Sunday, July 4, 2021

They exposed the flimsiness of their project

 By definition, demagoguery is the art of frightening people to cause them thinking and doing things they would not otherwise think or do. It was a weapon of mass hypnotization brought about by demagoguery that the rabbis used at the start of their effort to conquer America.


In fact, it wasn’t the first time that the rabbis had used demagoguery in the attempt to take control of a situation. They had been using it for 1,800 years since they started the movement of Rabbinical Judaism by which they tried to scare and rally the Jews of a decaying Roman Empire, and use them as foot soldiers to wrest Rome and its territories from the hands of Christians. The Jews lost the war, and the Christians went on to form the Holy Roman Empire, which became Christian Europe as the Empire disintegrated into nations, fiefdoms and territories.


The argument that the rabbis have been using on the Jews ever since, is that they are hated because they were Chosen by God and resented by Mankind. This will not change, they are told, until the Messiah comes and hands them ownership of the Planet and its content, making each of them a king or queen in their own right. For this to happen, said the rabbis, the rank-and-file must huddle around them who are the only ones capable of keeping them safe and alive till the advent of the messiah.


In America, the Jewish leaders did not get a good grip on the situation until the final battle of the 6-year war when the Egyptian army stormed the Bar Lev line and started the drive to liberate the Sinai that was then occupied by Israel. What happened was that despite assurances that Egypt was only interested in liberating the Sinai and will not cross the border into Israel, the Americans came to help Israel. They did so, using ships and warplanes that were fueled with Arab oil. This prompted the oil-rich Arab countries to institute a temporary oil embargo on America.


The Arabs did not stop here. They said to America and the rest of the oil consuming nations that from now on, they will have to pay a higher price for oil. Yes, it cost an average of $2.15 to produce a barrel of oil in the Middle East at the time, and was sold at $2.50 or thereabout. But the replacement of that oil, produced in America for example, used to cost $6.00 a barrel or more. Therefore, Arab oil will be sold for that price from now on.


That’s when Jewish demagoguery was infused into the American culture in a big way. Whereas the American oil companies, the commodity traders, the economists and the politicians understood and welcomed the Arab move, the Jews mounted a massive campaign, telling the public and the politicians that the Arabs were extorting money from the public, having a gun to America’s head and forcing everyone to act as tax collectors in the business of gathering money and handing it to the Arabs. It was a campaign of demagoguery that would have made Goebbels drool with envy.


Fast forward almost five decades, and you see the Jews, together with their lackeys, play out the same old demagoguery on a new generation of Americans. You’ll know what it’s about when you read the article that came under the title: “Iranian presidential selection paves new path for nuclear extortion,” an article that was written by Behnam Ben Taleblu and Andrea Stricter — fellows at the embodiment of infamy known as Foundation for Defense of Democracies. The article was published on July 2, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Here is how Behnam Ben Taleblu and Andrea Stricter begin their discussion:


“Iran will have a new president: the hard-liner Ebrahim Raisi. Raisi’s rise will likely mean a different nuclear negotiating team. The Raisi presidency offers Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei the option to increase his demands and further extort the West”.


So, you want to know how exactly the two authors believe that Iran will extort the West. To find out, you go over their article and comb it meticulously, looking for any sign of criminal behavior on the part of the Iranians. Here is what you encounter:


“Raisi’s reputation means that Iran’s greatest extortion could happen before August. Raisi demanded that Washington lift all sanctions before the regime comes back into compliance with the nuclear deal. Tehran is repeating demands that America lift all sanctions imposed after Washington’s withdrawal from the deal. These sanctions aim to impede Tehran’s security policy and drive down revenues. Iranian negotiators are demanding broader delistings to enable financial flow and foreign investment in Iran. The regime may frame these as reparations for US withdrawal. Since the West seems intent to push forward, negotiators should anticipate the worst and counter Iranian attempts to extract more concessions. The international community should remember that a regime comfortable with extortion will never be satisfied — nor should it be appeased. Three years after the maximum pressure sanctions, the Iranian economy requires relief. Biden and his European counterparts should recognize the immense leverage they possess”.


The result of your search yields not a shred of evidence that Iran is engaged in criminal activity. On the contrary, you discover that what the Iranians want, is foreign investment, reparations for America’s breach of contract, and relief from the sanctions imposed on their country. These are perfectly legitimate demands for any country to make.


But in discovering these nuggets of truth about Iran, your eyes open to the reality that it is America — under a madman who used to occupy the White House — that put the gun of sanctions to Iran’s head.


In fact, pressured by the same Foundation for Defense of Democracies, America has been threatening Iran’s security and driving down its revenues.


To what end, you ask? To extort concessions that would have reduced Iran’s ability to defend itself so that Israel could attack it the way it has been attacking its other neighbors.


This has been a flimsy project from the start. It has finally been exposed for what it is, but the Jewish leaders who still hunger to take control of America, are not giving up.