Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Israel says 1,200 are running to be President

Here is one more example of Jewish logic you may call the sewer of human reason.

There is an ongoing hunger strike among Palestinians in Israeli prisons, showing the civilized world the real nature of Israel's occupation of their land. To reduce the effect of the resulting sting, Gilad Erdan, the minister of public security, wrote an article to tell the world that the reality of the situation is different from how it appears. (The Truth about the Palestinian Hunger Strike, NY Times, May 1, 2017)

What appears, he says, is that the prisoners want more family visits than they are getting now. When ill, they want to be seen by their own doctors, not those of the prison. And they would appreciate having access to a public telephone as well as more television channels. No, no, no, says Israel; it will not accede to these demands because to do so will encourage more Palestinians to behave badly so as to land in prison and enjoy the newly granted amenities … or something to that effect.

In addition, says the minister, this hunger strike thing is fake, anyway. The reality, according to him, is that the President of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas, is getting old and will soon be replaced. He further explains that many Palestinians, inside of prison and outside of it, from the PA and from Hamas, are jockeying to place themselves in a good position to succeed the old man.

About 1,200 of the 6,177 who are in Israeli prisons are doing it, he asserts. One of those is Marwan Barghouti who is a very bad guy that “seems to hope that being chosen to succeed Mr. Abbas will lead to his release from prison,” says the Israeli minister of public security ... and that's that. He forgot to tell what the other 1,199 prisoners hope to achieve by going on a hunger strike. We must assume they all want to be president.

Having told you Israel's side of the story, Gilad Erdan now wants you to do a number of things. First, he wants you to see and appreciate the clarity that permeates Jewish thinking at all time. Second, he wants you to trust him so much as to believe what he'll say to you next. Third, as much as you have come to believe him pursuant to the stellar performance in truth telling he just delivered for your benefit, he wants you to remember that your salvation rests in the hands of Jews because they know how to combat terrorism like no one else does.

And now begins the Israeli minister's pitch to make it look like you're living in a state of existential threat, and that Israel alone has the will to save you, and the knowledge to do it. However, aware of the fact that you'll need proof that what he says is both truthful and valid, he volunteers to give you proof in two areas.

First, with regard to Barghouti's intentions, the Israeli minister says you can check with Hamas. This group being the rival of the PA-Fatah movement, it has refused to back the hunger strike because of the strike's political nature, says the minister. With this, he implies that all the strikers are of the PA, and none are from Hamas. But this is a very odd thing to say given that Hamas (Arabic for enthusiastic) has always been more enthusiastic than Fatah to fight for their freedom and that of their compatriots of every stripe.

Second, with regard to how the rest of the world views what's unfolding in occupied Palestine, Gilad Erdan makes an error of geography and one of logic, both of which say he is lying a typically Jewish lie. Having asserted at the start that: “I hardly go a week without a foreign official turning to me to learn from our experience,” he later picks up that same theme and expands on it. He says this: “In capitals from London to Paris to Berlin to Washington, there is awareness of the need to take a stance against incitement. I was told by the ambassador of a northern European country 'now we get you.'”

What was that about? Well, Gilad Erdan began by saying that every week; a foreign official would come and ask him what to do. This means he was asked the same question by 52 foreign officials each and every year. But then, he scaled down to claim that only 4 capitals might have been involved: 3 in Europe and 1 on the American continent. If you noticed, this is a far cry from the 52 he originally claimed for each year. And he didn't stop here. Instead, he threw in a whopper, which is this: “I was told by the ambassador of a northern European country...” Okay mister; stop here because you just shot yourself in the foot. It is that none of the capitals you mentioned is located in a Northern European country.

Here is the thing, my friend. When someone tells the truth, he remains focused on it because the truth has only one parent. On the other hand, when someone tells a lie, his mind wanders off in many directions because the lie has an infinite number of parents.

Given the cultural requirements under which Gilad Erdan operates, he could not focus on one thing. Instead, he let his mind search everywhere for material he can put together to produce a set of convincing lies.

Unfortunately for him, he failed miserably, and in so doing, lifted the veil on the real face of occupation in Palestine and everywhere else it may occur.