Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The mob got trapped in its web of intrigues

 What would you say is more effective? Would it be the mobilization of all your energies, focusing them like a laser beam on your objective, and going after it single-mindedly with the determination to realize your goals no matter how much that will cost you and cost others?


Or would it be doing a version of the “not leaving a stone unturned,” thus spread your energies thinly all over the landscape to make sure that when push will come to shove, you’ll be in a position to influence every aspect of the situation, and make it serve your interests?


Different people have different ways of dealing with the business at hand. They would have developed the necessary skills to do relatively well using one method or the other, and sticking with it without ever trying the other method. They feel safe playing the game they know will yield some benefit, the way it has been doing for some time now without embarrassing them even when the yield was below expectation.


This said, however, there is the possibility — a rare one to be sure — that you might encounter corporate executives who are skilled in the use of both methods. They use one or the other or a combination of both to deal with the situations that come across their desks day in and day out, each situation requiring a different approach to be addressed as effectively as can be.


This is what happens in real life at the individual and institutional levels. It also happens at the politico-diplomatic level on both the national and international arenas.


Those who play this game most effectively are the Jews. However, they play the game with a twist that gives them the advantage at the start of the round, but then exposes them as the treacherous demons who stealthily cannibalize on the flesh of those who help them. This realization induces normal people to begin the process of dealing with the Jews in a manner so harsh, it’s almost never used on non-Jews.


The way that the Jews get exposed — as they have been all the time — is that they do more than simply establish contact with every stone they turn to work on what’s underneath it. What they do in addition, is establish a line of communication between all these places so as to have a cross-connected web that multiplies their effectiveness in the short run. The problem, however, is that in the long run, the approach renders them easy to detect, identify and attack.


In fact, this is the reason why the Jew always ends up projecting the image of someone feeble while also projecting the image of the cannibal who eats his benefactors while they are helping him and after they cease to help him. This is how the Jews make it easy for ordinary people to hate them and wish to see them disappear one way or the other, never to return or show their faces in the neighborhood again.


The game that the Jews are playing at this time, is that they work hard to get America and Iran tangled in a situation that will cause America to unleash its conventional military might on Iran and destroy it. There has been literally thousands of articles written, mostly by Jews, on this subject — most of them inciting America to “wake up” and develop the belief that this is the right thing to do.


And in the typically Jewish fashion of exploiting all the parts they have under their influence, the Jews put their cross-connected web in the service of realizing their Zionist goals. In fact, you’ll detect an echo of the same Jewish message in the thousands of programs which are broadcast by the different forms of communication and entertainment, ranging from the radio to the internet to the big screen. Time after time, you’ll hear them all bark the same message at the same time as if in unison.


To seize the opportunity presented by the fact that Iran has advanced enough technologically, it can be a dangerous thing, the Jews have activated all the parts of their web, instructing them to work on the Executive branch of the American government, and work to convince it that the Iranians are inherently a bad people whose sole desire is to harm America directly when they can, and indirectly when they can’t.


And being who they are, the Jews did not stop here. They worked on the Governors of America, as well as their State Houses and Senates. They worked on the media in all their forms, without neglecting the non-governmental organizations, especially the religious ones. They mobilized everyone who listened to them, and had them work on serving the Jewish causes, especially Israel.


In fact, the Jews have managed to get all these foot soldiers to go out and collect the money that’s used to finance Israel’s genocidal schemes in occupied Palestine. In addition to all this, the Jews organize trips for Parliamentarians and for young Americans to fly to Israel for indoctrination. And believe it or not, the youngsters are made to donate their blood before flying back home.


And then, the expected happened. Paradoxically, what was expected, was that something unexpected will happen and trap the Jewish mob in its own web of intrigues. It was the Russia-Ukraine War that did it. That war affected the worldwide energy supply so severely, Americans found themselves in the awkward position of having to love the Iranians, Venezuelans and Russians whom the Jews spent years teaching them to hate and prepare to annihilate or at least cripple.


Two pieces, discussing this subject from their unique points of view, appeared in print recently. One was written by the editors of National Review Online under the title: “Biden’s Dangerous Iran Deal,” and published on March 4, 2022. The other piece is an article that came under the title: “Why is Joe Biden still working with Putin on Iran?” It was written by David Freddoso, and published on March 6, 2022 in The Washington Examiner.


You may find them interesting to read.