Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Club of Quacks with a loud Mouth

Ron Prosor is Israel's ambassador to the United Nations. He is a capable man; capable of making bad jokes by what he says and what he fails to say. He did it again in spades, this time writing an article under the title: “Club Med for Terrorists” which he published on August 25, 2014 – where else but the New York Times?

The Club Med he mentions in the title is what he calls the “tiny Persian Gulf emirate of Qatar.” He says it is the most prominent of the nations that still stand by Hamas which he calls “the radical Palestinian Islamist group.” He is not happy with that group because he says the hostilities in Gaza persist between it and Israel. And the way to end the hostilities, in his opinion, is to “disarm and isolate Hamas.”

But why single out Hamas when the fight is between two sides, the other being Israel? Why not disarm them both … which is what always happens in a dispute where there is a call to end it? Ah, here is the answer: The call did not come from a third party; it came from Israel via its ambassador at the United Nations. But this is an unusual way to doing things. You have two parties getting into a fight, and one says disarm the other. Why is that? To finish him off without cost to you? Only a Jew would come up with an idea like this. Junk it.

Prosor goes on to tell about the arsenal and other projects that Hamas brought to bear into the fight. What he does not tell is what Israel brought. Thus, we know that Hamas launched more than 14, 800 rockets at Israel during the three rounds of fighting and the lulls between them since 2005. And there has been the discovery of dozens of tunnels, he says; tunnels that were packed with explosives, tranquilizers and handcuffs.

But was Israel disarmed during that time? Of course not. Israel has a formidable arsenal of American-made warplanes and helicopters equipped with American-made guided missiles and smart bombs. It also has tanks and armored carriers of all sorts, as well as sea crafts capable of hitting targets on land. We know that Israel used all these weapons and more because the United Nation was there, reporting on the deliberate shelling of Palestinian women and children in the schools under its supervision. This is where those innocent civilians had sought shelter, and were murdered in cold blood by the ITF, Israel's Terrorist Force.

Well now, if mentioning the arsenal of Hamas without mentioning that of Israel was not odd enough, Prosor adds to the oddity by not mentioning the number of casualties on either side. We know why that is, don't we? It is because the dead Palestinian civilians number in the thousands while (at least according to the Israelis) the dead Israeli civilians can be counted on the fingers of one hand … and none of them came about because of the rockets. They died by regular artillery shells, say the Israelis who do not wish to credit the Hamas rockets with any sort of success because Hezbollah in the North has at least ten times the number of rockets that Hamas began with. Let Hezbollah know how effective the rockets were and they will know how useless the so-called Iron Dome has been.

So then, what is Prosor complaining about? Well, talking about the tunnels, he says this: “[They] end up at the doorsteps of Israeli communities.” This means they had the potential of harming Israelis but never did. By contrast, Israel's warplanes did reach UN schools full of refugees and murdered them. Yet, his conclusion is that this should be “enough to convince anyone that Hamas has no interest in residing alongside Israel in peace.”

Oh yeah? If this is true, what can be said about Israel that did reach the Palestinian communities and did manage to send many of them to their graves? Prosor may not be mentally equipped to see that thousands of maimed and dead on one side are worse than no maimed or dead on the other, but enough people on this Planet are mentally equipped to see it. They passed judgment on the situation and on Israel, seeing the latter as the calamity that proved to be the biggest mistake the UN made when it voted to accept Israel as a member.

Unable to find more reasons to unload on Hamas, Prosor unloads on Qatar and suggests that: “Qatar is not a part of the solution but a significant part of the problem.” He goes on to say that the message to Qatar should be: “Stop financing Hamas.”

Whether or not he has a point, what is certain is that Israel – being the only terrorist state on this planet – must cease receiving any form of help from America. This is not only for the sake of the world, but also for the sake of America and its future generations.