Sunday, July 1, 2018

How the Jews tell the Arabs they run America

Here is an article, written by two members of the comical joint which calls itself Foundation for Defense of Democracies, demonstrating how the Jews think, how they con the American politico-journalistic establishment, and how they convey to the Arabs the reality that they run America, and make it do anything they want.

The article came under the title: “Kuwait best get with the program – or be prepared to face Trump's wrath,” written by Jonathan Schanzer and Varsha Koduvayur. It was published on June 29, 2018 in the New York Post.

The one thing you will not fail to notice while reading the article is that the Jews are wedded to this idea: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” It is an offshoot of the principle which says that the world is made of two camps: the good guys who are with the Jews and the bad guys who are not. In fact, this too is a variation on the principle which says: “You're with us or against us.” Thus, in the eyes of the Jews, Iran being against Israel, it must be that the Arabs who are against Iran, are also friends of Israel ... at least for now.

The Jews who run the propaganda machine use that collection of concepts to con the elites of America big time. They do it by locating fictitious dots on what they say is an authentic canvas. This done, they draw an invisible line which they say connects the non-existent dots. When all is said and done, they end up with a picture about a situation that resembles reality as much as a painting by Picasso resembles the real world. It is more like a grotesquely distorted representation of the people and all the things we know and live with.

Here is the actual relationship which the Arabs are having with Israel. They consider the occupation of Palestine an ongoing criminal act that will come to an end if not next decade, perhaps next century or the one after it. When the Jewish propaganda was incessantly vitriolic and anti-Arab, the Arab cartoonists responded by depicting the Jew as the devil. When the activities of the settlers in occupied Palestine reached high levels of depravity, the Europeans started to imitate the Arab cartoonists. This caused the Jewish propaganda machine to tone down its attacks on the Arabs, and the Arabs responded in kind. In turn, the Jews of the “with us or against us” mentality convinced themselves that the Arabs were now their friends.

As long as nothing extraordinary happens, the Arabs who are busy living their daily lives, do not think about Israel for one moment. When something serious happens, which might draw the attention of an Arab country, that country responds in the appropriate manner. Usually, such move would prompt the Jews to go back to the old ways of attacking the specific Arab country; at times even attack all the Arabs as well. This is what happened with Kuwait, which sits on the UN Security Council, and was morally bound to describe the occupation of Palestine the way it sees it. In fact, any Arab country in Kuwait's place would have acted the same way.

In response, the Jewish propaganda machine used the occasion to warn the Arabs that Donald Trump, who is officially the President of the United States of America, is in reality nothing more than their puppet. They went on to do what they always do, which is to signal to the Arabs that they can make the American President do anything they want. Their dire message to the Arabs is that they must gang up on Kuwait and force it to reverse its stance at the UN Security Council. That, in fact, is what the Schanzer and Koduvayur article is meant to do.

What the Jews will do next – as surely as night follows day – is convince someone in the Executive branch of the American government to say or do something that's provocatively pro-Jewish or anti-Arab or both. When this happens, the Jews will take it to the Arab leaders and tell them: here is the evidence that the occupant of the White House is their puppet. As per habit, the Jews will go from there to brag that they can make the American President do anything they want, the proof being that he just did what they commanded him to do.

Time after time, the Jews have used that method to drum into the heads of the Arabs and the rest of the world that they own America. They own it because they get to control the mouths of those who run for office, and have them promise that if elected, they will commit the treasonous act of serving Israel's needs ahead of America's.

When in office – be it in the Executive or the Legislative branch – the traitors work relentlessly to maintain the Treasury and Military of the United States at the disposal of Israel; doing so at the expense of everything else.

And the world is watching. And the world is disgusted.