Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sliding down the throat of double-defeat

 There is the saying: “Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.” Of course, the opposite of that would be to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. But if this were to happen to someone; and he goes on to repeat the performance, he’d find himself sliding down the throat of defeat once and for all. That is, he’ll allow himself to be swallowed alive.


This is what Lauri B. Regan wants America to do to itself. Regan is the chair of the American Zionist Movement’s Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, and Holocaust Denial Project. To explain in detail how she wants to see something like this happen, she wrote an article that came under the title: “Americans can lead the fight against antisemitism,” and had it published on July 25, 2021 in The American Thinker.


Here is what’s important to remember throughout this reading experience. For the past half century, the Jews have been leading Americans by the nose from one losing misadventure to another, all of them having to do with getting America involved in armed conflicts with foreign actors who are loath to see the Americans take orders from the Jews, and then meddle in their affairs for the purpose of serving the interests of Israel and Jews everywhere.


The result of this long-running, monumental boondoggle has been that America fell from the pinnacle of good standing it used to occupy in the eyes of humanity, to the nadir of standings. America became such a joke in the eyes of the world, its self-esteem melted like an ice cube under the midday sun. This, in turn, has caused the Americans to harbor nothing but disgust toward each other, which led the congressional politicos to freeze the business of America, and work exclusively to serve Israel and the Jews.


The American public that stood as bewildered bystanders during half a century while this kind of nonsense was unfolding all around them, finally woke up to the reality of what was happening to their country and to them. They began a quiet revolution that continues unabated, spiking at times to let the treasonous politicos know they are visible to everyone. They’re told they can be seen with their lips glued to Jewish asses, a spectacle so disgusting, it revolts the public no end.


When you juxtapose the current stance of the American people with their stance half a century ago, a time when they had genuine affection for the Jews who were badly treated by the Nazis, and for Israel that was sheltering them, you see the irony in Lauri Regan now asking the Americans to lead the fight against an antisemitism that was caused by people like herself. They made unreasonable demands that were fulfilled by treasonous louts who were so hungry for Benjamins, they gave away their alma maters to the Jewish whorehouse of endless politics. And that poor woman, Lauri Regan, cannot see that her new demands will have the effect of pouring gasoline on a fire that’s already raging out of control.


The following is a list, expressed in condensed form, of what Lauri Regan wants America to do for the Jews and for Israel despite the staggering evidence which shows that the more the Jews dig, the more they sink into the hole of their making:


“Antisemitism is on the rise in numbers that should be a wake-up call for all the people. Antisemitic campus youth groups, boycott movements, and old-fashioned Jew-hatred are once again mainstreamed. Anti-Zionism, an attempt at masking Jew-hatred, is flourishing, and it must be stopped. There are steps that federal, state, and local governments, and other institutions can take to protect Jews. Lawmakers, corporate executives, and college administrators continue to disregard their moral responsibilities. That must change immediately. Congress should pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Colleges, corporations, states, and municipalities should do the same. Thirty-five states have passed anti-BDS legislation. It is time for the federal government to do the same. The Biden administration should restate the declaration that the BDS movement is antisemitic and that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. It should enforce Title VI Executive Order designed to protect Jewish students on college campuses. Biden's nominee to the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights should not receive Senate confirmation unless she commits to enforcing this order. These measures are just a start”.


Already the first sentence in that passage speaks to the reality that Lauri Regan is suffering from a kind of comprehension dyslexia. That is, she sees reality in reverse. The proof is that she thinks that the rise in antisemitism ought to be a wakeup call to people other than the Jews, when logic dictates that it should be a wakeup call to the Jews and no one else. She fails to see they are the ones who should do something about it … something like stop digging their own graves.


Still, she goes on to state that antisemitism is spreading, and demands that it be stopped. She describes the steps that federal, state, and local governments, and other institutions can take to protect Jews, without mentioning a single step that the Jews can and must take to stop provoking the ire of society. From there, she develops the chutzpa to accuse Lawmakers, corporate executives, and college administrators of disregarding their moral responsibilities. That would be to protect the right of Jews to urinate all over society and getting rewarded for it.


She goes on to say, that the current situation must change immediately, and tells how this ought to be done. Here is her plan: Congress, Colleges, corporations, states, and municipalities should pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act. She also wants the federal government to pass anti-BDS legislation, and declare that BDS as well as anti-Zionism are antisemitic. She wants everybody to make it their business to protect Jewish students on college campuses, presumably including those that disrupt the class and urinate all over the professor that does not toe the Jewish line. And she issues a terse order for the Senate not to confirm the current nominee to the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights. Finally, she sends a strong warning to the effect that these measures are just the start.


So, brace yourself for more of the same or worse because Lauri Regan is oblivious to the reality that Jewish leaders such as herself, are blind about the hellish future towards which they advance.