Thursday, June 25, 2020

The tired Moaning of a professional Inciter

When the rabbis of half a century ago managed to convince the political elites of America and their Evangelical halfwits that the Jews were chips off the divine block, put on Earth and charged with the task of guiding humanity to a perfect existence, the elites worshiped the Jews and considered every word they uttered a dogma that cannot be questioned, doubted or refuted. As you can imagine, the situation was sweet for these Jews while it lasted.

Having used and abused the joyful atmosphere that the early rabbis created in celebration of America's transformation, the second and third generation disciples of the rabbis now find themselves deprived of what would have engendered some respect for them among the political elites. With this loss also came the inability of the latter-day disciples to exploit the naivete of the Americans.

In fact, the new generation of disciples finds it difficult to utter contrived narratives these days, and see the Americans take them at face value without question, skepticism or the desire to push back assertively as they do on the nation's campuses. The reality is that the disciples have a hard time putting out unsubstantiated allegations of the kind which are regularly put out by the Jewish propaganda machine, and be taken seriously. At best the narratives fall on deaf ears, at worst they provoke derision and scorn.

An early disciple of the rabbis, and beneficiary of the game when it was sweet to play, was Clifford D. May. He lasted long enough to experience the transformation of the sweet taste in his mouth into the bitter taste of push-back against his utterances. This is what makes his latest article sound like something written––not with ink––but with melancholic bile generated by the despair of being disbelieved at every turn.

Clifford May's latest article came under the title: “Iran's rulers (still) seek nuclear weapons,” and the subtitle: “Yet more evidence that those who despise us can't be bought off.” It was published on June 23, 2020 in The Washington Times.

Even as he tried to implore the political elites and the public at large to please make the effort to believe that he is intellectually honest and morally sincere, Clifford May wrote an article that is riddled with intellectual dishonesty and moral insincerity. He made the effort to be more subtle than usual on this occasion, but his slip is still showing as you'll see in a minute.

The two areas in which the Jews have raised fuss about Iran, being the financial and nuclear issues, this is where Clifford May plied his ingenuity; and this is where you'll catch him try to deceive you. First, the financial issue. Here is what May has said:

“The JCPOA was designed to put on ice the nuclear weapons program for a few years. In exchange, the Islamic Republic received hundreds of billions of dollars, and the promise that the river of funds would continue to flow … Mr. Obama had faith that Iran's rulers, once in receipt of his respect and US taxpayer cash, would decide they'd rather lead a nation”.

The truth here was deliberately kept hidden. Without it and with the insertion of a lie that is difficult to detect, the message relayed in that passage is as different from the truth as Harvey Weinstein's lechery is different from Mother Theresa' chastity. Here is the truth: America had orchestrated the freezing of Iranian bank accounts in America and several other countries where the money sat for years earning interest.

With the conclusion of the Nuclear Deal, the Iranian accounts were unfrozen and the money returned to its rightful owners. When it came to the Americans doing what others had done, they hit a snag. It turned out that under pressure from such clowns as Clifford May's entourage, the American Congress of crackhead cockroaches had passed laws that made it difficult for America to transfer money to Iran through the regular channels. And so, the money was returned to Iran as regular banknotes. This done, the Jewish propaganda machine made it sound like it was American taxpayer money when in reality it was Iranian money plus the accumulated interest.

As to the nuclear issue, even though Clifford May says, “We now have overwhelming evidence that the nuclear weapons development program continues to progress,” you'll find nothing in his article to prove this claim. What you'll find instead is a mountain of accusations that point to no convincing evidence.

In fact, you'll find a whole bunch of gibberish that seems to suggest Clifford May believes Iran is bad because it is evil like Mother Theresa, whereas the enemies of Iran are good because they are virtuous like Harvey Weinstein.

If this sounds like Jewish logic, it's because it is. That's the way they like it, and there is nothing we can do about it.

In fact, someone more powerful than you or me has tried to reform them but failed.

This is how the situation shall remain, and like I said, there is nothing we can do about it.