Sunday, October 31, 2021

Imagine the unimaginable and weep for America

Imagine a family that came from an upscale environment to settle in a far-flung and rugged landscape. The members work hard as well as intelligently to improve the conditions of life in their new homestead.


They do such a marvelous job, other families are attracted to the place, and work just as hard, thus succeed at turning the homestead into an advanced metropolis that eclipses everything on the planet. Members of the founding family grow so confident in their ability to stand up to the challenges that may confront them in the future, they neglect to put down the protocol that will help them do just that.


The future arrives and brings with it a new homesteader; one of the most devious characters you’ll find on Planet Earth. He begs the founding family to take him in for a short period of time till he gets organized and able to look after himself. Motivated by pity, the family takes him in and gives him accommodations, rights and privileges he never dreamed of previously despite living a long life of hustling.


The truth about this character is that he is the successive reincarnation of all the demonic characters that existed since the beginning of time. Smooth talking like a Cicero, hypnotic like a Svengali and imposing like a Hitler, he pitted the members of the family that took him in against each other while establishing a direct and personal connection separately with each member. The family became dysfunctional when dealing with each other, but he managed to create a “multi-partisan” bloc that gave him absolute control over all aspects of the family estate.


So, what do you think, my friend? Do you believe this is a fairy tale (surely a bad fairy) that is so far-fetched, it could make a B movie but nothing more? Well, let me tell you something: this is a real-life drama in which the homestead is America. As to the continuously reincarnating demon, it is the Jewish establishment whose converts to the Judeo-Yiddish ideology, refer to themselves by the deceptive name: Jews. They infiltrated America some time ago, and took control of it lock, stock and barrel.


The reason why we are beginning to talk about this horrific situation now, is that the offspring of the founding family woke up from their deep sleep, and saw a spectacle that was so disgusting repeat itself interminably, they felt they will die of shame if they did not rectify it. They started to work on a plan to do so, thus caused the reincarnated demon to respond.


The name adopted by the demon at this time, is Jackson Richman. He wrote an angry response in relation to the moves that were undertaken by the children of America. His response came in the form of an article written under the title: “Israel should reject a reopened US Consulate in Jerusalem,” and was published on October 30, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


What’s the story there? Well, it happened that before America had awakened from its sleep, the demonic character started working on a project called Israel. It was supposed to be just a shack to which he could run when things got so rough, he needed a refuge in which to hide till it was safe to come out again. But the hidden truth had always been that the demon had grand designs he could not implement while relying solely on his own resources. He needed the assistance of someone that’s big and powerful like America.


He found the America he wanted to which he pretended to be loyal. He then pretended to split the loyalty with Israel, then pretended to have only 100 percent loyalty for Israel, then proved to have 200 percent loyalty for Israel, and an absolute zero loyalty for America. This would be the kind of loyalty (actually a disloyalty) that was meant to turn into a virulent antagonism should America refuse to commit suicide when necessary to better serve the interests of Israel.


In fact, that kind of disloyalty is what you see in the Jackson Richman article. It’s been nearly three quarters of a century that America has been keeping Israel afloat––which in civilized societies would make America the boss and Israel the supplicant––but that’s not how the Jewish pundit sees things. If you find this hard to believe, look how he talks to the boss:


“The Biden administration is pushing Israel to reopen the US Consulate in Jerusalem. Israel should simply reject it out of hand. The US and Israel have reportedly established a joint working group to address the consulate issue. This is a waste of time. Israel needs to tell the Biden administration that it will not be reopening the consulate in Jerusalem nor will it be opening a consulate anywhere on Israeli territory. Period”.


How could something like this happen to a superpower that devised contingency plans to protect itself from something as small as a lone wolf bent on scaring the citizens, to something as massively destructive as a nuclear attack launched by another military superpower?


Well, you get an answer to that question when you realize that 35 Republican senators introduced a bill aimed at blocking the Democratic move to open an American embassy in East Jerusalem. Even if there was no Jackson Richman to show the world how low America has sunk, the senators’ act of moral prostitution, projects a sickly image of America to an incredulous world.


In fact, because the self-esteem of America has been debased to this low level, no amount of power projection by America’s military, is able to compensate for the loss of respect that the world has developed and maintains for America.