Monday, March 18, 2019

She tells of the Effect but not the Cause

Suzanne Fields wrote a column that describes the effect of a phenomenon, but says precious little that makes sense about the cause that brought about that effect in the first place.

The writer used a series of subtle and circuitous arguments to blame the effect of anti-Semitism on Ilhan Omar and also Shakespeare who may never have met a Jew, she says. This made it possible for her to also blame the phenomenon on the people who started the stereotype that influenced Shakespeare to write The Merchant of Venice, a stage play she hints is driven by strong anti-Semitic undertones.

You'll find all of this and more in the column that Suzanne Fields wrote under the title: “When anti-Semitism is reduced to bitter farce,” published on March 13, 2019 in The Washington Times.

Fields paid particular attention to Omar's recalling of the “Benjamins,” which is a rap song that offends the Jews because, as she says, it is “clearly a Jew-bating slur suggesting that American support for Israel is about big-money donors and lobbyists rather than grass-roots support.” Well, I have news for Suzanne Fields, and it isn't something that will cheer her. Despite the multi-decade disinformation tsunami that has been flooding America, the donors and lobbyists who give, as well as the politicians who take, know that American grass-roots support for Israel does not exceed 2 percent of the population. Period.

This is why no business that concerns Israeli matters is conducted in a public debate in any of the American legislatures. Under the table agreements between the givers and the takers are reached by the typical method of Jewish whisper, behind closed doors and in the middle of the night. When the sun rises, the treasonous conspirators go into the well of the House of Representatives and the well of the Senate, and vote “unanimously” without a debate, to give the American store to the Jews of Israel. And the takers go home and wait for the rewarding kickback to come to them.

After pumping her obligatory contribution of hot air into the bubble that says the American public loves Israel, Suzanne Fields turned herself into a demolition squad. She did so, driven by the misguided reverie that she was constructing a solid case for helping the Jewish organizations withstand the winds of political change now blowing in America. Her aim was to reestablish the Jewish control over what happens in that country. But she blew it big time. What follows is a condensed version of how she did that:

“Unless Ilhan Omar miscalculated, she will keep her seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The Democratic leadership is terrified of angering her and her followers. The Democrats should revisit the regrets of the Sulzbergers, owners of the New York Times, who were shamed after the war for downplaying stories of atrocities against Jews in the run-up to World War II, lest their paper be identified as Jewish. The Democrats may come to regret their cowardice in treating anti-Semitism the same as a long list of other maligned groups, ranging from African-Americans to Pacific Islanders”.

You can see in that passage how and where the writer fired three bullets that missed their targets, and went on to demolish her case. First, she made clear she wishes Ilhan Omar will be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, an affirmation of the Jewish penchant for autocratic rule. Second, she revealed her foolish belief that Jews own the Democratic Party the way that the Sulzbergers own the New York Times. Third, she expressed the Jewish annoyance that America still refuses to consider the Jews as being apart, separate and above everyone else in America and the world.

If you, dear reader, still wonder why the Jews do not get into a public debate with others, here is the answer for you. They make fools of themselves with every word that comes out their mouths, and every word they type on their computer keyboards. This article demonstrates such reality, and there are nearly three thousand other articles on this website that reveal this truth about the Jews.

But why is it that after being unmasked as intellectual frauds, the Jews continue to make desperate attempts at convincing the world they have a case that should be considered seriously, and responded to favorably? The answer to this question is simple, and known to the American public better than anything. It is that money makes the world go round, and nothing likes to go round more than the world of politics.

But knowing that they do nothing to produce wealth, the Jews realize that any money they accumulate is not really their money. Thus, when they give some of it to America's politicians in exchange for say, a Jerusalem that does not belong to the Americans either, the Jews feel they have created a diplomatic farce that will forever associate America with a Medieval mentality.

And given the Jewish propensity for attributing to others what they see in themselves, you'll understand why Suzanne Fields chose the title that she did for her column: Antisemitism reduced to a bitter farce.

Yes, farce is the word. Nevertheless, you should give the woman credit because she was the first to see the farcical nature of democracy … the part that says: Give me what does not belong to you, and I'll give you what does not belong to me, and we'll both feel like winners.