Saturday, July 3, 2021

He incites Violation of the Constitution

 If you want to know how an ode of lamentations for the loss of a war, sounds like, read the article that came under the title: “Why are liberal Jews still covering for Ilhan Omar?” It was written by Jonathan S. Tobin, and published on July 1, 2021 in Jewish News Syndicate.


There is only a limited number of attacks on Ilhan Omar in this article by the man who spearheaded the previous attacks on her, inspiring and encouraging others to copycat him, even try to outdo him. What happened that caused him to abandon the savage attacks, at least temporarily, is that he finally began to realize how futile his approach has been. What’s left for him to do during the coming period, is engage in finger pointing, mourn the loss of the war he started, regret starting the war without adequate preparations, and lament an outcome he failed to anticipate.


But did Jonathan Tobin give any indication to the effect that he learned enough from this experience, never to repeat it? No, he did not. In fact, in doing finger pointing at those who did not join his bandwagon when he attacked Omar, he seems to try shaming them so as to force them into joining him when he resumes the attack on Omar and her colleagues in the group known as the Squad.


Why did Jonathan Tobin fail in his previous attempt, and might he fail again? The answer is that future failures are a certainty even if he has the smarts to understand why he failed the first time, and tried to avoid repeating the previous mistakes. He’ll fail because in attacking Ilhan Omar who is a duly elected Member of the House Representatives, he attacks the Constitution of the United States. This means he can only win by totally obliterating the American democracy, which if he succeeded, he’ll find himself buried alive alongside the remains of Adolph Hitler.


How did Jonathan Tobin and the other Jewish Fifth Columnists paralyze and almost strangle to death the Constitution of the United States? The best way to answer this question is to take an example and analyze it. Here it is:


A while ago, House Representative Ilhan Omar gave a speech in which she discussed a historical event. Her point was that a serious effect was inflicted on an innocent community that had nothing to do with the cause that led to the effect in the first place. The cause was the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. The effect was the difficult time that innocent Muslims were forced to endure in America. Omar started her comments with the words: “Some people did something…” This is what caused thousands of Jewish bellies to explode, spilling enough entrails to start a river that continues to flood the public square to this day. What’s wrong with that, beside the nauseating condition that all of America is forced to endure?


To answer this question, we need to understand something about the interplay between a language and the culture that develops around it. They live a symbiotic existence and evolve together. You know this to be true because what was groovy in the culture of the 1960s was no longer cool in the culture of the 1990’s and beyond. In practical terms, an older person speaking in the jargon of his generation to a young audience will annoy it. The impact in this case will range from minimal to embarrassing. It is also what happens when tourists travel to different cultures and live embarrassing moments due to the “loss in translation” which they experience when communicating with the locals.


But as always, this reality proved to be a goldmine for the Jews who do not let an opportunity pass them without exploiting it. In this case, they acquired an empty basket, and filled it with tropes, figures of speech, code words and what have you. Most of these were imported from the cultures that the Jews had lived in Europe and Asia centuries ago.


Whether someone deliberately said something annoying to the Jews, or said it innocently; whether or not it was rooted in any of the European or Asian cultures of the past, the Jewish rabbis on a mission to conquer America, pounced on that someone and accused him of using code words meant to incite hatred for the Jews. They demanded that the culprit retract what he said and apologize, apologize, apologize.


When use of this trick became excessive and tedious, it began to lose its capacity to intimidate and silence others. And the Jewish rabbis had to invent a new way to accomplish the same old goals.


A notable use of the new trick, is what the Jews pulled on Ilhan Omar when she said, “Some people did something…” They exploded their bellies even if there was nothing unusual in those words or in the form of speech where they were used or in any of the foreign cultures from where the Jews had come.


What the Jews did, in effect, was start a habit of nitpicking on what people like Omar say or do, and they fake a state of anger so intense, they force a newly invented meaning (however nebulous it may be) to what is essentially an ordinary expression. But the essential thing is that they become masters of the moment, surrounded by a confused crowd that cannot make out what the hell the Jews are talking about.


To make the confusion work for them in America and Europe, perhaps on other continents as well, the Jews came up with a new definition for “antisemitism” so that they’ll be able on the spot, to designate as offensive trope, any word or expression uttered by someone they do not like. That may someday include you, my friend, not just Ilhan Omar.


Let the Jews take this trend to its illogical conclusion, and they will someday insist that you apologize for saying something like, “what a beautiful sunny day this is.” They’ll accuse you of uttering an antisemitic trope meant to incite the public, and have it rise to pogrom or holocaust the Jews.


And when this happens, the only good thing that will come out of the US Constitution, is that it may be recycled for use as toilet paper.