Friday, March 21, 2014

WSJ Openly Advocating Genocide

When I started talking about Jewish moral syphilis being ejaculated into the heads, the hearts and the souls of Americans, some correspondents asked me to explain in what way that was a serious problem. All I could do was to show the consequences of that reality by discussing the ideas that people who were clearly under Jewish influence came up with, and the conclusions they reached.

Well, here now is the most convincing evidence that Jewish moral syphilis can be a very bad thing. What we have is an editorial written by the group that does lobbying for the Jewish and Israeli causes at the Wall Street Journal. The piece has the title: “A Jewish State” and the subtitle: “Why John Kerry's Palestine diplomacy is failing.” It was published in the Journal on March 21, 2014.

Their concern centers on the trick that Netanyahu came up with some time ago to torpedo the peace negotiations right after reaching an agreement that both sides were willing to sign. It was not the first time that the Israelis had pulled a trick of this kind at the last minute, which is the reason why the negotiations have been ongoing for two decades with no end in sight. And it was during these decades that the heavily armed Jews have repeatedly massacred the unarmed Palestinians, and have robbed them of their lands, their waters, as well as the internal organs of their murdered children.

The trick this time is to make it a condition that the Palestinians recognize Israel as being a Jewish state. No, said the Palestinians as did the Arabs through their League. Call yourselves what you want, they said to the Israelis, and we shall each call ourselves what we want. In fact, everyone on this planet since the beginning of time have called themselves what they want but have never asked or have forced someone to call them one thing or another.

And this is what the editors of the Wall Street Journal are blowing their entrails out trying to convince John Kerry to make the indispensable ingredient without which the peace negotiations cannot be completed. And this is how they put it: “To Israeli ears and to ours, the League's rejection of a Jewish state exposes the deep insincerity of the Arab world's approach to peace.” What they are trying to do is use on the Arabs the tactics they have used to turn the American Congress into one of male and female bimbos. The trick consists of asking for what they want; if they don't get it, they accuse the other party of something – usually insincerity. The Americans knuckled under each time; the Arabs told the Jews to go fly a kite.

In addition, the Arabs did not have to be students of the American scene to know that the Jews would establish what looks like an innocuous principle, and get a “unanimous and bipartisan vote on it.” They will then use that principle months, years, and even decades later to extract something precious from America. Sometimes they get lucky and discover something in the books they can use as precedent to extract a few more things with which to construct a pipeline that guarantees a steady stream of goodies coming to them from America.

Look now what they believe they have discovered in that thing they call “Jewish state.” The editors of the Journal write this: “As Mr. Kerry pointed out, Resolution 181 [of the UN] refers to a Jewish State ... The late Yasser Arafat said that he accepted Israel as a Jewish state.” So why do they want the Palestinians and the Arab League to accept this condition before ending the occupation when they have been savagely badmouthing both the UN and Arafat for decades?

Surprisingly, they give an answer to that question: “Mr. Abbas won't accept a Jewish state because doing so means relinquishing what Palestinians call the 'right of return.'” But this is a lie because there is already agreement on this point in the form of who will be allowed to return, and who will receive compensation. But that is not what World Jewry and what the Israelis fear. What they fear is this: “For Israel to accept it would risk a demographic time bomb.” How might this happen?

Here is how. Twenty percent of Israel's current population is made of Christian and Muslim Arabs who make more babies than do the Jews. In addition, more Jews leave Israel now than there are Jews going into it. The expectation is that this trend will become much worse because those who go to live there are American misfits who settle in the Palestinian territories. A peace treaty with the Palestinians will shut that door – all of which means that Israel will empty of its Jewish population in the blink of an eye. Thus, to have the newly formed Palestine and the Arabs guarantee that Israel shall remain a Jewish state, guarantees that they will take from Israel a corresponding number of Christians and Muslims. Failing this, the Jews will have the right to deal with the situation any way they see fit. No, said the Palestinians. No, said the Arab League. Insincere, whined the Wall Street Journal. Go fly a kite, say the Arabs.

This is genocide by any name. It is what the editors of the Wall Street Journal are advocating. It is the result of decades of Jewish syphilis being ejaculated into their heads, their hearts and their souls.