Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Nikki Haley angling to replace Mike Pence

The political air is pregnant with rumors about the Trump-Pence alliance being ready to rupture. It means that Donald Trump will soon be looking for a new sidekick to be his vice-president, and get busy washing Trump’s non-disposable diapers every time he spouts a so-called joke that stinks the environment from here to Timbuktu.

And so, the hopeful takers of Pence's job are beginning to pop up, trying to impress both Donald Trump and his base of deviant religious thugs who masquerade as normal human being. So, the question to ask is this: What are the hopefuls doing to show they deserve to inherit Pence's shoes?

Well, it used to be that those who adopt the liberal democratic system of governance prided themselves for being lovers of peace. They explained their posture by saying that they are answerable to their people, and the people want peace and prosperity not war or crises. Not anymore. Today, the credentials that get you close to the seat of power in America, is extreme fanaticism expressed as the despotic desire to set the world on fire and starve people to death if that's what it will take to make someone love the Jews and Israel.

And the way to show your love for the Jews and Israel is to be tuned to the daily calls when their propaganda machine publishes the list of whom they want you to hate today, and whom they want you to praise for choosing to become a new worshiper of the Jews and Israel. One robotic organism that's permanently tuned to the instructions of the machine, and programmed to outdo everyone when it is time to praise Israel or damn its enemies, is called –– Nikki Haley.

Haley's story is not all that surprising. It happened that at the time her political programming was in progress, a propaganda war was raging in the print and electronic media between the Christian and Jewish proselytizers. Each was inviting the viewers to come to their side because they claimed they had the best families and raised the best-behaved children. Apparently, Nikki Haley was so impressed by the Christian message, she later revealed that under no circumstances would she wish her children to grow up and be like the immoral Donald Trump.

However, being in politics, Nikki Haley was caught in the Jewish dragnet that also snared the likes of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and others. This is when Haley's circuitry was altered to make her permanently tuned to the message of the Jewish propaganda machine. When Donald Trump was elected, and he began to show signs of tilting towards the Israeli causes, the machine instructed its robotic organisms to praise Trump and serve him in every way they can. And Nikki Haley, that would not raise her children to be like Donald Trump, now became an ardent worshiper of Donald Trump.

For two years, Haley served in Trump's administration as ambassador of the United States to the United Nations. Now, to audition for the job of vice president, she is using the media to reach him; this being the modern way to make yourself heard. And so, she wrote: “IMF is angling to undermine US sanctions against Iran,” an article that was published on June 29, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

With this background under her belt, and with her current position as adviser to the group calling itself United Against Nuclear Iran, the following is what Nikki Haley had to say, presented here in condensed form:

“International bodies are willing to do the bidding of Iran. This demands a swift and strong response from the United States (US). The International Monetary Fund (IMF), a United Nations (UN) subsidiary, has been looking for ways to undermine US sanctions against Iran. It is mulling a loan to the regime. The Trump administration must stop an IMF loan –– period. The regime is already capable of providing for its citizens. Any IMF loan would be the definition of naive. The US should publicly warn the IMF that we will not accept it making any loan to Iran. We should ensure that no loan gets made. The US helped found the UN and the multilateral system that surrounds it to foster peace, security and prosperity. The recent actions by the IMF undermine those worthy goals”.

What the Americans of Nikki Haley’s limited caliber keep forgetting is that when something is done, it is done for a reason. For example, having recognized that a world war is likely to start only when there is disagreement among the big powers, the delegates to the convention that established the United Nations after the Second World War, gave the 5 big powers of the time, the right of veto in the Security Council. America has that right, but has it only in the Security Council and nowhere else in the agencies of the UN.

What the “corcorro” head of Nikki Haley seems incapable of grasping is that America's rights are based not on how much money it contributes to the UN or its agencies, but on the rule of law which, by definition makes everybody equal.

The bottom line is that America is put outside the law each time that the Jews, speaking for it, mention the amount of money it contributes to the operations of the United Nations and advise that it veto the UN’s operations.

In fact, America never behaved in that fashion before the advent of the Jews. It is doing it now, and doing it excessively. It is time to end this nonsense, and make America respected again.