Saturday, October 9, 2021

If not with us, you’re against us, gone mad

Do you remember the old Jewish saying that goes: When God decides to destroy them, he first renders them mad? Well, let me tell you, God must have decided on something. I know this, and you should know it too because Laureen Lipsky is here to show us what Jewish madness looks like.


To make her point, Laureen Lipsky wrote an article that came under the title: “Democrats’ Antisemitism,” and the subtitle: “It’s Not Just the Squad, it’s the Entire Party,” and had the article published on October 8, 2021 in the online publication American Thinker.


Here, in a nutshell, is what sums up Lipsky’s point: If you’re not doing battle with us, you’re doing battle against us Jews. That’s because being a neutral observer does not exculpate you from being considered harmful to our eternal quest for survival. And because your inaction does not help us survive, it can only be seen as a factor in the ongoing attempts to annihilate us.


This worldview is what caused Laureen Lipsky to step aside, and put some distance between herself and those who confine themselves to criticizing what they see as being the antisemitism of the so-called Squad, a group of four courageous women who were elected with huge majorities to serve in the US House of Representatives under the banner of the Democratic Party.


Whereas Lipsky considers these four women as being antisemitic for actively advocating policies that run contrary to the interests of Jews and Israel, she considers the rest of the Democratic Party to be antisemitic as well because it seems to stand as a neutral observer rather than be active in the battle to promote the Jewish and Israeli causes.


Laureen Lipsky set that tone in the first paragraph of her article, and did not let up to the end. Here is a condensed version of that first paragraph: “Democrats claim that ‘it’s just the Squad,’ but from remaining silent on the Iran Deal to not supporting the US embassy move, to reinstating funding to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, supporting the antisemitic Black Lives Matter it’s the whole damn party”.


Before going on to attack her favorite bête noire who is Joe Biden, Laureen Lipsky did something so weird, it remains totally incomprehensible. What she had in mind was to repeat the Jewish talking points that pertain to the fraud known as the Iron Dome. She began by attacking the Democrats for voting against funding the thing to the tune $1 billion, when they did not have a problem voting for what she termed: “$6.3 billion for African refugees remained in place.” Whatever that means, the reality is that the House voted this amount of money to take into America and settle the Afghan people (not African) who helped the American military fight the War in Afghanistan.


Now, to Lipsky’s hatred for Joe Biden. The following is the characterization she used to begin her discussion of him: “A ‘moderate’ Democrat who has a massive history of antisemitism currently occupies the White House.” She called him Jihad Joe who once threatened to cut aid to Israel while more recently reinstating funding to the Palestinian Authority and providing humanitarian aid money to Gaza. She then added this: “Most damning was his easing of economic sanctions on Iran”.


Now that Laureen Lipsky turned President Joe Biden into a hated bogeyman, she used the guilt-by-association technique to get back into the business of attacking the Democratic Party. She did so by accusing the Party of remaining silent while Biden was pursuing antisemitic policies that harmed Israel.


In addition, Lipsky complained about the Democratic Party establishing a consulate in East Jerusalem to mind and facilitate Palestinian Affairs. As if this were not enough, Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris, proved to be as much of an anti-Semite as her boss, according to Laureen Lipsky. Harris has shown that tendency, says Lipsky, for telling a student that her truth should not be suppressed. This happened at a time when the student was spewing accusations about Israel committing ethnic genocide in occupied Palestine, says Laureen Lipsky.


She returned to the subject of the Iran deal once again, but this time to attack former President Obama, who was the one to negotiate the package with Iran and the other world powers. She called that deal an antisemitic tool that Secretary of State John Kerry should have made tougher. But he didn’t, says Lipsky because he was too busy threatening the Israelis over sovereignty regarding their stay in the West bank.


While she is at it, why stop here and not go farther back in history, and show that the antisemitism of the Democratic Party has deeper roots than is believed? Yes, why not go back? So, there she goes to 1993, a time when Bill Clinton orchestrated the Oslo Accords, which she calls “heinous Terrorist Accords.” This is what legitimized the Palestinian Authority, she says, resulting in carving out the West Bank, and making parts of it Jewish-free.


Is that it? Or did she go further back in time where she says the Democratic Party had been? Yes, she did go further back to say the following:


“Domestically, the party of slavery and of the KKK continues to assault Jews … It is an open secret that Democrats have been awful to Jews throughout American history from the KKK to FDR’s atrocious handling of Jewish refugees during the Holocaust, to their stance on Israel”.


There is no way that someone looking at this evidence, can conclude anything but that God has turned them mad in preparation to destroying them.