Tuesday, October 6, 2020

They wish to control who says what and where

 Look at the following title for an article that was published in the Jewish News Syndicate: “Claims of Israeli ethnic cleansing have no place in a student paper, or anywhere.” Such title tells you these people wish to control who can say what and say it where.


And that's not the end of the story because there comes the subtitle which reads as follows: “An article in the 'Columbia Daily Spectator' and too many others like it call us to improve our tactics and long-range strategy to combat abhorrent false charges against the Jewish state”.


Thus, having made it clear as to what can be said and what cannot, the lords and ladies of the Jewish News Syndicate, now say they need to improve their tactics for achieving those goals. Note that these are just the headlines of the article that Jennifer Roskies wrote and had it published on October 1, 2020 in the online magazine, Jewish News Syndicate.


The occasion for writing the article is that Roskies was prompted by another article that was written by two Jewish college students and published in the Colombia Daily Spectator under the title: “A Jewish Argument for Divestment.” The writers tell how, as toddlers they were inculcated into believing dogmas, they found untenable as they grew older and began to think for themselves. Jennifer Rosikes is not responding to the students' article, but having said that it should never have been published, she went on to suggest what can be done to silence those who disagree with the views of the Jewish News Syndicate.


Here is what the students, Eve Glazier and Yaniv Goren have said under the title: “A Jewish argument for divestment,” an article that was published on September 23, 2020 in the Columbia Spectator:


“We write from a Jewish perspective to address false claims that the BDS movement is antisemitic. These claims aim to suppress Palestinian dissent. Jewish voices advocating for Palestinian rights are told they have internalized Jew-hatred, or a desire to see antisemitism persist. Within Jewish institutions in the US, this notion is dogma instilled in children from a young age: Israeli flags hung in synagogues, Israeli soldiers as counselors in Jewish camps, and the conflation of all things Israeli with Judaism. The truth is that Zionism is a distinct political ideology akin to other nationalist ideologies of 19th-century Europe. Famous Jews like Hannah Arendt and Noam Chomsky, who identified as Zionists earlier in their youth, came later in their lives to disparage Israel. Albert Einstein once insinuated that Menachem Begin's beliefs were akin to Nazi ideology. It is odd that campaigns like BDS have been panned as antisemitic. We believe that the accusation is itself antisemitic: It equates Jewish people with Israel; plainly the 'dual-loyalty' trope”.


And so, at a time when right-wing Jewish organizations – as numerous as grasshoppers – have invaded the campus landscape, tearing their hair, beating their breasts and blowing their entrails out of their bellies while falsely claiming that freedom of speech is muzzled on campus by members of the Left, here you see captains of the Jewish News Syndicate, who are icons of the Jewish Right, wailing, tearing their hair, beating their breasts and blowing their entrails out of their bellies because of an article that did not suit their taste, was publish in a campus newspaper by students.


No, no, no, says Jennifer Roskies, people who express that kind of viewpoint must never be allowed to publish their opinion “in a student newspaper or anywhere.” Instead, she offers the same old menu that has been rejected time after time by people who think for themselves. That's because the menu is of the kind that's suitable for the sewer. When you look at it closely, it unfolds in the manner of a bank robber that mugs the manager, molests the teller, takes the cash and gets caught by the cops on his way out.


Now handcuffed, the robber protests being singled out. He cries out that the city is full of characters who mug, molest and rob, but are not pursued like he is. And no matter how much you explain to him that he is punished for the crimes he commits and not those of others, he still doesn't get it. This is what's reflected in the Jennifer Roskies article. Here is a sample of that:


“[With regard] to refugees, Israel's foes wasted no time in calling for the return of Arab refugees, and they continue to do so to this day, whereas it took decades for the Jewish world to mount campaigns for awareness of the equal number of Jews who were driven from their homes in the Muslim world during the same period”.


Even if it is true that an exact number of Jews were pushed out of Arab countries at the exact moment that the Palestinians were driven out of their homes at gunpoint by the Hagenah and Irgun terrorists, the Jews of the Roskies mentality should make their claims against the Arab countries they say mistreated the Jews, and not try to swap the real pain of Palestinians for the made-up pain of the Jews; which is what the Israelis did and said to the Palestinians: Hey, it's even Steven.


To set the record straight, when the Jews realized they were going to be a minority in the territory between the River and the Sea, they embarked on a program to bring Jews to Israel from where they were concentrated. They found them in large concentration in the Soviet Union, Ethiopia, Yemen, and found them in smaller concentration in the MENA region from Morocco to Iraq.


Israel wooed them all and got different reactions from each place. Those of Ethiopia and Yemen were too poor to pay their way to Israel, and so Israel arranged to have them airlifted to Israel.


As to the Soviet Union where they had free education from kindergarten to postgraduate studies, the government demanded that Jews who want to emigrate, pay for the education they received. That's when the Jews organized the: “Let my people go” shtick that embarrassed the Soviets enough to let the Jews go.


When it came to the Arab countries, the Jews were treated as well as everyone else. But in the same way that the Jews have been migrating from the poorer countries to the richer countries throughout time, they freely and willingly migrated out of the Arab countries to other places … never in droves or panic.


Like Jennifer Roskies says, the Jewish world mounted campaigns for awareness trying to extort compensation money from the Arabs, but all it managed to produce –– while the accusers were making their rounds and talking to lawyers, journalists and sympathizers –– were cracked-up bellies that could not stop laughing upon seeing the kind of scam that the Jews were trying to pull.