Saturday, March 19, 2022

The opportunism that led to a civil war

 There is no bigger tragedy than war. This is what’s going on between Ukraine and Russia at this time. The first thing that came to mind upon learning of that war, was the question concerning the way that the opportunists of the world will take advantage of it to suck as much blood as they can of the tragic event.


And then, the answer to that question revealed itself. It turned out that the officials in charge of the Ukraine war, and those in charge of the American diplomacy were shocked to hear the Jewish Prime Minister of Israel announce his willingness to mediate between the combatants in that war. This happened at about the same time that the Jewish President of Ukraine had announced his desire to meet with Russia’s President Putin in Israel — in occupied Jerusalem of all places.


Why is that suggestion shocking? It is because Israel is doing to the Palestinians what Putin is doing to Ukraine. For the leader of Ukraine to suggest bestowing the blessing of a suffering Ukrainian people on the murderous rampage that’s inflicted on the Palestinian people by the cannibalistic settlers of Zion, indicates that either Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected in a rigged election, or he is such an accomplished comedian, he conned the Ukrainian people into electing him on a made-up platform of lies.


This is why the lower-ranking leaders in Ukraine and the higher-ranking leaders in America have opposed the Volodymyr Zelenskyy idea whereas fanatic Jews of the Abraham Wagner variety have expressed enthusiasm for it. In fact very few Jews support the idea. As it happens, some believe that the suggestion will not get off the ground, but will damage the Jewish effort to present themselves as idealists. Worse, the idea will inevitably cause the comparison between the Russian attack on Ukrainians and the continued Jewish attacks on Palestinians. The result will be that the blood which the opportunists hope to suck out of the tragedy, will turn out to be deadly toxic for the already tattered reputation of the Jews and their illegitimate pet project, Israel.


In addition to the Palestinian factor that looms large on this subject, ordinary political considerations also play a role in the ill-advised proposition of holding a summit in Jerusalem. In fact, this is what you’ll read about in the article that Abraham Wagner wrote under the title: “Israel’s off-ramp for stopping Putin and his Ukraine war,” and the subtitle: “Jerusalem Peace Conference is the best idea yet.” The article was published on March 17, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Refraining from mentioning the Palestinian issue or the ongoing Jewish theft of Palestine or the wholesale criminality that’s inherent to the Jewish project, Abraham Wagner went about telling of the difficulties in trying to arrange a meeting between Vladimir Putin, a leader who believes he owns what he is fighting to grab, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a made-for-the-moment leader who is totally bereft of the sense of leadership. In fact, what Zelenskyy misses is that, as a supposed leader, his priority number one is to save the lives of the Ukrainian people, not squander them to fulfill the American warmongers’ agenda of fighting the Russians to the last Ukrainian.


Zelenskyy cannot grasp the principle that the lives of people should come before any other consideration, and certainly before any temporary political gains he may score by continuing to fight a fruitless war. In fact, it looks now that the outcome of the Ukraine War will not be that of one side winning and the other side losing. Rather, it will be that of death and destruction on a scale comparable only to the cannibalistic Jewish crimes which are continually committed against the people of Palestine.


Here, in condensed form, is how Abraham Wagner has described Israel’s difficulties, trying to have it both ways — such as benefiting from Russia’s presence in the Eastern Mediterranean, and at the same time benefiting from America’s support for the people of Ukraine:


“Since the outset of the conflict, Israel has been in a difficult place, failing to join the US and Europe in condemnation of Russia, while still not siding with Mr. Putin. For his efforts, Mr. Bennett has been criticized by some in the Israeli media, as well as in Ukraine and has gotten lukewarm support from the US regarding Israeli mediation between Ukraine and Russia. [Despite all this] Mr. Zelenskyy stated that ‘among the founding fathers of Israel, there were Ukrainian Jews who brought with them their history and a fierce desire to build a wonderful country. So, it’s not so bad to have such mediation’”.


The inevitable outcome of all this has been that a haggling civil war has erupted among the Jews who are also fighting against non-Jews. Here, in condensed form, is how Abraham Wagner has described that unseemly brawl:


“Zelenskyy noted that it would not be right to meet in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. Bennett’s mediation efforts are irritating a number of senior Ukrainian officials. Zelenskyy has a relationship with Bennett, other Ukrainian officials have signaled Israel that the meeting between Bennett and Putin in the midst of war was not to their liking. Israel did not appreciate the criticism. Some in the US have also joined in criticizing Bennett. US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland has recently said that Bennett should emerge from his comfort zone and provide Ukraine with aid while joining the sanctions against Putin. This is the same Victoria Nuland that in a prior post tried to sell Zelenskyy down the drain and should probably not be in the US government at all. Unfortunately, she seems to be calling some of the shots here”.


There is no off-ramp for Volodymyr Zelenskyy that will save Ukraine. The clown should just get off the stage and let an authentic Ukrainian take control of the situation. Vladimir Putin will most certainly agree to a ceasefire and negotiate a compromise.