Friday, August 1, 2014

They wish to create an American Frankenstein

Ron Prosor is Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, and he wrote an article that was published in the New York Post on July 31, 2014. The title of the article is: “Israel's Fight today will be yours tomorrow” which means something to him but something else when looked at in its proper historical context.

To Prosor, it means there is an evil force out there (later identified as terrorism) which is always trying to do bad things because it is evil – period. That force does a dry run on Israel first, and then duplicates on America and the West what it did to Israel, he says. He gives the example of hijacking planes which he says was done to Israel in 1968, and then to America 33 years later in 2001. His complaint is that the “liberal elite” as he calls it, scorned Israel for implementing measures to protect its citizens.

That pattern was repeated time and time again over the years, he says, for which the international community condemned Israel for the measures it took ... but then adopted “these same measures when the danger hit home.” It is now happening that Israel has again come under attack “both by Hamas and by the supposed liberals,” he says. And he complains that instead of seeing Hamas as a terrorist group, the liberals have a romantic notion of it being a group of freedom fighters.

The author now gets into the war that Israel has launched on Gaza. He hurls the same old insults at Hamas, repeats the same old talking points about its intention, and the same old accusations about its methods. And so, he says that the same terrorism which Israel has been fighting against will someday be duplicated in America and the West in the way that hijacking was in the past.

Prosor made that presentation to pave the way for asking that America and the West do something specific. We shall come to that in a moment but first, let's look at what he did, and what he neglected to do. He neglected to mention the fact that hijacking planes was started in America by people who were badly discriminated against and wanted to go to Cuba where they asked for asylum. The Palestinian people who had been crying out their pain for twenty years using quiet and scholarly methods – yet were getting no one's attention – saw that a single hijacking got its perpetrator more attention than twenty years of their effort.

And so, a handful of rambunctious Palestinian Christians decided to hijack an Israeli plane, not to harm anyone, but to tell the world they too were hurting, and would appreciate getting a little attention. Instead of addressing the issues of concern to them, the Israelis who were saying there was no such a thing as a Palestinian people, redoubled their effort to find and assassinate the Palestinian leaders. These were of the larger and mostly Muslim organization known as Fatah. At the same time, the Israelis mounted a worldwide campaign to erase the Palestinian identity from world history.

The Muslims, led by Yasser Arafat, who were peaceful and scholarly by nature had been shamed enough by their Christian comrades, and were provoked enough by the Jews that they responded to the latter's provocations. The Israelis returned the favor, and things escalated from there to the point where they are at today. Despite these developments, Fatah remained largely a peaceful organization, but that was still unacceptable to the Israelis, so they decided to do something about it.

What they did was recruit young and apparently fanatic Muslim boys, and trained them to go after Fatah – assassinate, murder, debilitate and what have you. But as it always happens to the fools of this world, the Israelis had created the Frankenstein that turned against them eventually. Today, this group calls itself Hamas, the one that Israel created but seeks to destroy so as to let Fatah – the one that Israel once sought to destroy but could not – rule in Hamas's place. Call it a double reversal.

You know what, my friend? This is social experimentation of the type that the Jews have been trying for 35 centuries now. Each experiment ended with the monster they created devouring them. They are trying it again, and they want America to submit to their attempts.

Let me kiss you goodbye, America, for there may not be a tomorrow for you.