Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Mechanics of American Corruption revealed

You often hear and read words to the effect that America has ceased to function. Most of the time this assertion is linked to the proposition that the system is driven by corrupt practices. The trouble is that the assertion and the proposition, are almost never explained in sufficient details.


Whereas democracy in America, with regard to domestic affairs, is still breathing despite the cancel culture that has permeated the political system, democracy with regard to foreign affairs was murdered and buried long ago. It is easy to see why this is so. It’s that America has two constituents: one liberal and one conservative. Whereas each group tries to cancel and bury the other, each has the media outlets to which it can run and express its views, thus both groups remain alive, if barely. When it comes to foreign affairs, however, the Judeo-Israeli establishment made sure that the murder of American democracy as practiced overseas, remains a bipartisan and permanent affair.


Consequently, if we want to understand something about the mechanics of America’s corrupt practices, we’ll have to look into how things are done in the realm of foreign affairs. In so doing, we might even get a bonus in the form of clarity with regard to the domestic situation. Well then, it happens that an article was published recently which can help us conduct a thorough study of American corruption. The article came under the title: “Biden has power to make Jordan’s King Abdullah release a US citizen,” written by Quin Hillyer, and published on October 22, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Seeing that title, the reader is already hit with the notion that whatever Biden is urged to do, he is told to use coercion to do it, which is one element in the toolbox of corrupt practices. Whereas Quin Hillyer expressed this thought blatantly (given that the target is a foreigner) things are done in a more subtle fashion when things are done at the domestic level. That is, Democratic Biden would not have been urged to use his power to force the Republicans to do something. Instead, he would have been urged to use his executive power to cancel an executive order issued by his predecessor, for example.


When you’ve read the entire article, you’ll have noticed the use of three ingredients, which serve as standard staples in all articles of this kind. One ingredient is the macho element. Another is the false claim that American citizens are always subjected to unfair trials abroad, the reason why the principle that those who commit a crime must serve their time, should not apply to Americans abroad. The third ingredient is the fantastic promise that if America did what the Jews recommend, the whole world will win, and be covered with a heavenly bliss now, tomorrow and forever.


The following is the sentence with which Quin Hillyer began his discussion. It is the blatant display of a macho attitude which Jews always urge American leaders to adopt when dealing with foreigners, most especially the Arabs. Here is that sentence: “It’s time for President Joe Biden to get tough with King Abdullah of Jordan”.


Worried that accusing Jordan’s system of justice of being unfair to an American citizen, will not by itself be sufficient to convince the readers that pressuring King Abdullah to release the prisoner is warranted, Quin Hillyer used the two-pronged approach of demonizing the foreign King while at the same time whitewashing the activities of the American citizen to win the sympathy of the readers. Here is how Hillyer did that:


“Abdullah has been in the US, living in luxury as his nation struggles. Meanwhile, he is holding a US citizen in prison after a trial in which the citizen, Awadallah was afforded no chance to call his witnesses or provide exculpatory evidence, and denied private meetings with his attorneys. Combined with the $1.5 billion in annual aid the US provides Jordan, Biden has the leverage to demand the release of Awadallah. The king has spent a fortune securing ritzy compounds in California and Washington. His rule is absolute, and his nation is struggling economically. Several members of Congress are watching the event. Still, they remain tight-lipped, knowing that Biden’s debacle in Afghanistan has eroded US credibility. They don’t want to make noise that would undermine that credibility even further if Biden also fumbles this situation. The State Department is tracking the case, but has remained publicly mum as well. The solution should be simple. As King Abdullah is here with his hand out, Biden should remember that the US is the senior partner in the relationship”.


Having made the point that the foreign king is the villain in this drama whereas the American citizen is the good guy, Quin Hillyer urged President Biden to disregard the benefits that America draws from its relation with Jordan, and use the American aid as a bargaining chip to coerce the king into violating the fundamental principle of democracy which says that the judiciary must never be interfered with, something that even the State Department and the American Congress refrained from recommending.


Finally, Hillyer threw in the third ingredient, which is to the effect that if Biden did as told, everyone will win something, and the world will be a better place for it. Here is how Hillyer put it:


“Jordan would get Awadallah out of its hair, and the US would get its citizen out of Jordan. Meanwhile, the US would not look into the origins of King Abdullah’s spending spree. The alliance would win, US sovereignty over its citizens would win, and Middle East stability will be bolstered”.


Except for one thing. The world will not look at this piece of theatrics wearing rose-colored glasses. It will ogle it with naked eyes, and see yet another example of Jewish-inspired depravity, played out publicly by a shameless America that lost its moral compass.