Monday, August 25, 2014

WSJ Logic contaminated with moral Arsenic

When the spin doctors do routine stuff, spinning the news of the day to make them serve the causes they promote, they may take chances once in a while and say or do something without being too careful. They usually get away with it unless there are gadflies out there waiting for them to make just this kind of mistake. When it happens, they pounce on them and sting them as hard as they can. Well my friend, I ask you to believe what I am saying because I know what I'm talking about, having stung a few of them on this website.

The Wall Street Journal has been one of the publications that kept me busy almost continuously. It did it in two ways. First, it published articles by a large number of crackpots, many of whom are out there waiting for a sucker to pay them for the trash they whip up without thinking. Second, it published pieces written by its own Jewish editors whose approach to the business of thinking logically makes the moves of a raging bull – let loose in a china shop – look like a monk meditating in his study room.

What a gadfly normally does to sting someone who is less than careful, is to search for a weakness in the argument, of the kind that looks like a contradiction. It can be a contradiction with the self, or one with known facts, or one that looks like an affront to logic. Of course, the spin doctors know all that, and when they speak or write with care, they seize on the nuances of the subject matter they are discussing to stretch the points they wish to emphasize, and compress those they wish to hide. This leaves room for disagreeing with the opposite side without being disagreeable … and everyone would have earned his keep. At the end of the day, the work looks professional, and everyone moves on.

Where the gadfly will have a field day attacking a publication, is when the spin doctor makes a mistake of logic that leaves a hole in his argument. The bigger the whole, the more enjoyable the gadfly's field day, and the bigger the embarrassment of the spin doctor. You know what, my friend? Let me tell you a secret. The Jewish writers are the most notorious at making mistakes of logic that leave not just holes in their arguments but massive craters in them.

There is one now like I never saw before. It came in the editorial that was written under the title: “What happens to Palestinian Moderates,” and the subtitle: “Shot in the streets with a pistol to the head after midday prayers.” It was published on August 25, 2014. I would have given the piece a title like: Postmortem Defense in Absentia. But that would have been beside the point, because the essential point here is much bigger than that.

So now you want to know what the big hole in the argument is. Okay, here it is in the form of a comparison. Imagine America at war against an enemy that has already killed 400,000 Americans ... a quarter of them soldiers and three quarters civilians. The war is still raging, and a network of 20 spies or so is caught red handed sending information to the enemy concerning high value targets that did the most damage to America when they were bombed by the enemy.

How serious is that offense? Well, everywhere in the world and in every war that was fought, people like these have been judged summarily and shot without delay. You can argue about the case all you want, and there may be merit in some of what you say but the one thing you cannot do unless you are a Jew that is mentally disturbed to a horrible extent, is to call these people moderates for what they have done. And yet, this is what the Jewish editors of the Wall Street Journal have done. You just cannot be more disturbed than that unless you're someone that hires people of this caliber, or one that keeps them on the job.

In case the readers believe that the editors made an inadvertent mistake but do not really mean what the text sounds like, the editors went out their way to reinforce that point of view. First, they say this: “The public killings show anyone who dissents...” They called them moderates, now they call them dissenters.

And there is more. In fact, what comes next is more revealing than all the previous examples put together. Here it is: “The Palestinians will never have peace as long as they keep murdering anyone who wants it.” What they are saying here is that the peace the Palestinians will ever get from the Jews is the peace of the grave which comes with the betrayal of country.

Now you know what sort of logic these Jews have used to turn the American Congress into a snake pit of criminal traitors betraying their country the way that those Palestinians betrayed theirs.