Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Free Rein for Jews, Control for Americans

Day after day and little by little, the Americans who still dare to think about the calamity that has befallen their country find themselves mulling over a new Jewish attempt to make America inflict on itself yet another wound that will further promote the glory of Israel.

Listening to the advice of the Jewish pundits, lobbyists, and co-legislators who, over the decades, have urged America to adopt this law or that one, institute this congressional procedure or that one, and make this public pledge or that one, the American people are asked to listen yet again to more of the Jewish demands that never seem to end.

Take the example of the law forbidding Americans from communicating, much less dealing with a person or an organization that gets to be listed as a terrorist entity. On the surface, proposing such a bill would seem a reasonable project since no one should want to deal with terrorists. Well, the bill passed the congress and was signed into law. Then guess what happened. Of the entities that the Jews did not like, they picked one person after another, and one organization after another; and had them listed as terrorists. This meant Israel could communicate with these entities if and when it wanted to but America could not. The net result was that the Jewish hands were free to do what they wanted whereas the American hands were tied like those of criminals.

And when it happened that it became necessary for America to interact with someone like Hamas or Hezbollah to save American lives or do something else, it could not proceed because the hands were tied by its own law. It was the law that passed at a time when no one – except the Jews that planned the whole scheme – could have foreseen a day when America's interests would be served by doing the adult thing of talking to someone it may not like. But the fact that Jews did not like that someone either made it so that America could not discuss saving the lives of its people.

And there are many such laws – all planned in advance by the Jewish advocates who always look ahead and plant booby traps that look innocuous when first proposed, but turn out to be deadly devices when the time comes, and they detonate in the face of an incredulous nation that can be so naïve at times, it would consider demonic Jews to be loyal Americans.

So you think that the Jews will now declare mission accomplished and sit on their laurels. Well ... do that my friend, and you'll be naïve again because these people never become satisfied no matter how much they take; no matter how much they are given. But what else would they want, having secured all the gains that have accrued to them as a result of what they accomplished already?

You want to know what else they want? Read John Bolton's latest article and you'll find out. It came under the title: “Congress must defund the worst of the United Nations' institutions” and was published in the Pittsburgh Tribune on August 9, 2014. It is not only the defunding of some institution he is after – although this is one of his desires – it is also something bigger. What he wants is the planting of a booby trap that will look innocuous, even desirable at first blush, but one that will be loaded with horror waiting to be unleashed.

The use of an analogy to explain that last point is in order. Imagine a blind leper being cared for by a nurse. Satan comes to him one night in his dream, and grants him three wishes. Be careful, Satan tells him because if he asks for something that cannot be granted, he cannot substitute it for something else. So the leper says he wants to be cured of his leprosy, and Satan says this cannot be granted ... he has two attempts remaining. The leper says he wants to be able to see, and he wants the power to make the nurse see what he wants her to see. Granted, says Satan, and he disappears. The leper wakes up and finds that he can see. He looks in the mirror and sees how ugly he is so he wishes he would look to himself and to the nurse as handsome as any man can be. And it happens as wished for but in reality, he remains as ugly as ever.

Shortly thereafter, the nurse comes in and says she is glad to be here because the world out there looks ugly as if everyone was afflicted with leprosy. Yes, he says, and they are the only two unaffected by the disease. He says she does not have to go out anymore, and be forced to look at ugliness, because she will find all the love and comfort she needs right here in this dwelling. What she must do now is give him power of attorney over her finances, and he'll go out everyday to shop for what they need.

Here now is the passage which comes at the end of the Bolton article, and lays out what he wants: “To move all funding of the United Nations to purely voluntary contributions, rather than the current system of 'assessed' contributions. By moving to voluntary funding, U.S. support would depend solely on the performance of each U.N agency.”

Since the Jews control the American congress which controls the purse of the nation, bringing America's UN contribution under a voluntary regime rather than a contractual one, will give the Jews financial clout over the UN – an achievement they would kill for. The Jewish leper would have lured the American nurse and her finances into his embrace, a move to which she would have acquiesced thinking that the world out there is ugly and that he alone is handsome.

If Bolton and the Jews can get this thing under their belt, they will be able to play games with the UN in the way that they did with the American congress. They were able to freeze the congress into a gridlock in all matters except those serving Israel, and they dream of achieving a similar exploit at the UN.