Wednesday, March 20, 2019

You are what you eat, so is John Bolton

An old saying goes like this: You are what you eat. If you have any doubt that this is a valid metaphor, standing for at least one aspect of what goes on in real life, look at John Bolton.

Recall what it is that this man has been feeding on, and you'll see a perfect match between what he is today and what he used to eat. And that will compel you to admit: John Bolton — proven to be a walking Jewish sewer — is indeed what he has been eating.

For a long time, Bolton has been feeding from the Jewish brand of schizo-paranoia which says that human beings are bad dudes that must be controlled with an iron fist to prevent them from controlling you with an iron fist. To Bolton, it means that America — which is now the top dog — must use its power to crush everyone that has the potential to rise and challenge it. America must do so because if it fails, it will become the underdog that may never be given the chance to rise again.

Driven by that philosophy of life, John Bolton has developed a destructive approach to dealing with the national security issues he had the opportunity to influence. As both a fanatic that's opposed to international agreements, and adviser to several American presidents, John Bolton consistently advised the undoing of existing agreements aimed at limiting or reducing the arsenals of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in the hands of America and those of its potential adversaries.

You will become familiar with the details of Bolton's litany of destructive advice he gave, when you read the article that came under the title: “John Bolton's Great Game of Nuclear Chicken,” and the subtitle: “The United States must avoid the trap of seeking the perfect deal with North Korea at the expense of an effective peace regime—and end up with neither.” It was written by Daniel L. Davis and was published on March 18, 2019 in the National Interest.

You'll discover that John Bolton convinced George Bush to quash the 1994 Agreed Framework. He engineered the effort to convince Bush to withdraw from the 1972 ABM Treaty. He influenced Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. And he convinced the latter to withdraw from the INF treaty.

As to what John Bolton is doing at this time, you need to probe into the nuclear question that's evolving on the Korean Peninsula. What follows is a condensed account of what Daniel Davis wrote with regard to what happened during the last summit meeting between the leaders of the US and North Korean, and what followed shortly thereafter:

“John Bolton is terrible. Trump must resist his advice and stay with his own instincts. At the summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un, Bolton was seen at the table with the president. It came as no surprise that the summit ended badly. The intent of negotiations was to increase the chance of peace on the peninsula. A deal had been hammered on the path to ultimate success. It would have paved the way for a fourth summit between Moon Jae-in and Kim. On February 28, the summit ended without an agreement. Bolton appeared to have moved the goalposts. He emphasized that North Korea needed to give up its entire nuclear program or the sanctions would remain in place. North Korea's response was as expected. Vice Foreign Minister said that Bolton had created an atmosphere of hostility and mistrust, thus obstructed the effort for negotiations between North Korea and the United States”.

This is a firsthand account describing how the destructive instinct of John Bolton drives him to sabotage every attempt at creating a system of coexistence where peace will not depend on one group of human beings subjugating another; one group playing the hunting predator, and the other playing the hunted prey. In fact, anywhere Bolton sees someone — including his own president — try to fashion a world where peaceful coexistence might reign, he feels driven to turn on his destructive habit and act on it.

What must be happening is that the Jewish sewage, which fuels John Bolton's brain cells, has created the image of a world community modeled after the West Bank of the Jordan. In that mythical place of Bolton's imagination, the different factions that make up the human race, are reduced to living like Palestinians in their own countries. And they are ruled by right-wing supremacists from America and elsewhere in the English speaking world, be they Jews or wannabe Jews.

The latter are anointed and considered to be owners of everything that exists, most especially the weapons which are forbidden from being touched or even seen by the lesser others.

And anyone of these, who will be caught with a weapon, will not be sanctioned like North Koreans; they will be bombed into kingdom come like Iraqis and Gazans.