Friday, May 25, 2018

The unpredictable Disease called Leverage

There was a time when calling someone unpredictable was meant to be received as an insult.

In fact, it happened that when the late Idi Amin, President of Uganda, changed allegiance from being loyal to the Israeli causes to being loyal to the Palestinian causes, angry Jews in America and Israel called him unpredictable. This was a time when the charge of “Holocaust denier” had not become a big deal, whereas “unpredictable” was the insult that used to bite.

Now that things have changed and there happens to exist an unpredictable Donald Trump in Washington instead of an Idi Amin in Kampala, the Jews turned yesterday's insult into today's praise. They did so not because there is something intrinsically redeeming in being unpredictable but because it happened that someone used the two words “unpredictable” and “leverage” in the same sentence, and the Jews saw in the combination a new weapon they can use to terrorize their enemy of the day and all of humanity.

In the same way that a modern weapon of terror consists of a carrier like a missile that's carrying a weapon of mass destruction such as a biological bomb – and deliver it anywhere; the Jews see unpredictability as the carrier that's capable of carrying a disease for mass destruction called leverage – and deliver it everywhere.

However, unable to have Israel make use of the weapon and scare the daylight out of its multi-nemeses, among them Hamas, Syria and Iran, the Jews schemed to have the weapon figure as a standard feature in the political games they incite Washington to play on the world stage … most of the time for the benefit of Israel.

You can see how all of this comes together when you go over the article that came under the title: “The U.S. has the leverage with Iran and North Korea,” written by Victor Davis Hanson and published on May 23, 2018 in The Washington Times. After a short introduction to the subject he is about to discuss, Victor Hanson started the discourse with this observation: “The North Koreans seem worried that a more unpredictable Trump has a pessimistic and tragic view that humans are predictably capable of almost anything if not deterred”.

In normal civilized parlance, that kind of talk is thought of as the American president blackmailing the North Koreans with the threat of exploding over them the disease called leverage. To be sure, the Jewish transformation of yesterday's insult into today's praise has made it so that the disease is now defined as follows:

“Tough international sanctions work well enough to injure economies. The tragedy of the Iran deal was that Tehran had been brought to the brink of chaos before the deal was struck. Had the boycotts continued, Iran might not have had the cash to be richer, more technologically sophisticated and far more powerful in the region by the time the agreement expired”.

But there is a nagging question that needs to be answered; it is this: Does Victor Davis Hanson really believe that the new Jewish weapon is so powerful, using it will automatically guarantee victory? And the answer is no; Hanson does not believe in such automatic outcome. In fact, he described another scheme to be used concurrently, or kept as plan B for activation in case the first one fails. It goes like this:

“The U.S. can also threaten Iran and North Korea in a variety of other ways. Regional neighbors such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have the ability to go nuclear themselves. Without China, neither Iran nor North Korea can obtain the support needed to build a nuclear arsenal. And China can be convinced not to endanger its lucrative commerce with the West. In sum, for all their obnoxious bluster, the rogue governments of North Korea and Iran are more vulnerable than ever”.

Do you see what's wrong with this, my friend? Or what's wrong with the entire conception? Let me tell you what's wrong. It is that Victor Davis Hanson believes those other countries have subscribed to the Jewish American scheme when, in reality, they haven't. They do not see bluster coming from Iran or North Korea; they see it coming from New York and Tel Aviv.

Most people around the globe see America as adopting the character that sent the Jews to their doom for thousands of years. They don't see this development as a harbinger of world peace; they see the world entering an apocalyptic period as bad as any in the history of this planet.

And when that period will come – if it will come – the people of the world will have no qualms blaming the misery that will ensue on the Jews, as they have done for all the wars that the Jews have instigated since they appeared on this planet centuries ago.