Sunday, September 2, 2018

They lost the War, now they want the Spoils

How did it happen that at the end of the invasion of Iraq by American forces, the moral peasants in both America and Israel, came out like hungry beasts to claim their share of the spoils of war?

It happened, for example, that (a) the opportunists in Israel visualized the restart of an old pipeline that used to bring Iraqi oil to the British occupation forces in Palestine; (b) in America, backward legislators visualized the Iraqis paying them for committing the act of –– let's invent a new hyphenated oxymoron –– destroy-liberating Iraq, and (c) in both places, the politico-diplomatic running dogs of the Zionist crime syndicate, visualized the break-up of Iraq into three regions, one of which would be a Kurdistan allied with Israel. And the list goes on.

Fifteen years later, none of that was realized. Instead, the worry now, in all those places, is that the invasion of Iraq––as it was schemed by the Jewish lobby and incessantly urged by the Jewish mob of pundits––has made it possible for Iran and Russia to just walk in and take the spoils. They did so, not only in Iraq, but in neighboring Syria as well. And the question reiterates itself: How did it all happen?

To find out, we study a new attempt at repeating that old history. Because circumstances have changed in fifteen years, however, the attempt looks somewhat different in its details, but the mentality underlying the two schemes is the same, and the insights generated by one, apply to the other. And so, we turn to the article that came under the title: “Piercing Through Assad's Reconstruction Mirage in Syria,” and the subtitle: “Bashar al-Assad's refugee repatriation plan is a scam.” It was written by Matthew RJ Brodsky and Bassam Barabandi, and was published on August 29, 2018 in the National Interest.

What we discover in the article is a comprehensive Jewish scheme constructed in four literary blocks, and whose goal is to convince the inmates of the congressional zoo to take from others – in this case the Syrians – and give to the Jews – in this case the Israelis. The blocks go something like this: (1) Slander the intended victims. (2) Accuse the planners now fixing Syria of corruption. (3) Instruct America to interrupt their plan. (4) Promise that the interruption will bring eternal bliss to Earth and heavenly peace to the human race.

Here is how the first block went: “Bashar al-Assad changed his tune. He implored many who have their own businesses to come back to Syria. He is ensuring that the invitation only applies to those who can make money for his regime and his loyalists. He understands that business as usual won't suffice to replenish his coffers or rebuild the country”.

Here is a critique of this first block: When it comes to economics, the writers of the article proved to be no smarter that the inmates of the congressional zoo. It is that you cannot have a country of businesses without workers to make the goods and services that the businesses will be producing. And when these goods and services are produced, you'll need consumers to shop and to pay for them. Thus, for Brodsky and Barabandi to say that Assad wants only businessmen to return to Syria, is for them to acknowledge they are a joke to laugh at, and then forget about.

Here is how the second block went: “The evidence suggests that an influx of international investment will line the regime's pockets with money, and reward Russia and Iran who are strapped for cash. Thus, rather than help the Syrian people, such financing will ease the economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. on the three governments”.

Here is a critique of this second block: Unlike the suckers who populate the congressional zoo in America, international investors are careful with their money. Whereas the zoo inmates automatically deposit money in the bank account of Israel, investors open businesses, appoint the people that run them, and receive quarterly reports as to how things are progressing. Thus, for Brodsky and Barabandi to say otherwise, is for them to acknowledge they are a joke to laugh at, and then forget about.

Here is how the third block went: “Countering Assad's efforts begins with improving, enforcing and expanding sanctions against the regime. The business elite he tries to lure to Syria need to know they will be sanctioned to the fullest extent. In Europe and the Arabian Gulf, the U.S. should make clear that their investment will not support the Syrian people. Granted, the urge to alleviate suffering is justifiably intense. That is why the U.S. should create a vetted group of Syrian businesspeople who can be trusted to beat Assad at his own game”.

Here is a critique of this third block: The two clowns, Brodsky and Barabandi are saying that on second thought, the Assad plan for the reconstruction of Syria, looks as ingenious as the plan that allowed him to win the war when everyone was saying he'll flee Syria in six months or less. For this reason, they go on to say, Assad must not be allowed to implement his plan. And they explain, this is why America must interrupt Assad, rob him of his plan and – true to Jewish tradition – give the plan to the Jews to implement, assisted by Syrian traitors such as the co-author of the article, Bassam Barabandi. Neat huh! The entire dreamed up operation could not stink the Jewish stench more than that.

Here is how the fourth block went: “Such initiative would give the U.S. leverage. It can recapture diplomatic influence by publicizing that the funds will be distributed after a political solution is agreed to. The fact that Assad won't be able to deliver on his promises will increase the friction among members of the axis. Today, U.S. and Kurdish forces are camped on top of an area rich in oil and natural gas. America's enduring presence there can prevent the return of that revenue waterfall to Assad. In so doing, the U.S. will close a dark chapter in the Middle East, and open a new one for all Syrians”.

Here is a critique of this fourth block: It takes hubris for those who lost the war and were responsible for handing Syria to Iran and Russia, to advise America how to emasculate itself one more time by trying to give the Jews the spoils of a war they promised will be won as soon as Assad fled the country seven years ago.

But you know what, my friend? There are enough brain-dead zombies in the cemetery of the congressional zoo to reasonably assume that some of them will come to the surface and advocate giving the Jews one more chance at proving the superiority of their wisdom.

They are after all, the chosen children of God. But how do we know that? We know it because they said so themselves. But how do we know they are not mistaken? We know it because they are the chosen children of God. But how do we know that? We know it because they said so themselves … etc … etc … etc...