Monday, March 21, 2022

They dream of a warmongering Pax Americana

 When you see that sausage has ceased to be made in the kitchen of a hundred senators, all of them products of the same culture and same language, you wonder what happened that paralyzed the kitchen of the English speaking senators, children of a twisted culture.


When you see that sausage continues to be made in the United Nations’ kitchen of almost two hundred representatives, each of them the product of a different culture and a different language, you are amazed at the superiority of the governance approach used by the human race over the one used by America.


Struck by the wonderment that’s generated by the reality of a paralyzed American governance, and struck by the amazement that’s generated by the reality of a smoothly operating UN governance, you think that the American senators would acknowledge the superiority of the management system adopted at the UN, and would try to learn from it. But this is not what’s happening.


In trying to understand what has gone wrong in America, you discover that very little is chatted in the public square or the opinion columns about the subject. You probe into the reason for the silence on the matter, and discover to your horror that the factors paralyzing the governance machinery in America, are the same factors that block the debate about America’s disfunction.


That situation imposed itself as if a plague had infested America’s political, journalistic and religious institutions, prohibiting their workers and adherents from uttering the name of Zion in vain lest they spread anti-Jewish hatred. And while this is prohibited, the dudes are allowed to curse the name of god, a habit they say preserves and defends what they still call freedom of expression. Go figure.


And just as you begin to believe that the lamentable situation you see in America, is the result of neglect caused by an aging culture that’s getting tired, you are hit in the eyes with a reminder that the cultural police that’s paralyzing both the governance and the free flow of ideas in America, are working actively to destroy the United Nations. Their goal is to replace the world organization with a Zion-commanded warmongering Pax Americana.


An example of what these people are doing is spelled out in the article that came under the title: “Backing Zelenskyy’s new United Nations,” and the subtitle: “It’s time to create alliances that meet today’s global construct.” It was written by Tom Basile, and published on March 18, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Perhaps Tom Basile was thinking about the US government when he mistakenly wrote about the UN, accusing it of the following: Deficiencies. Decline into near irrelevance. Ineffective and interminable operations. Failures to prevent genocide. Sex abuse scandals. Billions in waste and fraud. Damaged credibility. Most of which apply more readily to the US government than they do to the United Nations.


Basile attributes what he calls deficiencies of the United Nations to the fact that Russia has the power of the veto, and using it as it did lately for the exact purpose that the veto was given to the 5 permanent members of the Security council: To prevent a world war that can happen when a big power is backed too tightly into a corner.


And whereas Russia used the veto as intended, America has been abusing it, not to prevent a world war, but to protect an Israel that maintains a system of apartheid, and commits by sheer habit more crimes against humanity than all the existing villains and all those that came and went, put together.


Tom Basile proceeded to lament that all efforts to reform the UN have failed, presumably because no one came up with a good idea to do the job. But then, halleluiah my friends, Volodymyr Zelenskyy opened his mouth to give a speech, and the miracle happened. From the blessed Zelenskyy mouth came a golden proposition for the creation of what the neocons of America have been advocating for years. That would be a new and improved United Nations, perhaps formed under a different name. It will be an organization that will, in due course, replace the existing United Nations and be amenable, not to the wishes of the human race, but the wishes of America and its Zionist masters.


What Zelenskyy wants and what his neocon predecessors have wanted was not to create a new international organization that will better unite the nations of the world, but an organization that will split the world into a couple of pieces. There will be one piece containing Israeli thinkers and American combatants, as well as anyone that’s prepared to be commanded by the Jews the way that the Americans are commanded by them. And there will be another piece containing everyone else in the world. These will be the people whom the Jews will take pleasure whipping into perfect political shape.


According to Tom Basil, the following represents the blessed thinking of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, expressed here in condensed form:


“As the world realigns, the time has come to create new international alliances. The US can establish new cooperatives that marginalize the power of China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and others. A successor to the UN would be a new global economic, energy and military alliance to counter the New Axis. China’s influence in all the major arms of the UN has grown significantly, including in the areas of food, agriculture, aviation, telecommunications, industrial development and the World Health Organization. World peace cannot be achieved when communists and authoritarian regimes exist. Continued US engagement at the UN is critical to counter these corrosive influences but the end game should be realigning nations toward a more potent, efficient and effective new multi-lateral organization”.


In other words, the Tom Basile types of dodo bird, are dreaming of the Pax Americana that failed to materialize in the past. They see it now disguised as a United Nations even if in reality it is nothing more than a shape-shifting snake morphed into the image of a dovish UN.