Friday, October 8, 2021

To con a Giant into becoming a Beast of Burden

How do you think the little fart that is Jewish Central was able to con the giant that is America into becoming the fart’s beast of burden, and do the dirty work for it, time after time after time?


If you don’t know the answer to that question, you might want to read an article that came under the title: “US action needed as Libya’s fate hangs in the balance,” and the subtitle: “A new era of ‘relentless diplomacy’ is required in the region.” It was written by Daniel N. Hoffman, and published on October 7, 2021 in The Washington Times.


It is no secret what the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate wants, and what it has enlisted Jewish Central to pitch for relentlessly. Anyone that’s familiar with the recent history of the Middle Eastern region will tell you that the syndicate wants to be in control of America’s power, and use that power to give Israel dominion over the Levant if not the entire Middle East. Because this can only happen if the existing nations in the region are cut up into small rumps that fight each other, that’s exactly what America’s power will be used to accomplish. But how will the syndicate manage to do that?


Well, watching Daniel Hoffman perform his assignment is like watching a P.R. video on how a little fart can train a giant to take an order, process it, execute it and stand ready to take another order. Look what Hoffman did. He first sounded the “all is not well in Libya” alarm. It went like this: “The Libyan parliament passed a vote which risked derailing elections scheduled for late December. Corruption within Libya’s financial system also continues to be a stumbling block.” Do you know what that’s for, my friend? It’s to give America an excuse to meddle in Libya’s affairs.


Daniel Hoffman was hit with this idea when he read a report by Reuters as well as other publications, describing how Libya fared during the years after it was nearly destroyed by America and its NATO allies. Incidentally, this happened at the urging of a little French nobody who passes for a pompous Jewish philosopher. Whereas the Reuters and other reports did not raise concern beyond any run-of-the-mill writeups describing other countries, Hoffman made a big deal about the Libya reports. He did so because he was alarmed that the rumps into which Libya was cut up years earlier by America, were now coming together again, thus depriving Israel of the opportunity to have a bite at them.


And so, instead of counselling that America should keep out of Libya’s affairs, now that the country is healing thanks to the help it has asked for, and is getting from its neighbors, Daniel Hoffman is counselling the following: “For the sake of Libya’s future, elections are the best means to ensure proper accountability and badly needed reform policies … US ambassador to Libya emphasized that the US will support them in this process”.


And anyone with half a brain or less than that, will understand that America supporting a process of reform in a Middle Eastern country, always translates into a Jewish dictated and supervised process of destruction. It will have the effect of dissecting Libya into bite-size rumps; pieces on which Israel will cannibalize to its heart’s content.


Having articulated the idea that America needs to intervene in Libya’s march towards a new beginning rather than leave it to the neighbors to continue doing the good work they have been doing, Daniel Hoffman had to come up with the incentive that would wake up the lethargic politicos of the DC Beltway, and fire them up to start doing the things that Israel needs to see done. What could the incentive be?


Well, anyone that knows the Jews will tell you that their incentive is never the carrot but always the stick. That would be the special stick known as demagoguery. It is so named because it relies on scaring people, thus motivates them to act in accordance with the given Jewish set of instructions. Here is how Daniel Hoffman has accomplished this task:


“Libya is locked in a power struggle and proxy war involving terrorists, tribal militias, and foreign mercenaries seeking power and control over the country’s oil wealth. Terrorists, including the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Ansar al Sharia, have grown. Libya, has been a conduit for African migrants and refugees seeking asylum in Europe. It has fractured politics and a weak central government. It is in the national security interests of the US and its allies that Libya steps forward towards a government that can deliver better security”.


Now that Daniel Hoffman has managed to scare the daylight out of the Americans with talk about threats to their national security, he saw the way wide open to tell the braindead zombies of the Beltway what they must do. Here is what he told them:


“Libya’s upcoming elections and the fate of its financial system are hanging in the balance. The US Ambassador’s statement was a good start, but the Biden administration needs to devote more attention to the chance of rallying its European partners, and lead a coordinated Libya policy”.


And then, surprise! Surprise! Daniel Hoffman did something that is uncharacteristic of Jews. He zeroed in on Joe Biden’s ego, and incentivized him with a carrot he’ll find near impossible to refuse. See for yourself; here it is:


“During his first speech as president to the UN General Assembly, Mr. Biden declared a ‘new era of relentless diplomacy.’ Libya appears to be a propitious but fleeting opportunity for the Biden administration to put its strategy into practice”.


It remains to be seen if Mr. Biden will find the carrot too tasty to refuse munching on it.