Friday, March 1, 2019

If barred at the front Door, try the back Door

How did America get the idea of being the policeman of the world? Well, several occurrences coincided in time for this to happen, the most important being the Second World War and what led to it in terms of the European quarrels that began in the nineteenth century concerning the distribution of the colonial spoils.

Having dragged America into the two European Wars of the twentieth century (misnamed World Wars,) it was inevitable for America to see itself as policeman by virtue of having contributed to ending the inter-European quarrels. But it was this American success that made Britain's Winston Churchill realize that his country will be ceding its dominance of the world to America.

Seeing that he and Britain will become irrelevant in world affairs, Churchill schemed to make himself become a part of the American decision-making process. To this end, he painted the Soviet Union as the bogeyman that the “free world” must guard against, lest it dominate the world. Thus, Churchill succeeded at inciting America to start the Cold War and retain him as adviser.

The outcome of that move was the rise of a hectic arms race between the two superpowers and their allies; a race that lasted nearly half a century. For a while after that, both the Cold War and the arms race seemed to abate following the fall of the Berlin Wall. But ominous signs are beginning to surface at this time, to the effect that the arms race might resume again. It even threatens to escalate more rapidly than ever before.

The principles of colonialism being at the root of what caused the two Great European Wars, the colonial powers of yesteryear forever renounced resorting to the activities of that era ever again. But the Jews, who suffered as much, if not more than anyone during the Second War, had a different idea. Hungry to kick the Palestinians out of their country and take it for themselves, the Jews worked to revive and normalize the idea of colonialism, not just for themselves in Palestine, but for every so-called democratic country that might have the wherewithal to attack and dominate another country.

This is how the Jews got the idea that America's rise to become policeman of the world must have been a sign that divine providence was involved. They promoted the idea under the pretense that the world is inherently unstable and that only America can bring stability to it. But in reality, the Jews were thinking that America must strive to bring about a Pax Americana under their tutelage. They proceeded in that vein using the Churchill model as blueprint to guide their steps ahead.

Several decades into this kind of machinations got the Jews and America nowhere as the latter kept losing lives and borrowed wealth with nothing to show for its futile efforts. This is why Clifford D. May, who was and remains a strong advocate of the principles behind Pax Americana, has finally conceded that a shift in tactics is in order to keep alive the dream of world domination. He is now saying forget about being policeman of the world; let's make America sheriff of the world. Which is like saying forget about getting into the Nirvana of Pax Americana using the front door; let's try to get in through the back door.

Clifford May wrote an article to that effect under the title: “America as sheriff, not a policeman,” published on February 26, 2019 in The Washington Times. In it, the author describes the differences between being a policeman and a sheriff: “I'm not going to make a case for America as global policeman. But what if the United States were to see itself not as a policeman but a sheriff instead? Unlike the cop on the beat, the lawman in the Wild West will appoint deputies, and raise a posse to stop the worst outlaws from riding roughshod throughout the territory”.

And Clifford May gave his reason as to why this is necessary. He said this: “The United Nations isn't up to the task and never will be. But if no one stands up to international thugs and gangsters, they take over. Isolationists were disastrously wrong in the 1930s when they contended that the United States should do nothing to stop the Nazis”.

What seems to escape Clifford May and those like him, is that the events of the 1930s are being repeated today by no one but Israel. It is annexing lands that belong to other peoples, and colonizing them as did the Nazi imperialists of a bygone era. When Iraq's Saddam Hussein tried to do likewise in Kuwait, America raised an Arab posse at the request of the Arabs themselves. Together, the partners kicked Saddam out of Kuwait in a flawless operation that won America praise from many quarters around the globe. It is worth noting that Israel tried to be a part of the posse but was told to buzz off.

As if to score its sweet little revenge, Israel teamed up with the Jews of America, and engineered an American return to Iraq under the pretext that there was a need to “finish the job” in Iraq. This meant the invasion of the country by ground troops, something that is done after the complete destruction of the country's infrastructure by an intense air bombardment that sends the country into the proverbial Stone Age.

This is what happened to Iraq, and the reverberations continue to shake the Levant as well as Europe to this day, sixteen years later.

Hungry for more of the same, the Jews want to permanently institutionalize this kind of performance, which is why they called on Clifford May to make a case for appointing America sheriff for now with the view of promoting it to policeman of the world at some point in the future.

They never give up, and they never escape the punishment.