Friday, November 21, 2014

'Despair' is less obscene than 'self-Defense'

What can be more pornographic than to call “glib” the occupation of a people by bloodthirsty religious fanatics who came from abroad? Nothing is more pornographic, of course, which is why only the Jerusalem Post would make such an assertion. Not only that, but the Jerusalem rag went as far as to belittle the level of despair to which an individual can sink before committing suicide. It’s done for the heck of it as far as they are concerned.

The editors of the Post said all that and more in the piece they wrote under the title: “Unjustifiable Horror” and the subtitle: “The obscenity of what transpired in [the] synagogue cannot be explained away by glib terms like 'despair' or 'occupation.'” It was published on November 20, 2014. Bear in mind that most of the people who write for and edit the Jerusalem Post are American Jews; the kind that run around braying to their non-Jewish colleagues and to the American political class they must not “compaaaare” Israel with anyone because Israel is pure, and no one else comes close to that.

However, knowing the Jewish ideology, the first thing that you do when you hear them bray is start comparing the reality you see on the ground with what they try to hide. You invariably find that whereas the Palestinians may occasionally kill 2 or 4 Israelis in a hand-to-hand, eye-to-eye combat during which time they themselves get killed, the Israelis routinely kill Palestinians by the thousands – not by looking at them in the face but looking at them through instruments of war, sitting inside the cockpit of a warplane, a helicopter gunship, a naval vessel, a tank or an armored carrier … all made in America and given to them free of charge.

Yes indeed, you cannot compare the act of a desperate Palestinian who would rather die than live under a murderous Jewish tyranny … comparing that with the act of “love” that professional Jewish killers say they bestow on their victims. The first do what they do because they are antisemitic haters of Jews, say the Jews. The second do what they do because it's their way to kiss their Palestinian victims with bullets, hug them with tanks and shower them with the loving fragments of a hand grenade or a cluster bomb, say the Jews. This is why they catch their victims in their bedrooms at night when mothers tuck their babies, singing to them a lullaby. Yes, say it again, saintly Jewboy: What a way to go! There is nothing more humane than this Jewish practice.

And this is where you clearly see the difference between the two cultures. It is why the Palestinians who represent an existential threat to the Israelis compel the latter to continually claim that “Israel has the right to defend itself.” On the other hand, the Jews are so good to the Palestinians; they continually remind the surrounding Arab leaders of their obligation to do two things. First, they tell the Arabs they must thank Israel for stealing Palestine. Second, they tell them they must condemn the obscenity of desperate individual Palestinians who breakdown and take the enemy with them as they end their own lives.

Having gone through the old Jewish habit of making their demands, they now continue with the old Jewish habit of voicing their meandering talking points. And so, they say this: “Palestinian organizations hardly need a pretext for killing Jews” which they neuter with this: “Ever since Israel's founding, the pretext for killing Jews is Jewish sovereignty on land deemed to belong to Muslims.” But the editors sense that this too needs to be neutered, so they come up with this: “Even assassins from Christian Palestinian [groups] now shout Allahu Akbar so that no mistake can be made about the source of their inspiration.”

As can be seen, the editors went from no pretext to killing Jews … to killing them motivated by the pretext that Jews steal Muslim lands. This is meandering alright, but they felt uneasy about the reference to Muslims, so they admitted that Christians too are motivated by the right of Palestine to defend itself. And this is why the Christians retaliate against Jewish crimes while shouting Allahu Akbar, they went on to say.

Ah, but wait a minute! There is the reality that the occupation causes “millions of Muslims and Christians between the Mediterranean and the Jordan, to fall into despair.” The fact that they don't all commit suicide means that the one or two who breakdown and kill themselves, are heinous individuals who conjure up the centuries of violent antisemitism that took place throughout the planet.

For this reason, the time has come once again to call the peace process dead; why the occupation can continue without the promise to ever end. It is why Palestinian homes must be demolished and new Jewish settlements built on stolen land. And why this regime shall continue unabated till there is no more a Palestine to loot.