Friday, March 18, 2022

They eat from the tree of victimhood like flies eat from every poop

 Peter Beinart wrote an article and Gidon Ben-Zvi blew his entrails out of his belly howling, “Pity me, pity me. He wants Israel annihilated and wants us all dead. Pity me, pity us before we all die”.


You can read Peter Beinart’s article which came under the title: “The US supports illegal annexations by Israel and Morocco. Why the hypocrisy?” and the subtitle: “America must be consistent. It cannot pick and choose when to follow international law.” It was published on March 10, 2022 in The Guardian. As to the Gidon Ben-Zvi article, it came under the title: “Did Peter Beinart Just Blame Israel for Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine?” It was published on March 15, 2022 in the Jewish publication Algemeiner.


Beinart made his case, in most part, openly and explicitly. At times, however, the writing was subtle but well understood by the people who followed the subject for a time. To avoid stirring a hornet’s nest, Beinart stayed away from the subject of Palestine, concentrating instead on the Golan Heights and the Western Sahara. As to those who are new to the subject, they may be interested to know that the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine is forging ahead with a new offensive that goes like this:


‘Despite the fact that we, the Jews of the world, have our genetic roots in places like Ethiopia and Lithuania, we are more indigenous to occupied Palestine than the Palestinians that have lived on Palestinian land since the beginning of time. This is why we, and plenty of moral prostitutes in American politics and the Evangelical Movement, consider that Ivanka Trump is more Palestinian than Hanan Ashrawi. And this makes it so that we do not occupy Palestine, simply because nobody occupies their own land. And this says the Palestinians have occupied Palestine illegally since the beginning of time’.


This is not exactly what Putin is saying about Ukraine, but it is close enough to be almost analogous. Even then, given that we’re talking legality, the excuses given by Putin for invading and stealing the country of Ukraine, and the excuses given by the Jews for invading and stealing the country of Palestine, matter very little. What matters is the illegality of what the Jews have been spewing and doing for decades, and what Putin must have learned about the extent of moral prostitution in both American politics and religion.


Here, in condensed form, is what Peter Beinart said about Israel’s occupation of Arab lands as America pays that entity 4 billion dollars a year to commit the horrors that it does. Despite being cautious about his choice of words, astute readers read between the lines of Beinart’s writing and see that America pays Israel to make sure the occupation continues despite the breaking of the law, the apartheid, the ethnic cleansing, and the crimes against humanity which are committed continually. Here is how Beinart put it:


“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine gives the Biden administration a chance to reconsider this dangerous path. It can harness the current global revulsion against Putin’s aggression to rebuild the principle that no country should redraw another’s borders by force. But only if it reverses Trump’s decisions and proves that the US is willing to live by the standards it demands of Moscow. If the US chooses continued hypocrisy, it will make Ukraine, Taiwan and every other weaker nation bordered by a rapacious neighbor more vulnerable. The continued erosion of the norm against international aggression will not end well. Russia’s attack on Ukraine is just the latest sign. The Biden administration can stem that erosion now. But in addition to the military battle it is assisting in Ukraine, it must wage a political battle at home”.


And that’s what caused Gidon Ben-Zvi to blow his entrails out of his belly, accusing Beinart of failing to note what the Jewish propaganda machine has been spewing, which is this:


“What Beinart fails to note is that, in contrast to Russia’s offensive in Ukraine, Israel, had been attacked by neighboring Arab countries. Indeed, regional leaders in the run-up to launching the 1967 war by neighboring Arab states against Israel, repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel. Not only did then Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser impose a blockade of Israeli goods through the Straits of Tiran, itself an act of war. The Israeli government after the war still proposed returning the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for peace. In response, the Arab League issued a proclamation known as the Khartoum Resolution, or, more informally, the Three Nos: ‘no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it…’”


As can be seen, the Jews behaved then like they behave today. That is, anyone who did not repeat to them they are loved and admired, was considered a suspect. And anyone who criticized them a tiny bit was considered an antisemite who wanted to annihilate them and destroy Israel. The reality was that Israel had been at war with its neighbors since the early years of the twentieth century. It’s because Israel wanted to bring in more Jews from around the world. And so the early Jewish terrorists who called themselves “Founding Fathers of the Jewish State” attacked the Palestinians to steal their land, attacked Lebanon and Syria to steal their water, and attacked Egypt, as they did in 1956 when they teamed with the French and British colonial powers to weaken Egypt’s economy and steal the country’s resources, including the Suez Canal.


What also happened in 1956, was that President Eisenhower who was the General that liberated Europe from the grip of the Nazis, ordered the colonial powers to get out of the Sinai and take with them the little cannibal that is Israel. That did not end the state of war between the Arabs and Israel, however. What happened instead was that the UN proposed to place peace keepers between Egypt and Israel. Israel rejected the proposal, Egypt accepted it on the condition that if the presence of the UN in the region will not curtail Israeli misbehavior, Egypt will have the right to ask the UN troops to leave. Well, Israel’s behavior got worse, and the Egyptians had no alternative but to look to the Americans once again, and ask them to help solve the new problem. And so, President Nasser asked the UN to leave Egypt. He contacted President Johnson and asked him to intervene. Johnson agreed and formed a delegation to go meet with the region’s leaders. But just before that delegation took off from American soil, Israel launched a Pearl Harbor style surprise attack on its neighbors in 1967.


So then, what did Ben-Zvi say and do now? Well, to hide the reality that it was Israel that attacked when American mediation was on its way, Ben-Zvi absurdly accused Egypt of committing an act of war at a time when a state of war was prevailing, and had been for decades. But what was it that Egypt did anyway to merit being called an act of war by the Jews? It was to tell the UN troops to leave Egypt because President Johnson was invited to repeat what President Eisenhower had done 11 years earlier.


When the UN troops left Egypt, the Straits of Tiran was turned over to the Egyptian authorities, which meant that in theory, Egypt could have closed the Straits to Israeli shipping. But Israel that is doing very little shipping today, was doing almost no shipping at all at the time. In fact, no Israeli ship was scheduled to get near the Straits for months. And so, no one knows if the Egyptians would have intercepted it, and what would have happened if they did. But what must not be lost on the readers is that in Jewish philosophy, when the Egyptians acquired the means to hurt Israel, it made them guilty of hurting Israel and the Jews. And the extremely dangerous thing, is that this Jewish philosophy has contaminated the American culture. You see it play out in America’s dealings with China and the rest of the world.


So, Israel attacked in 1967 on a flimsy excuse as did Japan 26 years earlier. The Johnson mediation was aborted, and the Arabs that had not the chance to fire a single bullet, saw their air forces destroyed just like America saw its navy destroyed at Pearl Harbor. Without the protection of an air force, the Arabs saw Israel occupy the Sinai, the Golan and the West Bank. The Israelis offered to talk peace, but except for the Palestinians that had no means to arm and defend themselves, the other Arabs who know what happens when you talk (haggle) with the Jews, gave the Three Nos: ‘no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it…


And how clairvoyant the Arabs have been! Look what has been happening to the Palestinians ever since. The Jews have been “negotiating” with them for 55 years, and all that happened was that the Jews kept stealing more Palestinian properties while pretending to talk peace from one side of the mouth, and making clear with the other side of the mouth that they will grab the whole thing come hell or high water.


President Nasser predicted that this will happen, and said that what was taken by force will only be returned by force. It was returned in 1973 when the Arabs kicked the Jews out of the Sinai and out of half the Golan. The Sinai is now safely in Egyptian hands contributing a great deal to the economy of the country.


President Eisenhower would have been pleased to see this outcome.