Saturday, October 10, 2020

This is Harassment that borders on Treason

 The French word for blackmail is “chantage.” Literally translated, it means “the chant.” In fact, the word also means chant in French. But it has acquired another meaning that's now commonly used by the French. That would be “blackmail”.


The word carrying that meaning came into existence at a time when blackmailing someone was not done “anonymously” through the mail. It was done face to face when the blackmailer stalked the victim and pretended to chant to himself words that the victim recognized as being a veiled threat aimed at him or her. In other words, blackmail was done verbally for the victim to hear but without it sounding like an open threat.


To do this, the blackmailer stalked the victim. In fact, it was later recognized in criminal law that to stalk someone, even without chanting a threat, was akin to blackmailing that someone. And because stalking was the manifestation of a larger form of misbehavior called harassment, every form of harassment, whether it is done physically or electronically, or done through the medium of print, is now considered a criminal act that’s punishable under the law.


What has not yet come to the level of consciousness in the North American society, is the criminal harassment that the Jews do hundreds of times every day under the guise of exercising their right to free speech. An example of that is an article that came under the title: “Jewish Groups Engage and Push Back on AOC,” written by Harry Onickel, and printed on October 8, 2020 in the Jewish online publication Algemeiner.


This kind of article, written by an individual could be viewed as legitimate self-expression. But when it is done as part of an organized effort to intimidate the victim or any other reason, it becomes organized criminal harassment. When it is done to intimidate a government legislator or executive so as to force them doing something they would not otherwise do, it becomes treasonous. When it is done to force a government official to serve the cause of a foreign entity, it becomes doubly treasonous.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is an elected representative serving a constituency in the State of New York. Harry Onickel is a Jewish freelance writer who resides in the State of Michigan. He has no business telling her how to be accountable to the people that elected her. In fact, he is not even telling her how to serve her constituents, he is telling her how to serve the interests of Israel and all the Jewish causes.


To that end, Onickel is calling on Jewish organizations everywhere to do what he is doing, which is––in his own words––“speak out forcefully and publicly if she won't do so.” Well, the fact is that the Jewish organizations are already treating AOC as described in Harry Onickel's article. And so are the many victims he points out as being unfriendly to Israel and the Jews.


Onickel’s doings put him and put those who listen to him in a situation that allows them to intimidate their victims, some of whom are government officials, others simply prominent figures. AOC being a legislator, what Onickel is doing to her must be considered treasonous. Because it is done to force her serving the cause of a foreign entity called Israel, it becomes doubly treasonous.


Onickel began his discussion by accusing AOC of refusing to engage with Jewish leaders. To punish her, he drew up a list of the things he says she said over time; things that do not line up with a pro-Israeli or pro-Jewish perspective. He also drew up a list of the people and organizations that AOC has associated with in the past. These are people you'll find on the blacklist of the Jewish High Command in charge of maintaining America in its place. In case you don't know what that place is, let me tell you: it is America being the eternally obedient moral colony of Israel and the Jews.


It is common knowledge that before the four members of the “Squad”; a foursome that includes AOC––were elected, every new member entering the Congress was first taken behind closed doors by Jewish “specialists” who indoctrinated them on the Jewish requirement to avoid being crushed by the operators of the Judeo-Israeli machine. These are the organizations that document everything a newcomer would say and do during their tenure so as to use the words and the deeds against the elected member if they become uncooperative when it comes to matters relating to the service of Israel or any other Jewish cause.


But then, America experienced a political intifada, and the people started to elect members who would stand up to the Jews, while tossing out members who were known to serve Israel and the Jews at the expense of America. The Squad to which AOC belongs proved to be the beginning of a trend that promises to purge the American political system of the parasitic symbiont that has been sapping America's strength as if it were inexhaustible.


This being such a dumbfounding situation, you can see that the day will come when Congress will enact legislation that will make it a crime to engage in the kind of activities that have become the hallmark of Jewish behavior.


That day cannot come soon enough.