Monday, January 14, 2019

America waking-up from a half-Century Coma

Michael Herzog is a Brigadier General in the Israeli army. He wrote an article about America's decision to end the habit of mobilizing its human and financial resources, and putting them at the disposal of Israel.

Herzog is not happy with that decision, but says Israel will have to live with it. He then ended the discussion by suggesting a way forward that should warn Americans, their country may not be out of the woods yet. The Herzog article came under the title: “Trump Departs Syria: An Israeli Perspective,” published on January 8, 2019 on the website of the Washington Institute.

One American that seems to heed the warning about Israel's intentions with regard to America's future, is Daniel R. DePetris. He wrote an article under the title: “The War on Terror's Total Cost: $5,900,000,000,000,” and the subtitle: “And counting. The real question: Is America any safer?” The DePetris article was published on January 12, 2019 in The National Interest.

Before we look at Herzog's suggestion and DePetris's argument, we need to form a perspective as to America's involvements in the world since World War II. Given that a full perspective would fill several volumes, we must restrict our discussion to the parts of history that relate to this discussion. So, we begin by recalling the Winston Churchill rant about the Soviet Union representing a danger that must be contained. This got America to start the Cold War by circling that country with military bases. As well, being in trouble in Vietnam, the French asked America to help. The latter agreed, thus began a trend whose consequences reverberate to this day.

Watching all this and searching for ways to steer the situation to their advantage, the Jews decided that win-or-lose, America must get out of Vietnam and deploy its forces in such a way as to protect Israel that had plans on paper to dominate the Middle East, and had done a 1956 dry run by joining the colonial powers of Britain and France when they attacked Egypt.

Israel put that plan into effect when it attacked its neighbors in a 1967 Pearl Harbor style sneak attack during which it managed to occupy the Sinai. This proved to be a serious mistake. Rather than surrender, Egypt initiated a war of attrition that was bleeding Israel no end. Knowing that sooner or later, the Egyptians will cross the Canal to liberate the Sinai — if not push into Israel proper and end the Zionist regime there — the Jews wanted America to be free of its commitment in Eastern Asia and deploy in Western Asia to protect Israel.

To that end, the Jews initiated a massive media campaign at home, urging America to end the Vietnam War. They also schemed to have one of their own release the Pentagon Papers, which demonstrated that, far from doing well, America was doing badly in Vietnam. The Jews succeeded in forcing the Pentagon to do a hasty and humiliating evacuation of its forces in Vietnam, and redeploy them in the Middle Eastern neighborhood.

When the Egyptians started the move to liberate the Sinai in 1973, they advised the Americans they will not cross into Israel proper. Despite these assurances, the Americans succumbed to the Jewish pleadings to intervene and make sure that the Egyptian army will not come too close to the border with Israel. This caused America to intervene physically in a war against Egypt, something that was noted by America's “friends,” the oil producing countries whose oil was fueling the American war machine attacking Egypt, their Arab ally. The Arabs initiated an oil embargo against the United States and raised the price of oil to the cost of its replacement, a move that turned out to be of profound consequences.

Overnight, the European and Japanese car makers producing small cars flooded the world markets, including the American market, thus began the demise of Detroit, America's industrial heartland and producer of the gas guzzlers that people stopped buying. While this alone, was enough to give America a severe punch in its industrial stomach, the Americans did themselves in some other ways. Humiliated in Vietnam, they decided in a hasty and helter-skelter manner to prop up the economies of South Korea and Taiwan so as to show the communist world that their system was better than what the Soviet Union had to offer. Britain joined the effort by propping up the economy of Hong Kong. Thus began the era of the Asian tigers that ate what was left of America's lunch.

All of this happened because history took its natural course, unfolding as it does at its own pace. Meanwhile the clueless Americans were listening to the Jewish advisers who convinced them that because nothing bad happened instantly, it will never happen. Well, nothing bad happened instantly when America attacked Egypt to rescue Israel from an invasion that wasn't planned, yet the consequences took time to develop. They are felt today, and will be felt in America for generations to come.

Thus, in pulling out of Syria, America seems to have come out its half-century coma where it was sent by the virulent drugging effect of Jewish advice. It is why America must be weary of Michael Herzog's conclusion that says: “Israel seeks to influence how the US withdrawal is implemented, and obtain additional US security guarantees and assistance, including recognition of Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights.” Do that, America, and you'll go right back into the coma from which you may never wake up this time.

Instead, every American — especially the moral prostitutes populating the Congress — should read the Daniel DePetris article in which he makes clear that, “The never-ending war has twisted the US armed forces into a [Jewish] pretzel … why defense minded analysts, the Pentagon leadership and the armed services committees continue to talk about a readiness crisis”.

It is time to go home, Yankee. And when you get there, stay there despite what the Jew will be whispering in your ear.