Thursday, October 22, 2020

Mike Pompeo says the Founding Fathers were Mafia Figures

 Under the title: “Every generation responsible for securing America's freedom,” Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo wrote an article in which he says he is part of a team that's governing America according to the ideas fleshed out by the Founding Fathers in the Federalist Papers. The article was published on October 20, 2020 in The Washington Times.


The poor man seems to think he honored Team Trump to which he belongs, by equating its work with the ideas that were transcribed in the Federalist Papers. But what he did in reality, is dishonor the ideas of the Founding Fathers by suggesting they resemble the Mafia-like operation that's run by the Trump Team.


We know that the team is running a Mafia-like operation because it brags about the feats it scores by making deals with other members of the protection racket to which it belongs. And this prompts us to ask the question: How exactly does a protection racket operate?


It all begins when a group starts an operation that may be slightly shady. It draws the attention of another group that may operate like a street gang. The gang roughs up the shady operators, demanding a ransom. Unwilling to seek the protection of the police lest they be seen for who they are, the shady operators pay up. Eventually, the two groups come to an understanding whereby the street gang protects the shady business which, in turn, pays for the service with a regular cut of its winnings. That's how a protection racket operates.


When you skip the small details of the Trump operation involving America and the Jews of Israel, you get the impression it is a perfectly normal relationship. But when you look deep into the transactions which are regularly effectuated, you discover two anomalies. The first is that Donald Trump is terrified of the Jews, thus pays them not out of love, but to keep them from attacking his operation. The second anomaly is that Trump is downright as avaricious as the Jews, people he grew up admiring and learning from. And this part of his character plays a major role in how he deals with Israel.


Like the operator of a shady business that hates the street gang which milks him, Donald Trump hates the Jews but pretends to pay them out of love to keep them quiet and at bay, as stated. However, being as stingy as he is, he also hates paying ransom out of America's treasury, given that he now considers America to be his possession. So then, what does he do? Well, he came up with an ingenious idea. He pays the Jews with what belongs to others. He did so this time by giving them what belongs to the Palestinians and the Syrians.


That makes no sense unless it can be shown that Donald Trump really hates the Jews. Is there a way to verify this assertion? Yes, there is. The way to do it is to refer to the article which came under the title: “On election day, Jews must reject white supremacy,” written by Mel Levine, and published on October 21, 2020 in The New York Daily News. Bear in mind that the one thing Jews do with passion, is catalog what they see as acts of hate committed by others. And that's what Levine did regarding the Trump assertions over the years. Here is some of what Levine cataloged:


“He muttered that Jews are only in it for themselves. He told the white supremacist Proud Boys to stand by. He refused to condemn QAnon. He alleged that Democrats are controlled by a cult of child abusers, in a resuscitation of anti-Semitic blood libel and Protocols of the Elders of Zion myths. He failed the test of office, insisting there were fine people on both sides. He referred to Israel as your country. When he slanders globalists, we know who he has in mind. When he calls us disloyal and says he doesn't want our money, we know how harmful that can be”.


So then, what does Pompeo have to say about that? Here is what he actually said:


“The day I arrived at West Point as a cadet, I was issued a copy of the 85 essays penned by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. I realized then that The Federalist Papers were relevant for everyone interested in America's experiment. They remain a crucial source of wisdom for the Trump administration's policies which are well-grounded in America's founding principles. The Federalist's arguments won the day and the Constitution became the supreme law of the land. It was a privilege to put our Founders' vision into action as America's 70th secretary of state”.


What Michael Pompeo is not afraid to divulge, is that the Federalist Papers, which led America to become the experiment that it is today, are the source of wisdom guiding Donald Trump on how to run America's business the way that he does.


Inspired by the ideas of the Founders, says Pompeo, the Trump Team is running a Mafia-like enterprise where Donald Trump plays the role of the shady operator, and the Judeo-Israeli syndicate plays the role of street gang, always demanding more and always getting what it wants.


Pompeo says he is proud of what he has accomplished, and thanks the Founding Fathers for showing him the way.


They must be having a collective heart attack in their graves. But there has been no reaction so far from Donald Trump himself.