Thursday, March 20, 2014

Guardian Angel with Horns and a Tail

Melanie Phillips lives in Britain and has a website she calls Guardian Angel. She wrote an article that was published in the Wall Street Journal which, upon reading it, most people will come to view her as having the horns and tail of a demon rather than the wings of an angel. The article is titled: “The Failure of the Mideast 'Peace Process'” and the subtitle: “The U.S. and Britain present themselves as Israel's friends. Israel doesn't quite see it like that.” It was published in the Journal on March 20, 2014.

She begins the article by going way, way, way out of her way to ascertain in no uncertain terms that the peace process is dead. This has been the Jewish strategy since the start of that process decades ago for, the Jewish song has always been: “Give us the tools and we'll do the job.” It meant to tell the Americans and anyone who would listen: Give us the money and the weapons, and we'll slaughter the Palestinians because we can, we'll kill the Arabs when we can, and we'll do with the Muslims what we can.

In the meantime, the Jews have been using the peace process as a cover under which they work hard to steal Palestinian land and water while crying their eyes out claiming to always make concessions to the Palestinians. But the truth is that the latter never got back one inch of their stolen land or one drop of their stolen water. And the Jews manage to do all that, and get away with it because they have an army of Jewish and gentile running dogs who run around the globe where they write articles, talk to the audio-visual media, and lecture from podiums to incite their audiences against the Palestinians. They tell those who listen to them they must take a bellicose stance toward their Palestinian victims, and they must urge their respective governments never to let the Palestinians obtaining weapons with which to defend themselves.

Having done her part to render the peace process ineffective by declaring it dead, Melanie Phillips does the very Jewish thing of biting the hands that feed her in order to be given more to feed on, and more to feed her kind. She begins at home (Britain) which she considers to be a home away from home since in her mind; Israel is her “homeland.”  Thus, she attacks Mr. Cameron's government that “played a key role in the EU's provocative decision to label goods made in the disputed [stolen] territories, even issued warnings to British companies over the risks of doing business there.” And you can tell how provoked she must have been to call stolen lands disputed territories.

And that was only biting the British hands. Now comes the turn to bite the American hands. That's how this one is done: “More important … President Obama … issued a veiled threat that if Israel did not accept the Kerry framework, the U.S. would no longer defend Israel at the U.N. and elsewhere.” But that's not all because John Kerry must also feel her bite. Thus, she mentions that he warned if Israel stymied the peace process, it will face a powerful worldwide delegitimization campaign.

By now, poor Melanie realizes that the situation is hopeless, and she cannot argue successfully that the whole world is wrong whereas Israel alone is right. What to do? Well, there is only one thing to do, and it is the thing that Jews had thousands of years of experience doing. Actually it is one thing that is made of two parts. The first part is to do the bellyaching routine like this: “while Netanyahu has accepted the prospect of a Palestinian state ,,, the Palestinians will never accept that Israel is a Jewish state.” The second part is to shift the blame for what has gone wrong onto the shoulders of someone else. It is done like this: “He [Abbas] insists on the right of the Palestinians to return to Palestine.”

At this point in the emotional and the thinking processes of a Jew, something kicks in that tells the world these people are so suicidal, they don't realize it when they beg humanity to implement some form of a final solution. Thus, with an army of running dogs like herself running around the globe and barking their anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim incitement, Melanie Phillips has the gall to accuse the Palestinians of inciting against Israel when they complain about the treatment that the Israelis inflict on them, and when they give their dead a proper burial with the eulogy that is given to every soldier regardless of his accomplishments.

She now comes full circle to once again attack (a) the peace process, (b) the US and the UK which seem too attached to the process and (c) the Western culture upon which the American and British liberal fallacies are based – one of them being the rule of law; in this case the international law. She does that because she wants to say that the armed-to-the-teeth Jews who come from around the world to steal Palestinian lands are the victims, and that the unarmed Palestinians who are sitting ducks are the aggressors.

Actually, she wants to say that, but she has a problem. It is that these things have been said before, and had only one effect – the people who heard them anywhere on this planet got sick to the stomach knowing that their home planet is infested with such a mentality. So then, what can she do to get around that? Well, for one thing, she does not mention the Palestinians. In fact, she does not mention anyone to begin with. Instead, she speaks in abstract terms about a peace process that is negotiated between aggressor and victim. After some philosophical babble that is neither here nor there, she reaches the conclusion that the “process is innately inimical to justice, and biased in favor of the aggressor in a conflict.”

Okay, so now you believe you know what she is going to say. You guess she will say that the aggressors are the demonic Palestinians, and that justice is aborted when the angelic Jews are blamed for what goes wrong. But you get the surprise of your life because the following is what she hits you with: “This is what happened in the Northern Ireland peace process.” What? Ireland?

Yes, Ireland. She goes on to discus events that unfolded long ago, and calls the outcome an “institutionalized protection racket.” But where's the beef? Where's Palestine, Melanie? Oh yeah, there is that thing. She almost forgets about it because she could not think of a way to say Palestine without stirring the bile of the readers.

But she must connect all that gibberish to the situation in the Middle East so that Israel may continue to receive the “tools” that will allow it to do the “job.” How to make the connection? Well, here is an idea. Don't mention the Palestinians at all. Say the following instead: “For Northern Ireland, the process was a Faustian pact. For Israel, the stakes are higher.”