Monday, October 18, 2021

Two deadly Trends having a common Nexus

Imagine if two decades ago, someone had written an article under a title that sounded like this: “Admit it: The United States Has Already Lost in Syria.” He would have been called a heretic by some people, and pursued to be lynched. And he would have been called a sorcerer by other people, hunted down and burned alive like they did witches.


That was then. But today is different. Do you know why, my friend? Because the United States has gone through the experience and done worse than lose in Syria. In fact, someone has written an article under that title, and gave it a subtitle that went like this: “From Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq, Washington has repeatedly proven that nation-building is not where its strength lies.” That someone is Professor Ali Demirdas whose article was published on October 17, 2021 in The National Interest.


The professor first made the point that a misguided America lost huge sums of money and numerous lives in Afghanistan to come out of there defeated. America lost even more in Iraq, he went on to say, only to hand the country to Iran on a “silver platter.” And he concluded that America is now poised to replay that same history in Syria where it maintains 900 troops, apparently for the same grim purpose.


Because he sees that serving the interests of Israel, is the only reason why America is staying in Syria, Professor Demirdas spent the rest of the article talking about the Kurdish situation. He did so because the Jewish dream is to establish a Kurdish nation that will stand as a buffer between Iran and Israel. The sum total of what Demirdas has said about this subject, is that a Kurdish nation will never happen. Period.


Ali Demirdas explained the reasons why this is the reality on the ground with such minute details, you’ll have to be an expert on the subject to follow the complicated narratives that tell of the broken relations which exist between the various Kurdish tribes, as well as the impossible relations which exist between the Kurds as a group, and the various neighboring countries.


This done, Professor Ali Demirdas gave America the following advice before ending the discussion:


“Instead of staying this course and spinning its wheels in Syria, Washington would be better served by turning its attention to more important matters. It should let regional powers handle a problem that has never been its responsibility”.


This being a true reflection of the way that America has been formulating its most consequential decisions since the end of World War II, it is no wonder that riffraff of the Jewish mob of pundits see fit to make demands on the treasonous Congress of prostitutes, commanding it to serve the interests of Israel even when the effort comes at the expense of the American national security as well as the welfare of the American people.


You can see an example of that in the article that came under the title: “Democrats Can No Longer Tolerate the Squad’s Anti-Israel Hatred,” one of the many similar articles that appear regularly in Jewish publications as well as the liberal and conservative ones, both considered mainstream or outlier, in the tabloid and broadsheet formats. The article discussed here was written by James Sinkinson, and published on October 17, 2021 in the online Jewish publication, Algemeiner.


Here, in condensed form, is how Sinkinson introduced the subject he chose to discuss:


“The former chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) famously tweeted in 2018, ‘It’s Netanyahu that is the problem for Democrats, not Israel.’ Last week, he slanderously called Israel an apartheid state. Far more egregious are the Squad — a group of congressional Democrats who take every opportunity to attack the Jewish state. A couple of weeks ago, the Squad forced funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system out of a bill to keep the United States government funded”.


Already here, at the start of the discussion, you begin to sense the confused state of loyalties between America and Israel that James Sinkinson is living. What caused him to reveal his true colors, is the reality that the Squad has forced the establishment of a new precedent in American political life.


It is that the Congress of the United States will no longer rubberstamp Israel’s demands by sticking them as a rider on important bills, and see them pass without discussion. From now on, the tendency will be to formulate clean bills for aid to Israel that loyal American legislators, such as members of the Squad, will want to discuss and vote up or down, according to merit and not political prostitution.


If you believe there is enough here to outrage you but not enough to curdle your blood, consider what happened next. Here it is, in condensed form, from the James Sinkinson article:


“In the debate surrounding the bill, there was a heated exchange on the House floor as a moderate Democrat from Florida slammed a member of the Squad, who labelled Israel an apartheid state. ‘I cannot, cannot allow one of my colleagues to stand on the floor of the House of Representatives and label Israel an apartheid state … I reject it. I reject that’”.


This is a member of the House that’s not suffering from double loyalty; he is two hundred percent loyal to Israel, and Israel only. He calls himself a moderate but the only thing that’s moderate to non-existent about him, is his devotion to the wellbeing of the American people. In contrast, he is ablaze with the burning desire to lie so as to protect Israel from the reality that it is an apartheid entity pretending to be a nation in good standing with the rest of humanity.


And while guys like him are in the Congress working for Israel, other guys like him are in the media nudging America to spend blood and treasure to protect Israel’s right to live a life of crimes against humanity at perpetuity.


And this is the nexus which exits between the two kinds of guys that’s turning superpower America into lamentable America.