Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Jewish/Israeli Circle of self-Deception

Benjamin Netanyahu went before the General Assembly of the United Nations and told the world it is wrong from one end to the other, and that Israel is in the right because it is made of Jews who are never wrong about anything. The proof, he says, is that militant Islam thinks of itself as being so much in the right, it wants to dominate the world … and the Jews, presumably, do not think that way.

However, the world was right about half of one thing, he went on to say, while being wrong about the other half of the same thing. It was right when it “applauded President Obama for leading the effort to confront ISIS,” and wrong when “the same countries opposed Israel for confronting Hamas,” he explained. That's because these people “don't understand that ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree,” he further explained.

To document that idea, he quoted the leader of ISIS as saying the Muslim will walk everywhere as a master. And he quoted the leader of Hamas as saying that his nation will sit on the throne of the world. The fact remains, however, that whatever it is those two characters said – if indeed they said anything at all – the world did not bristle when they said it.

By contrast, in Netanyahu's own words during that same speech, he reported that “we hear mobs in Europe call for the gassing of Jews. National leaders compare Israel to the Nazis.” And before you ask why that is, he tells you why. He says “this is not a function of Israel's policies. It's a function of diseased minds … anti-Semitism. It is spreading in polite society masquerading as legitimate criticism of Israel.”

Well, if this is happening in Europe, imagine what the rest of the world thinks of Israel and the Jews. And like he said it himself, anti-Semitism is something that kept happening throughout time and throughout the planet. Thus, according to him, all of humanity has been diseased since the beginning of time, and only the Jews have remained sane. This being the case, Hamas must be wrong, according to that same logic, and must be destroyed in the same way that the world wishes to destroy ISIS.

So much for Hamas. Now to someone else that is also in the cross-hairs of Netanyahu. It is Iran which calls itself the Islamic State of Iran. This is like ISIS which stands for the Islamic State (IS) of one thing or another but is not the same as the Jewish State (JS), he wants you to believe. The difference between them is that those other ones are happy to call themselves what they wish to call themselves, whereas Israel wants the Palestinians, including Hamas, to call it by that name. See why the Jews are always sane and in the right, whereas everyone else is wrong and insane?

Okay, we hear you, Bibi the Netanyahu. Now tell us, what's with Iran? And boy, does he have a story to tell. He says the President of Iran “stood here last week and shed crocodile tears.” But the truth, he goes on to say, is that Iran wants to build a nuclear bomb. That's bad, he says, because unlike Israel that is coy and ambiguous about having or not having the bomb, Iran says clearly it does not have the bomb and does not plan to have one.

Did Netanyahu use these exact words? Not really. But what he said was not much different. Here it is: “Don't be fooled by Iran's manipulative charm offensive. It's designed to lift the sanctions and remove the obstacles to Iran's path to the bomb. This would effectively cement Iran's place as a threshold military nuclear power.” And he does not wait for you to ask what's wrong with that; he tells you. He does so by asking questions: “Would you let ISIS enrich uranium? Would you let ISIS build a heavy water reactor? Would you let ISIS develop intercontinental ballistic missiles?”

And that's not all because, being a Jew, Netanyahu now plays the role of prophet. So sit back, watch and marvel at his predictive prowess: “Here's what will happen. Once Iran produces atomic bombs, all the charms and all the smiles will suddenly disappear. And it is then that the ayatollahs will show their true face and unleash their aggressive fanaticism on the entire world.” Scary stuff!

He does not say why he is pessimistic about Iran when there was a time it was considered the Shiite darling of the Jews. At the same time, no Sunni Arab cares to know why he has suddenly become optimistic about them, having been the boogeyman of the Jews for so long. Thus, you must think of Netanyahu as dreaming idle dreams when you see him express: “I believe that with a fresh approach from our neighbors, we can advance peace despite the difficulties we face.”

Whoa! Wait a minute. This man still has the gall to speak of a fresh approach from the neighbors. The truth is that the Jews said the same thing decades ago, and the neighbors gave them the “Arab Initiative” which had in it everything they wanted. And what did they do with it? They pocketed the thing, but the peace they promised in return was not one peace; it was the many pieces of Palestine they kept stealing ever since.

Still, not only does he want the Arabs to legitimize the looting that the Jews have been doing in Palestine; he wants the Arabs to open the door for the Jews to loot at a faster rate. Look at the thing that will make the Arabs and all of humanity bristle and run in the streets of Europe and elsewhere yet again, asking for the gassing of Jews. Look and marvel at the ability of the Jews to do it to themselves: “The old template for peace must be updated. It must take into account new realities and new roles and responsibilities for our Arab neighbors.” And no contribution for peace from Israel? Not one iota?

This guy is shameless and there is a reason why. It is that he is a Jew, and that's why Jews are hated everywhere, and have been since the beginning of time. They are hated not because of race, religion, creed or what have you. They are hated because they are driven by an ideology that makes them behave like insatiable beasts. Every once in a while, someone decides to challenge them and all of humanity pays the price of the confrontation that follows.

But the Jews have come full circle, and no one is allowing them to start the cycle one more time. They either understand this or they will pay a final price that may well be terminal.