Friday, September 28, 2018

Stop the Earth, America wants to get off

It is easy for someone that's no longer a teenager to understand why teenagers get confused at times, and go through a difficult period during which time they try to sort out the different feelings that haunt them. All of us, adults, were there at some point in our life, and we remember those moments.

On the other hand, it is hard to understand why some teenagers feel so dejected at that age, they sometimes respond by taking so drastic an action, it can turn into a tragedy. But when you probe these cases, you invariably discover that the teenager in question was not inherently prone to being self-destructive. Rather, he or she would have been pushed to extremes by the circumstances that surrounded them. This usually means that someone was stealthily exerting a bad influence on the inexperienced youngster.

This reality suggests that every time we hear of a teenager exhibiting extreme behavior, we must automatically suspect that the circumstances surrounding that youngster are toxic, and that we must intervene where possible to identify the problem, and to work on alleviating it, thus diffuse a potential tragedy before it happens.

Well, given that organizations (which are put together by the organism that is us – human beings – and are operated by us) behave like we do, we must treat them like we treat human beings. With this in mind, we consider the government of a country to be an important organization whose behavior is critical to the survival of the human species. In fact, it happens that the United States of America is a country whose government is exhibiting a worrisome kind of behavior … and we must worry.

At this point in time, the United States of America is acting like a teenager that's going through a difficult moment. Therefore, it behooves us all, citizens of the world –– and not just the Americans –– to pay close attention to the phenomenon. We must make the effort to try understanding what's happening so that we can start working on fixing the problem before it develops into a serious threat.

To that end, we begin by suspecting that the circumstances surrounding the government of the United States are toxic, and that they must be dealt with. This means, we should try to identify who or what could be the stealthy agent that's exerting a bad influence on the government of the United States, and when we find it, deal with it.

An article written by Benny Avni could prove useful in that regard. It came under the title: “How Trump is sticking it to the globalists,” published on September 25, 2018 in the New York Post. What follows is a condensed version of the article's content:

“Trump is sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty. He told world leaders, we ask that you honor our sovereignty. He questioned he ICC's authority to adjudicate war crimes. Smart move for the US. The JCPOA is international law. Trump withdrew from it. The Europeans, Russians, Chinese and Iranians vowed to save it. They promise a new banking vehicle to evade Washington's restrictions on US dollars for doing business with Iran. Trump said he'd sooner or later negotiate with the Iranians. Hassan Rouhani's position is that any dialogue must be in accordance with the rules of international law. Sorry, Hassan, Trump's ability to leverage America's economic might trumps Hassan's international deriders”.

That's when and how we see the outside influence work on the United States of America. In fact, what we are witnessing here is the Benny Avni expression of the otherwise standard influence the Jews have been exerting on America for the past half century. Simply stated, what the Jews want to do at this time, is isolate America from the rest of the human race. They want to achieve this goal because –– having tried and failed to subjugate the world and claim ownership of it –– they are now trying a new tack. It is to establish their sole ownership of America by any means they can think of.

Whatever the method they choose at any given time, they must first isolate America from the rest of the world as shown in the Benny Avni article. To succeed, the Jews hide the loyalty they have for Israel while pretending to be patriotic Americans that happen to believe helping Israel benefits America.

They work on the notion that when America antagonizes those who oppose Israel's policies, America does what's good for its own people. And since practically the whole world opposes Israel's policies, America finds itself in opposition to the whole world. And that's exactly what the Jews aim to achieve.

A world that's looking at this spectacle and seeing a government of America that's bending backward to accommodate every Jewish whim no matter how absurd it may be or detrimental to American interests, hears only one refrain come out the mouth of Uncle Sam:

I wanna be only with you, Israel my love. Stop the Earth and let me get off.