Friday, May 18, 2018

Stephens: Hitler had the right to defend Germany

The year was 1968 or thereabout. The Church that spoke out was Protestant … if memory serves, it was the Anglican Church. What this church tried to do was organize a march that would replicate in some ways, the biblical account of the Exodus which brought the Hebrew tribes to Palestine.

The Church wanted to gather as many Palestinians as would volunteer to show up and have them march, sail or swim across the Jordan River from the Kingdom of Jordan into their usurped Palestinian homeland, then renamed Israel. The idea was that the Jews would be so decent as not to fire on the Palestinians who were only yearning to get back to their homes.

The elders of Palestine objected to the scheme because they knew that the Jews were anything but decent. They argued that the Jews will take advantage of the situation and slaughter as many Palestinians as they could because it was in their genocidal interest to do so. The Palestinian elders refused to go to the designated crossing point by the river, and made sure their children did not go either.

This was a time when the Palestinian family was structured the same as the surrounding Arab, Christian and Muslim families. That is, the parents could tell the children not to participate in a scheme whose outcome was uncertain, and the children listened. Now, three generations later, Palestinian children who were born and grew up under Jewish occupation, whose parents were born and raised under Jewish occupation, and whose grandparents grew up under Jewish occupation – had seen enough of the notorious Jewish indecency, they yelled: Damn it! The hell with life under Jewish depravity! For us, it is do or die … we'll fight the depraved Jews with what we've got; whatever the outcome. And there was nothing the parents could do to stop them.

This time, the Palestinian kids were not in Jordan but in Gaza. They assembled at the border, determined to fight the way that Mahatma Gandhi fought the more civilized British occupiers, and they tried to walk to what is still their homes in the usurped land of Palestine. But as predicted by their ancestors, the Jews who are nothing like the Brits, fired their American-made weapons and slaughtered many of the Palestinian kids.

Guess what happened next. The mob of Jewish pundits in America teamed with the Evangelical bimbos led by the Grand Pimping Wizard, Mike Huckabee and mounted a propaganda campaign aimed at making the Palestinians look like they were at fault for wanting to go home, and that the Jews were correct slaughtering them for having such desires. An article to this effect came under the title: “Gaza's Miseries Have Palestinian Authors,” written by Bret Stephens and published on May 16, 2018 in the New York Times.

Whereas most of the article is a rehash of the old talking points, Stephens came up with something that has the potential to widen the discussion a little more than before. What he did is ask a question; this one: “Why do they begrudge Israel the right to defend itself?” It is another way of repeating the Jewish mantra: “Israel has the right to defend itself,” which is what the Jews recite absentmindedly each time they attack the unguarded that do nothing to hurt them.

Well, the answer to that question is simple and obvious. It is this: They begrudge Israel for the same reason that the Jews begrudge Hitler who wanted to defend Germany. Both the Nazis and the Jewish leaders stole someone else's land, and both claimed to defend themselves as well as civilization. Also, both have been saying with words and deeds they consider war to be the highest form of civilized conduct. If anything, these two have proved that the goose and the gander leave the same disgusting taste in your mouth when you chew on them.

In addition to all that, and in their eagerness to avoid being singled out for doing the things which are singularly Jewish in their bestial tenor, the Jews of Israel and America made it sound like someone was partnering with them all the time. For decades, they implicated America herself in the crimes they committed, and no one told them to stop this beastly behavior.

And then, it happened that the world began to view America the same way it views Israel. This made it so that implicating America in Jewish crimes drew no gain for Israel. So the Jews searched for someone else to play the role that America is no longer reputable enough to fulfill. Here is how Bret Stephens introduced the new candidates: “Egypt and the Palestinian Authority [PA] also participated in the same blockade.” He means the blockade of Gaza.

But there is one problem with this attempt. It is that the Palestinians know that America arms, finances and protects Israel whereas Egypt and the PA do not. The Gazans also know that every time Israel launches an air attack on them and kills their people by the thousands, America compensates Israel with a billion or so dollars. The amount comes roughly to half a million dollars per Palestinian head.

Neither Egypt nor the PA does anything of the sort, which is why the people of Gaza are angry at the Jews only. Like they say in Washington D.C., the attempt to implicate Egypt and the PA is DOA – Dead on arrival.