Let's be honest with ourselves, the two big problems that
the world is facing today in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have to do with
policies that were followed by the United States of America since the
early years of the 1960s. They consist of (1) encircling the Soviet Union even
now when the Soviet Union is no more, having become the Russian Federation. And
(2) Giving Israel the financial, military and diplomatic wherewithal to rampage
as it wishes in the Middle East, and then intervening with American military
power to “finish” the job.
In Eastern Europe, absorbing the states that splintered out
of the Warsaw Pact into NATO was not a great idea to begin with, but coming as
close to Russia as Ukraine , and
flirting with that country while waving the specter of a possible membership in
the European Union and later in NATO, was dumb. Also, playing the Jewish game
of passing a law in the American congress of monkeys “to punish” Russia every
time that a Russian Jew ran afoul of the laws over there and was punished for
it, demonstrated to Russia's Putin that America was no better than a private
washroom whose key was in the hand of World Jewry, and that it should be
treated as such.
As to the Middle East, the long standing Jewish game of
using American power, prestige, influence, money and Jewish-American personnel
to bribe, blackmail, divide and conquer even the nations with which Israel did
not have diplomatic relations, was the height of American foolishness, and its neglect
to police its own. Moreover, America
financed and armed Israel ,
allowing it to commit crimes against its neighbors, and then protected it from
every possible diplomatic fallout. Worse, America
intervened militarily to protect Israel
or to finish the Job where Israel
got into trouble. And while all of that was happening, America played the Jewish game of crushing the
Arab centers of power such as the Baath Party of Iraq – an act that helped to break
up that country in accordance with the longstanding Jewish dream.
And now, the chicken have come home to roost in that the
past is catching up with America .
It is staring it in the eye and daring it to intervene militarily. Putin would
like nothing more than to see America
arm Ukraine so that he may
immediately invade the country, and dare America to start a nuclear war to
evict him from there. As to the commanders of the Islamic State, they would
like nothing more than to see American soldiers on Arab soil so as to recruit
the faithful, not by the thousands, but by the millions, and have a real Holy
War where an authentic Jihad will make of them authentic jihadists who will
then die as authentic martyrs.
Robert H. Scales has an article in the September 15, 2014
edition of the Wall Street Journal, in which he explains why America cannot
win a war against these jihadists. The article comes under the title: “The ISIS
Way Of War Is One We Know Well” and the subtitle: “Like Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam and Mao in Korea , the enemy is brutal,
elusive, and armed with good-enough weapons.”
What follows is how he explains the method of guerilla
armies to fight wars: “They have adapted a way of war that avoids the killing
effects of Western technology and firepower … They fight with secondhand
technology that's good enough. The Chinese and North Vietnamese did most of
their killing with mortars and automatic rifles. Hezbollah and Hamas have
knocked out Israeli tanks with simple handheld anti-tank missiles … Command and
control is by cell phone and courier. Americans died by the hundreds in Iraq and Afghanistan from the crude
technology of shells and explosives buried along roads and trails.”
If that's the case, what is there to do? Vali R. Nasr wrote
an article that came under the title: “The Grand Strategy Obama Needs” and was
published in the September 12 edition of the New York Times. In it, he gives a
number of good ideas on how to go about handling the current situations in
Eastern Europe and the Middle East .
He says America 's
Dwight Eisenhower faced the twin problems of a crisis in Eastern Europe and the
Middle East in the 1950s. He solved them
successfully by developing a grand strategy because “he had a long-term global
perspective … He backed away from Challenging the Soviet suppression of
Hungary, then forced America's European allies into an ignominious retreat from
He goes on to say that the difference between then and now
is that the current problem in both Ukraine and the Iraq-Syria region
is that we now have weak states populated by groups that do not want to stay
together. And so, he says that America
should “declare our unyielding opposition to any outside forces that would seek
to divide them.” Well, Nasr is not saying it out loud but to me, this means
that Israel
and all those Jews operating out of the American so-called think tanks should
buzz off.
Finally, Nasr comes out and says openly: “So Mr. Obama's big
Challenge is to help weak states reconcile, compromise and unite, and thus deny
enemies a chance to start civil wars.” To that, we should all say amen.