Sunday, March 27, 2022

This is how the propaganda cookie crumbles

 Melanie Phillips is one of the most accomplished propagandists for the Judeo-Israeli causes. But she is not so perfect as to be impervious to accusations that she spreads lies and fabricates narratives that describe not the reality on the ground, but the fantasies she cooks up in her head.


Melanie Phillips wrote an article under a title that reads: “Why Liberals Fail to Equate Israel and Ukraine,” and had it published on March 25, 2022 in the Jewish online publication Algemeiner. Reading it, you’ll discover that Melanie Phillips is moaning that many people—Liberals and others—have repeatedly equated Palestine and Ukraine instead of Israel and Ukraine.


And so, Melanie Phillips self-imposed the assignment to disprove the equivalence that everybody sees except for her and her kind. To that end, she went about doing her work the Jewish way. That is, she plucked from thin air and cooked inside her head a ton of lies and distortions relating to terrorism. She attributed all that rubbish to the Palestinians and to other Arabs for a devious purpose. It is that she knew Israel was founded by the two icons of Jewish terrorism: Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin who fittingly went on to become Prime Ministers of Israel. And she wanted to divert attention from this reality.


Melanie Phillips must also be aware of the fact that for nearly a century, Jewish terrorism has not been interrupted in the Middle East. When the Jews do not kill Lebanese or Syrians to steal their water, they kill Palestinians and Bedouins to steal their lands. Despite these realities, which are well known to the world, Phillips began her article by attributing terrorism, not to the Jews who tried to steal Bedouin lands just recently, but to the Bedouins who chased the Jews away like you would chase away vultures and hyenas.


Done with that point, Melanie Phillips started the effort to disprove the view that a Palestine afflicted by Jewish atrocities resembles a Ukraine that’s afflicted by Russian atrocities. Had this condition prevailed only a few years ago, Melanie Phillips would have simply said there is no equivalence — echoing the rabbis that used to bray: You can’t compaaare, you can’t compaaare — and the English speaking world, especially the American Congress of moral hookers, will have said: Yes, master Jew. We hear you and we’ll pass legislation that will designate the Arabs instead of the Jews, as terrorists. And we’ll all have a bellyful of laughs because we would have deceived the world. And nothing makes you and us feel good like deceiving a world that believes us. Make that, feel “gooooood”.


But things have changed since that time because the internet and the various social media broke the back of the Jewish monopoly on the dissemination of the message, whatever the message is. No longer in a position to say: They are the terrorists, and we are the civilized lot, Melanie Phillips worked hard to put together arguments she hoped will carry her lies and distortions without being seen for what they are. Alas, even she could not pull this off without showing her slip.


What happened when Melanie Phillips put the pictures of the arch-terrorists Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin in front of her to be inspired by their terrorism, and deviously attribute what she sees to the Bedouins and the Palestinians — her effort crumbled like a cookie. Instead of hurting those she chose to be her enemies for the occasion, she revealed the eternal depravity of the Jewish stance on such matters. The following is a condensed version of what she tried to accomplish but failed miserably:


“Hamas and the Palestinian Jihad welcomed these attacks and called for increased resistance. None of these attacks merited more than glancing media coverage in Britain or America. The contrast with public concern over Ukraine is stark. Today, hardly any Western journalists are equating Israel with Ukraine. Instead, more people in Britain are equating Israel with Russia’s warmongering and tyrannical president. This is because they have absorbed the propaganda pumped out for decades by the Palestinians that Israel has taken over their historic lands. In fact, the reverse is the case. In the 1920s, the international community gave the Jewish people alone the right to settle throughout their ancient homeland — the area which is now Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. That right has never been abrogated. Yet many in the West believe that the Jews are the interlopers. It’s a belief that appears to be shared by the US Ambassador to Israel. He said that the idea of Jewish settlement growth in east Jerusalem and the disputed territories infuriates him. ‘We can’t do stupid things that impede us for a two-state solution,’ he said. ‘We can’t have Israelis doing settlement growth in east Jerusalem or the West Bank”.


So here it is in black and white. Instead of following the logical path, which would have been to highlight the similarities and differences between the situations in the Middle East and Europe, and go from there to make her point, Melanie Phillips chose to do the two things which are standard gismos in the Judeo-Israeli propaganda tool box.


First, Phillips attacked the Palestinians for resisting the occupation, thus attempted to establish the principle that what’s good for the Ukrainians is not good for the Palestinians. Is this a manifestation of her racism? Only she knows.


Second, Phillips tried to pull off the kind of trick that used to work for the Jews in the old days. That is, she simply stated that the world gave all of Palestine to the Jews in the 1920s, expecting that, at least the American Congress, will believe her. Time will tell if that will be the case.


An adaptation of the old adage that says all roads lead to Rome being that Jewish pundits are obligated at this time to pirouette to the subject of the Iran Nuclear Deal no matter what subject they are discussing, Melanie Phillips finally left the Palestinian issue, and took the road that leads to Tehran. And so, she came up with the following passage to end her discussion:


“There are worries that the upcoming surrender to Iran over the nuclear deal will galvanize Gaza and the disputed territories in the giddy belief that the Islamic world is on the verge of annihilating Israel”.


It is the never-ending expression of paranoia that is also lucrative for the Jewish leaders because it leads to the prayer that goes: Gimme compensation. In the name of the heavens, gimme compensation.