Saturday, May 26, 2018

The dysfunctional Liberal-Democratic Family

You can think of the traditional family as the father and the mother having joint custody of the children. You can expect that during the years the children are growing up, the family will experience good times and bad times. It is normal that some of the children will grow up and be exemplary, while others will not do as well.

When something goes wrong in a healthy family, the question that the parents normally ask is this: “Where did we go wrong?” In a dysfunctional family, on the other hand, the parents point an accusatory finger at each other for the children turning badly. By analogy, this is what's happening in the American political family which sees itself as being liberal-democratic. All the signs are here that the family has become dysfunctional.

Like the parents of a governing family, the politico-journalistic establishment has custody of the administration that's elected to run the country during the term specified by the Constitution. Even when times are normal, you can expect that some things will go wrong from time to time. In these cases, both the journalistic and the political structures of the country ask themselves: “Where did we go wrong as a society?”

But this is not what's happening in the United States of America. It is that the politicians and the journalists are pointing the accusatory finger at each other for the failure to get anything done in the country, let alone done correctly. This is what tells the world that the American politico-journalistic family is dysfunctional. Two editorials written three days apart give a glimpse as to how bad things have become in America.

The latest editorial came under the title: “Trump's Korea stumble” and the subtitle: “An impulsive decision, conflicting signals and irrational exuberance scuttle a planned summit.” It was written by the editors of the New York Daily News and published on May 24, 2018. Three days earlier, the New York Times had published a piece under the title: “Pompeo's Iran Plan: Tell Them to Give Up,” penned by the editorial writer Carol Giacomo.

Right after telling what their piece is about, the editors of the New York Daily News went on the attack, chiding not only the current administration but the one that preceded it. Here is how they put it: “We were no apologists for a feckless Obama foreign policy, but let's be blunt: This charade exposed Team Trump as foreign policy amateurs.” And they went on to point out how foreigners take advantage of America's juvenile setup. Here is what they said in that regard: “A top North Korean official told The New Yorker: If President Obama doesn't talk to us, we will just wait for the next President”.

That is, the world has come to realize the usefulness of the game that the Jews have been playing in America for decades. Knowing that continuity is not maintained in the American system of governance, the Jews ask for what they want, and if they don't get it today, they renew the request with the next administration. Thus, it is the persistence of a permanent organization that wins over America's temporary government each time. The Jews sucked America's blood playing this game, and now, other dudes want to play the same game.

That lack of continuity in the American system of governance is precisely the point at which Carol Giacomo began the New York Times editorial. Here is how she started her piece: “Trump renounced America's commitments under the Iran nuclear deal; what comes next?” She used harsh words to describe how unrealistic the plan that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has put together to deal with Iran. What follows is a sampling of what she wrote:

“In a belligerent speech, Mr. Pompeo said... But there are many things wrong with this approach … We're at this absurd point because of Mr. Trump … The Europeans said Mr. Pompeo's speech did not demonstrate how walking away from the deal has made or will make the region safer from the threat of proliferation … The real goal seems to break the regime or create an excuse for military action. But the experience with regime change in Iraq makes clear this is a terrible idea … It's no coincidence that John Bolton, the architect of that disaster, is Trump's national security adviser”.

It is worth recalling that the John Bolton mentioned above is the man that dedicated his life to laying down the idea that Jews are above the law. Not only they must never be convicted of anything, they must not even be accused of anything. And if someone is so imprudent as to make that mistake, Bolton will drop everything he does, work to mobilize all of America, and stay with it till he reverses what was done to the Jews.

Now you know why it happened that with “Americans” like Bolton, the country has turned dysfunctional.