Friday, March 22, 2019

The demonic Power of uncontrolled Fanaticism

David French who participated in the Iraq War of 2003 has written an article in which he argues that despite all the negative analyses that were done on that war, he believes it was a good war. In fact, the title of the article he wrote is: “In defense of the Iraq War,” published on March 20, 2019 in National Review Online.

You might forgive the man for refusing to live with the guilt of having participated in an immoral war, thus seeks to embellish the record. So, you read the article to see how he goes about justifying the unjustifiable. But that's when you get surprised with a slap in the face that seems to say: I am David French, and if you're an American reading these words, I consider you a sucker. I see you as someone whose life is worthless to the same degree of a suicide bomber that dies to promote the causes of his masters. You being American, you must be ready to die and promote the Jewish causes.

When someone writes the history of a situation in which he participated, you expect him to describe the events as accurately as possible while allowing him some leeway to justify his role in it. But you see none of that in the David French discussion. What you encounter instead, are the talking points that were created by the Jewish propaganda machine, and were given to the warmongering mob of Jews and Gentiles who would have American soldiers continually die so that Jews may get what they want, and live a prosperous life.

The Iraq story of interest to us at this time, began when the people of that country realized that their oil wealth was a depleting resource, thus decided to use some of the wealth they have now, to build the economy that will sustain itself when they will have run out of oil.

Power generation being the most fundamental infrastructure you must have when building a modern economy, it was incumbent on the Iraqis to look at the alternatives to hydrocarbon. Wind and solar being in the realm of fantasy and science fiction at the time, and Iraq having no major waterfall it could use to generate enough hydro power, the country had no alternative but to think in terms of building civilian nuclear power stations.

The Iraqis began to build one such station, oblivious of the history of a region in which an entity of human-looking beasts had installed itself, motivated by an agenda that was based on the destruction of every progress the neighbors will make. The intent was to keep the region backward forever to allow for the invading Jewish hordes, expelled from everywhere on the planet, to come and dominate the region.

Those beasts call themselves Israelis. They cultivated an army of Jewish Fifth Columnists, and had them work for Israel inside America. Years earlier, the Jews of the Column were able to convince the American government to stand in the way of Egypt building a hydroelectric power station at Aswan. When it came to Iraq, they found themselves, once again, in need of American intervention to impede the progress that was made by that country.

Since they could not get the help they needed directly, they instructed one of their Fifth Columnists to steal satellite photographs showing how to reach Iraq's project and bomb it from the air. The Israeli beasts did just that, thus committed an act of war that gave Iraq unlimited rights to respond.

Things had been turbulent in the Middle East since shortly after the end of the Second World War. It is that the old colonial powers kept meddling in the Levant, and America kept meddling in Iran. Much was happening that worried the Arabs as a result, but the event that went too far and caused them to call on America to intervene, was the invasion of Kuwait by America's closest ally in the region, Iraq's Saddam Hussein, archenemy of Iran that was itself America's boogeyman. When Saddam refused to get out of Kuwait, the Arab/American coalition went into action and forced him to retreat. What it was careful not to do was invade Iraq or cause damage to its installations. This action came to be known as Iraq’s first war.

The Jews who wanted Israel to participate in the coalition, saw their request rejected. This is when they started planning to take command of the American military, and have it “send Iraq back to the Stone Age.” It took the Jews a decade to implement their scheme, which ended with an invasion of Iraq by America's military. It came to be known as Iraq’s second war, the action that saw American soldiers, such as David French, participate in the occupation of Iraq.

As it happened, the Jews were doing more than scheme to take over the American military. They had already positioned themselves in high places in the nation’s media, and used their newly found powers to start a new religion in America. They called it Evangelical, and made it sound like it was a new and improved version of Christianity; one that was based on Judeo-Christian principles.

The Jews gathered dirt on every sexually perverted and money-grubbing televangelist they heard of, and convinced them, under blackmail, to go out and convert their flocks into fanatic soldiers who would sellout their country and promote the glory of Israel.

David French was one of the victims that converted, thus became a proverbial suicide bomber, willing to sell his country, and die to promote the causes of Israel.

It is why his description of the history through which he lived, does not even look like an attempt to embellish his role in it.

In fact, his fanaticism is so advanced, all he can do is engage in crude attempts to convert new souls to the Jewish causes. And that's what his article is all about.

Remember all that when you read his article.