Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The next American War now planned by Israel

When the negotiations were ongoing between the (P5+1) and Iran, and while the delegates were hammering a deal to regulate the future development of Iran's nuclear projects, Israel turned apoplectic at the idea that bombing a harmless civilian nuclear station, as it did in Iraq years earlier, had made Iran see the need to develop its own full blown nuclear program, and protect it against Jewish adventurism.

Because the Jews realized that they cannot go back in time and undo what they foolishly did out of spite, hate and ignorance at the prospect of an Arab country making scientific progress, they judged that the only way to mitigate the result of the earlier beastly behavior was to engage in even more beastly behavior ... this time by attacking Iran. The trouble was that they did not have on their side the element of surprise which they had when they attacked Iraq, and so they tried to get the American suckers to bomb Iran for them.

The way the Jews planned that demonic scheme was to threaten moving aggressively against Iran so that when they start going down the drain, which they knew they will, the mob of their bellyaching mouthpieces in America will let out such an outcry, the congress of brain dead zombies will wake up from its deep sleep and force the American military to go rescue Israel. This is how the Jews thought they could get America involved in a war its people did not want. But what happened instead was that America ignored the Jewish threat, thus allowed the nuclear negotiations with Iran to be completed successfully.

Now, guess what, my friend. The Jews are doing it again, and you can see it in the article that came under the title: “The next war against Israel” and the subtitle: “Iran, with support from Hezbollah and Hamas, is building missile sites in Lebanon and Syria.” It was written by Jed Babbin and published on September 3, 2017 in The Washington Times.

The usual method of shedding crocodile tears––often used by the Jews to prime the American machine of fake sympathies––being to moan the refrain: “Israel's national existence is again being threatened,” it is how Jed Babbin started his article. This done, he went on to explain why neither Russia nor the United Nations (UN) will be in a position to help Israel when it will get into trouble. This made it so that America was the only power in a position to voluntarily help Israel now or be forced to rescue it when it'll start going down the drain.

Instead of coming right out and saying that Israel is planning to take the path of national suicide by starting a war that will most certainly see it defeated; a move that should force America to come rescue it, Babbin is advancing the argument that the world is again conspiring against the Jews. With Russia and the UN unable or unwilling to help, he tells of a large conflict that's coming to the Middle East; a ghastly war he describes as follows:

“This time, the war will result from attacks by a combination of networks. Hezbollah has more than 100,000 rockets and missiles, some of which can reach every Israeli town … Israel fears a two-front war in Lebanon and Syria. Iran's efforts to place a noose around Israel's neck … When it comes, this will be a three-front war with Hamas [joining the battle]”.

Because nothing in any of that, says that Lebanon, Syria or Palestine have not the right to boost their defenses, especially in view of the fact that Israel repeatedly attacked them, Jed Babbin saw the need to justify Israel's desire to attack them yet again, knowing that this will set the stage for Israel's descent into defeat, and the call for America to rescue it. And this is how Babbin explained the justification:

“Facing the combined threats of Iran in Syria as well as Hezbollah and Hamas, Israel might decide to strike pre-emptively … Hezbollah and Hamas might attack before Israel can pre-empt them. If the Israelis appear in danger of defeat, America should intervene as it did in the 1973 war when Israel was on the verge of [total] defeat … Iran will try to deliver a killing blow to the Jewish state. At that point, we [Americans] should throw all our military might against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran”.

And because Babbin is conscious of the fact that the American people will revolt when they see the horror that their leaders are getting them into, he suggested the following: “The president should say Israel is fighting our fight, in a speech to the American people, and we should act in Israel's defense”.

And the bumbling Babbin believes that the American people will buy this Jewish Bull.