they are indispensable to America. When they learned about what happened in the Oval Office, they ruminated over it for a couple of days, and thought they could gain more than they had bargained for. This is why they leaked the information about the meeting with the Russians. The reality, therefore, is that the Jews have a mole not among the ISIS people, but all over the places in America, including the White House and the CIA.

Whereas the world has always known it is Israel that benefits from the information it steals from America when it conducts such operations as the bombing of the civilian nuclear power station in Iraq, the Jews wish to reverse that perception and make it look like it is America that's benefiting from Israeli intelligence. This is in line with the Jewish genius of getting you to give them the goods, and paying them for it too. That's what they were planning to do with the elements of this latest episode. Will they succeed? Time will tell.

Aside from all that Jewish garbage, the question still lingers: did President Donald Trump do something unprecedented? Well, a lot of people will be surprised to know that Ronald Reagan did something they will consider infinitely more damaging to America than Donald Trump did. Reagan had been elected President but was not yet inaugurated. He began to receive briefings, and he triumphantly told the world about the highest secret America had at the time. It was the development of the stealth warplane. Yes, Reagan did that even before he was President, thus had no authority to declassify the information.

Guess what happened as a result? The Russians rushed to get the American plans for the plane, and developed their own. As to the Chinese, they could not do as well as the Russians or as fast as them. And so they relied on the Israelis to obtain the plans for the stealth warplane, and they developed their own.

There is only one thing Israel and her Jewish cohorts in America are able to do: Stab America in the heart.