Sunday, June 7, 2020

The ordinary Operation that shagged America

Fifty-three years after the fact, an ordinary operation conducted by Israel, continues to offer an exceptional case study of the Jewish propaganda machine inflating a minnow up to the size of a whale.

You'll find such a case in an article that was written by Avishai Levi under the title: “How Israel's Air Force Led the Path to Victory,” published on June 5, 2020 in the online Jewish publication, Algemeiner.

Levi discusses the 1967 Israeli sneak attack that destroyed the Egyptian air force on the ground, giving Israel the opportunity to invade the Sinai Peninsula and occupy it for 6 years before it was kicked out of there by the Egyptian army, now protected by a rebuilt air force.

If the Jewish propaganda machine had done nothing in 53 years but write and publish this article, it would have stood as a monument that outshines the 12 years of work during which Joseph Goebbels worked as chief of Nazi propaganda for Hitler. But the fact is that this article represents only a drop in an ocean of Jewish propaganda generated by thousands of Jews and published in hundreds of publications during the 19,400 days that separate today from that day in 1967.

Not only did the Jews function like a mob of pundits, all getting the same signal every day on what to write to enforce the message devised for the day by the Goebbelian Jewish committee in control of the propaganda machine –– they also infiltrated the editorial rooms of most other publications, and got non-Jews to serve as lackeys, doing the filthy work for them. Even the almanacs, which are supposed to dispassionately display statistical figures and no editorials, were so corrupted, they prefaced their piece on Israel with a preamble of superlatives that would have caused Goebbels and Hitler to blush. And that included––get this now––even the CIA's so-called Fact Book.

It took half a century of this kind of literary and moral filth to get two branches of the American government to abandon serving the people that elect them, and fall over each other to serve the Jews as well as Israel, their pet project. And what do you think happens when someone goes as far as can be in vacuum kissing a Jewish ass and still wish to do more? They accuse others of not loving Israel enough. And that, my friend, is the ultimate in blow-jobbing Netanyahu, frequently done in America in the name of the bible-waving lowlife Evangelicals, as a way to beg for votes, and the Benjamins too.

So, here it is in brief how Levi made a normal sneak operation conducted by Israel, sound extraordinary, and then hint that only the Jews could have pulled it off:

“Calibrated to a precision of seconds and meters, every individual, from the mechanic to the pilot, knew their role. The pilots knew where they would be flying. Attack planes had to land, rearm, refuel and be airborne for the next wave, without delay. Even rush hour traffic in Cairo was exploited. The strike took place at the point when the Egyptian officers left their homes bound for their offices. Israel thus maximized the length of time they would be in transition, without contact with their forces. On the morning of the attack, the IAF created a veil of normality for the watching Egyptians. To lull Egypt's defense systems into a further sense of security, Israel's air force radio transmissions were pre-recorded and broadcast as decoy for the consumption of Egyptian surveillance. The attack squadrons flew toward Egypt at a low altitude so as to evade Egyptian radar. Every formation reached its target without a word being uttered over the radio”.

What makes this operation similar to the one conducted on Pearl Harbor, is that the Egyptians, like the Americans, had no suspicion whatsoever they might be attacked. Both were carrying on with life normally at a time when a series of ruses were unfolding around them. This is in contrast to the allied attack on Saddam Hussein's army where the ruse was to make him believe that the attack will come from the sea off the coast of Kuwait. He amassed his defense forces there, only to be attacked from the land out of Saudi Arabia where he had no defenses.

What shows the extent to which a Jewish propagandist will go to spice up a story, is when Levi talked about Israel taking advantage of the traffic jam in Cairo. Well, I live in Canada now, and when I look at Heliopolis on Google Earth, a suburb of Cairo where we used to live, I am stupefied by the number of cars I see jamming the place now. That's because up to the time that we left Egypt in December of 1964, we could sit in the balcony for as long as half an hour before seeing a car drive by.

The reality is that there were 1.8 million cars at the time in all of Egypt, driven on 64,000 kilometers of roads. There are now close to 12 million cars driven on just under 80,000 kilometers of roads. That's why there are traffic jams today but not then. Now, my friend, two and a half years had elapsed between the time that we left Egypt and the 1967 Israeli attack. There is no way that in this short period of time, Cairo or Heliopolis went from no traffic jam to crazy traffic jam.

In fact, by the time we left, there was a huge military base in Heliopolis, it was the area where most of the airports were built, and it was the district where most of the military brass lived. When you hear someone say they had traffic jams in Heliopolis or anywhere in Egypt in 1967, you know they are inhaling the wrong kind of fumes, and making up psychedelic stories … projecting today’s reality into a past that never experienced it.

The true story of what Israel had exploited to stitch together a series of ruses, is hinted at in this short passage: “Israel logged the precise details of when enemy air forces conducted routine defense air patrols, and when those patrols changed over.” Here is what really happened:

Like all major militaries, Egypt had a number of planes in the air 24 hours a day to deter any enemy that might want to attack, and believe he can avoid retaliation. But lulled into a false sense of security, Egypt made the mistake of allowing the planes of the night patrol to start landing at 8:50 in the morning, and the planes of the day patrol to go up at 9:00. It was during that 10-minute gap between 8:50 and 9:00 that the Israeli planes attacked. Had the Egyptians suspected anything, they would have let the day patrol go up first, and then allow the night patrol to land.

There is one more thing that Avishai Levi neglected to mention. It is that there was an American spy ship called Liberty in the region, put there to gather information on who was doing what. Israel's best friend at the time was France, ordered a few years earlier by President Eisenhower to end the Anglo-French aggression it was conducting to hurt Egypt, but also meant to teach Israel how to attack Egypt in the future.

Israel was equipped with French Mystère and Mirage warplanes, but nothing that was American made. It sent the planes to attack Egypt, not through the Sinai where Egypt had air defenses, but through the Mediterranean where Egypt had no air defenses. The problem for Israel was that the Liberty was there, and the Israelis feared it might alert the Egyptians that French-made Israeli warplanes were on their way to attack them. And so, the Jews attacked and sank the Liberty, killing as many as three dozen sailors.

This is how America became collateral damage to Israeli aggression. But that was no more than a drop in the ocean compared to what happened after that. What happened is that the Jews of Israel and those of America sensed the weaknesses in the system which prides itself on being a Liberal Democracy, and exploited it to the hilt, turning America into an exclusive restroom for every Jew that feels the need to take a rest now and then.